Useful tips

Paranit (spray): reviews


Available in several pharmacological forms:

  • Shampoo. Clear, colorless or yellowish liquid, characterized by a weak perfume smell. Sold in bottles of 200 ml.
  • Paranit Sensitiv. White liquid with a slight specific aroma. They are sold in bottles of 150 ml per package, in addition to the bottle they put a comb and instructions.
  • Spray. Clear, colorless or yellowish oily liquid, odorless. Pour 100 ml of plastic bottles, which are equipped with mechanical sprays. The box should also have a comb for combing nits and lice.
  • Lotion. Transparent, colorless or yellow liquid, oily consistency, without a specific smell. Sell ​​in bottles of 100 ml.
  • Repellent. Clear yellowish liquid. Poured into bottles with dispensers of 100 ml.


Means that are part of Paranita belong to the 4th class of low-hazard substances. In dosages that correspond to those recommended in the instructions, there is usually no sensitizing, irritant and skin resorptive action.

In order to destroy the parasites, usually one prolonged contact of the product with the hair is sufficient. Sometimes you may need to re-treatment after a couple of weeks.


Paranit cannot be used in such cases:

  • individual intolerance of some component that is part of the means,
  • younger child age - up to 1 year for Paranit Sensitive, up to 3 years for shampoo, spray, lotion, repellent,
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding (except for the means Paranit Sensitiv).

Shampoo Parasite, instructions for use

Recommendations for use of the product:

  • Check the presence of lice and nits from all people who live in the apartment. This should be done when the hair is dry, looking through each strand separately. It uses a comb that comes with shampoo. Particular attention should be paid to the place behind the ears and at the bottom of the neck.
  • Apply shampoo to dry hair and distribute it over the entire length of the hair and scalp, massage the skin well.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Add water and whisk the foam.
  • Rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.
  • With wet hair using a special comb, which was in the box of shampoo, remove the parasites. To do this, divide the hair into pieces and carefully check each of them. After each combing, clean the comb.
  • After a week, repeat the treatment.
  • Destroy all the lice that may be in the house: wash all clothes and bed linen used by the infected person in hot water, wash combs and hairbrushes, vacuum the house and car to avoid reinfection.

Spray Paranit, instructions for use

  • Check with the whole family for head lice.
  • Spray the entire length of hair from a distance of 10 cm. If the hair is long or thick, they need to be divided into strands, and then process each. As a result, all hair must be fully moisturized.
  • Leave 15 minutes on the hair.
  • Wash your head with warm water and shampoo or soap.
  • Comb through the hair with a special brush to remove dead lice, which should be sold with a spray.
  • If necessary, repeat the treatment after 1-1.5 weeks.

Paranit Sensitiv, instructions for use

Proper application of the tool involves several steps:

  • Carefully check the presence of head lice and nits from all family members. To do this, use a special comb, which is sold complete with a bottle of Paranit Sensitiv. If lice are found in several people, they must be treated on the same day.
  • Shake the bottle well.
  • Apply to dry hair in such quantity that it becomes wet. Spread the product evenly over the entire length.
  • Leave the medication for 8 hours. No need to use a hat. To protect the pillow, it can be covered with a towel.
  • If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a week.


Excessive exposure to the scalp or contact with mucous membranes or more tender skin may cause irritation. burning, itch.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you should immediately wash the drug. In order to relieve pain, you can prepare a 2% solution of novocaine. If serious damage to the skin or mucous membrane remains, you should seek specialized medical assistance.

special instructions

When applying Paranita, it is necessary to remember such recommendations:

  • You need to be very attentive to the reaction of the skin in the presence of skin diseases, high sensitivity to chemicals and a tendency to allergic reactions.
  • To prevent the ingestion of mucous eyes, nose and skin, before treating the head, you should wear a bandage below the hair.
  • The hands of the person who is processing must be protected with rubber gloves. Wash hands thoroughly after the procedure.
  • During the treatment of hair can not eat, eat, smoke.
  • At the slightest signs of irritation of the skin or mucous membrane immediately wash off.
  • Only external use is allowed.
  • If a person uses contact lenses, before applying a pediculicidal agent lenses must be removed.

Means Paranit Sensitiv allowed to use for the treatment of children from 1 year.

Shampoo, lotion, spray and repellent are used only for children over 3 years old.

Spray "Paranit" - the main action

Many are interested in the question of how effective this tool is. What is the "Paranit" (spray)? Instructions for use contains all the features of use. It should be noted that this tool is transparent, oily and odorless. Active ingredients - Dimethicone and mineral oil (isopar). The first substance actively protects the hair structure from the action of oil. The second is the main thing in the fight against parasites.

This remedy is low hazard, on the skin in recommended doses, it leaves no irritation, is intended for external use. Available in a plastic bottle with a spray, sometimes the package contains a comb for combing nits.

Application method, reviews

Before poisoning lice in a child, you need to look at the occipital and temporal part of the head with all family members in good light. After that, you will know to whom to handle the head.

“Paranit” (spray), the instruction also describes this, you need to take it 10 cm away from the surface of the head. After that, you must press the sprayer and apply the product on dry hair until it is moisturized. Then you need to rub the substance into the roots. If a child or an adult has thick or long hair, they should be sprayed along strands.

After holding the substance on the hair for 15-20 minutes, you need to wash off using the shampoo "Paranit" (spray). Reviews of many buyers of this tool indicate that it should be washed off very carefully. Oily base can not wash out for a long time. From the first time this is sometimes difficult to achieve, so you have to wash it several times.

What precautions must be taken when applying?

To prevent such means as Paranit spraying in the eyes (feedback from people who used it, confirm the need for such an action), many use a scarf around their heads before use. If the substance still gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it is necessary to immediately rinse these places with running water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

For strong scratching of the scalp, the agent is not recommended, as the substance may even more damage the skin. The tool is used strictly as intended and stored as far as possible from children.

Positive feedback on the action of the remedy

Is Paranit Spray effective? Reviews of him can be found varied. Let's start with the positive. Mothers of girls say that when their children bring these parasites from school or camps, they immediately start a panic attack. After all, no one wants to carry such living creatures on their heads. Using "Paranit", you can get rid of parasites in several treatments. Several treatments are required to hatch and die not combed nits.

Some "Paranit" helps from the first time, when the lice just settled and did not have time to put off the nits. Then the tool is actively struggling with living individuals, relieving the head of extra tenants. Among the positive aspects, it was also noted that the funds are enough for several times (up to 4).

Negative reviews

Quite easy to use "Paronite" (spray) for lice. Reviews of parents confirm this. But there are negative points after applying the tool. Many of them mark and explain their choice of another drug.

Among the main negative points of the people who used the tool, emit:

  • Not all lice die - some say that even after the third treatment, live parasites can be found in the hair. This may be due to insufficient treatment of the hair when it is excessively thick or long. The concept of moisturizing hair means for all is relative. Therefore, it is better to be safe and apply more than just moisten.
  • Hair loss - it was noted that after using the product, hair starts to fall out. Active ingredients can not contribute to this. Most likely, this phenomenon can be observed with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. Either hair loss on the head has nothing to do with the use of this tool.
  • The main complaint of many parents about the spray is the strong oily contamination of the scalp. Some even had to use dishwashing detergent to wash away the “Paranit” (spray). The price of the drug, as users note, does not correspond to the time spent on its leaching and its effectiveness.

Price Paranita, where to buy

Buy Paranit can be in most pharmacies.

Cost of various pharmacological forms of Paranita:

  • spray price in Russia - 720-800 rubles, in Ukraine - 600-800 UAH.,
  • shampoo price from lice and nits - 920-1020 p., 750-950 UAH.,
  • Paranit lotion - 250-400 p., about 500 UAH.,
  • Funds Paranit Sensitiv - 1120-1250 p., about 1300 UAH.,
  • repellent - about 600 p., about 750 UAH.

Recommendations for effective use

Parents note that it is much more effective to get rid of lice when using the “Paranit” product and the special comb that comes in the set. It has thick teeth that help comb nits. It is better to take small strands of hair, then you do not miss the eggs of parasites. In addition, the comb after combing each strand must be cleaned with a cotton disc to avoid reinfection.

Some mothers use hair straighteners in addition to spray. By killing the parasites with the help of Paranita, nits can be removed using this method. It is proved that the eggs of lice and the individuals themselves die at a temperature of 60 degrees. Conducting the iron on a thin strand of hair, you can at once get rid of lice. This method takes a lot of time, but it is effective. Before this, the child needs to be adjusted in a positive way, as when combing, and during the application of the ironing, many babies begin to be capricious.

Paranit shampoo

It is a viscous liquid, white with a yellowish shade, based on a complex of oils (anise, coconut, ylang-ylang oil), has a pleasant aroma. Active active ingredient - clearol. The action of the shampoo is dehydration and blockage of the respiratory system of parasites, therefore they die.

The average price in Moscow is 968 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 942 rubles.

Paranit spray, lotion

Presented in the form of a clear, colorless or yellowish, oily, odorless oily liquid. Made from isopar mineral oil, active ingredient - Dimethicone 4.0%. The action is aimed at the larvae and adult lice.

Contraindications: period of pregnancy and lactation, child age under 3 years old, damaged areas of the scalp, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Spray average price in Moscow - 829 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 808 rubles.

Lotion average price in Moscow - 435 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 411 rubles.

Instructions for use

  1. Apply shampoo massaging the hair roots spread it over the entire length.
  2. Moisten hair with water and beat the foam.
  3. Keep 10 minutesthen rinse thoroughly with scalp and hair.
  4. With a special comb carefully comb the parasites with wet hair, without missing a single section of the head.
  5. A week later will repeatl procedure.

Too thick and long hairit is recommended to divide into strands and process each one in turn.

  1. Apply / spray (at a distance of 10 cm) remedy for dry hairuntil they are fully wetted. Carefully rub it into the scalp.
  2. Soak on the head 15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Comb out lice and nits Special comb with wet hair.
  4. After combing each strand gThe child must be cleaned with a cotton pad.
  5. Repeat processing if necessary in 7-10 days.

Precautionary measures

  • Before use it is recommended to wear a tight bandage on his foreheadto prevent the drug from getting into the eyes.
  • During processing no smoking, drinking and eating.
  • When using lotion / spray Wear protective gloves.

For the prevention of the spread of pediculosis is recommendedrotate the steam treatment of bedding and furniture upholstery.

Paranit spray lice and nits: reviews

Like the eldest son, the younger one managed to pick up chickenpox and lice at school. But if he quickly had chickenpox, he didn’t notice lice immediately and started the treatment when there were already a lot of them. I was in a panic - the whole family, the eldest son, and my husband and I managed to get infected with him. In general, I bought a spray from Paranit lice, which judging by the reviews without poisons. In comparison with some means, it is certainly weaker - it kills the lice immediately, but there are no nits. Therefore, it is necessary to count on at least two treatments. But there is no allergy from it, and a special comb comes in the package.

It is good that those times have already passed when head lice almost brought us to hysterics. I was very surprised when my granddaughters brought a whole array of lice from the camp. Their hair is very long, so I didn’t want to cut it off, after all, school soon. My daughter bought a Paranit shampoo at the pharmacy. To be honest, he caused me great doubts, since neither a burning sensation nor a pungent smell was observed. Somehow, these parasites must die if not suffocated. The daughter began to wash and comb the absolutely motionless lice. A week later, as expected, they repeated the treatment and were very pleased with the result.

Pair Lotion is good, inexpensive, very easy to apply. One problem - it washes off very badly, the hair got greasy for another week, which of course did not look very good. For him, there is a shampoo and a special conditioner, for good reason I did not take it to the pharmacy. But the main thing that got rid of lice. I never would have thought that I would overtake such a disgusting

Paranit Sensitiv lice: reviews

The product is very effective and soft. I caught pediculosis when I was in position, my husband also got infected from me. We treated our heads together, left them for the night, I wrapped my hair in a towel, and my husband just laid a towel on the pillow. The tool does not stain. In the morning they combed out the dead lice with a comb, which was attached with the product. Parasites brought quickly, nothing complicated. Handle the second time did not have to.

A safe and effective remedy, I believe. And get rid of unwanted guests, and the hair has not suffered. I bought Paranit sensitive when my daughter from the camp brought lice to me, I was pregnant then. Together and processed hair. Strongly did not have to comb out, it turned out to be a little nits. Hair and scalp is not spoiled.

I work in a kindergarten, we have a periodic problem with pediculosis - one brought, and everyone got infected. We check children's hair every day to notice on time. I recommend this remedy to parents, because it really helps the first time. More than once checked, everyone is always happy.

Paranit Repellent

Means in the form of spray used for the prevention of pediculosis. The main the active ingredient is IR 3535 (ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate), which has a deterring effect on the head necks. The presence of clearol enhances the effect of the main active ingredient.

The drug does not contain neurotoxic components., in connection with which he does not develop tolerance in insects.

A drug recommended for prevention of infection with head lice during an outbreak of the disease, an unfavorable situation or to prevent re-infection after a previous treatment of the head.

Contraindications: children's age up to 3 years, pregnancy and lactation, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The average price in Moscow is 751 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 829 rubles.

Means description

Often used the wrong name - Paronite. It is used for children, as well as for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is due to the composition containing safe ingredients.

Advantages that different shampoo:

  • A pleasant smell due to the flavor,
  • When applied correctly provides fast results.
  • Makes hair nasty, so Paranit shampoo is used even for patients with curly hair.

A special comb for combing lice from the hair is included in the kit for any Paranit brand product. It removes both live and dead parasites.

Clinical Pharmacology

The effect of shampoo on the human body is tested in many clinical laboratories - as a result, according to the results of research, this tool gives a positive effect in the fight against lice.

“Paranit” simultaneously suffocates lice and deprives them of moisture.

Shampoo "Paranit" does not possess insecticides. As a result, lice die at any time from a similar drug - “do not get used” to it.

Forms of release

Paranit can be purchased in the form of shampoo, lotion, spray and sensitive products.

It is a viscous transparent liquid of light colors (from white to beige and yellow). Even when ingested, it does not cause serious pain, therefore it is classified as a hazard class 4.

Issued in the form of a clear liquid, immediately ready to use. The drug has a faint odor. Absolutely safe for people, belongs to the 4th class.

Liquid oily form, painted in cream or white. Contained in a plastic bottle with a spray.

Indications for use

Shampoo, spray and lotion completely destroy any type of head lice in people in the larva and adult stage.

Sensitive is designed to get rid of all degrees of lice on the head, including eggs. Effective against any species. It dehydrates insects and nits, in adults and larvae it interferes with breathing, blocking the functions of the system.

How to apply

Before using any drug, you must comb your hair well. You do not need to wet them.

Shake the bottle by mixing the product. Apply to hair, starting from the roots, thoroughly moisten the whole mass, the last to pass the tips. If the hair is long, the treatment is carried out, dividing them into strands. It is very important to moisten all hair and scalp evenly.

Do not cover the head with anything, keep the lotion for 14-18 minutes. Then apply the shampoo that always wash your hair. Thoroughly rub it over the entire surface of the curls and head, only then rinse with water, preferably running. If the lotion is not completely washed off, rinse again with shampoo, then water.

If necessary, you can apply the lotion again.

The drug is applied exclusively on dry hair! The tool should be evenly distributed over the entire mass of hair, as well as the scalp and neck. Massage thoroughly, rubbing the shampoo all over the skin, especially on the back of the head. Leave the agent to act for 9-12 minutes, then slightly moisten the hair to get a thick foam, still massage and finally rinse with water.

Dry your hair a little, then take a comb from the lice attached to the set and comb out the dead insects and their nits.

A bottle of shampoo can be applied up to 8 times, if required. The interval between treatments at least 6-9 days.

To shake a bottle, mixing contents and to apply it consecutively on dry hair, well moistening them. Then massage the preparation into the roots and skin on the head. Leave the product on the hair for 14-17 minutes without covering it with a warming cap.

Special comb, which is included in the kit, carefully comb out the dead nits and lice. Only then rinse the hair with any shampoo and warm water.

You can repeat the procedure in 6-8 days, if there is such a need.

Paranit sensitive

New means - an opaque liquid of white color. It has a peculiar odor, which is mild.

The composition of the tool

  • Shampoo. The main active ingredient is Clearol (mineral oil) 69%, foam agents 30% and aromatic perfume 1%.
  • Sensitive. The active ingredient is the complex oxyftyrin, consisting of the active agent dimethicone at a concentration of 4% and its synergists. The latter increase the effectiveness of the drug, enhancing its properties.
  • Spray. It includes the main substance Dimethicone (4%) and Izopar - mineral oil (96%).
  • Lotion. Anise oil 96% and the main tool Dimethicone 4%.

Indications for use

Shampoo, spray and lotion completely destroy any type of head lice in people in the larva and adult stage.

Sensitive is designed to get rid of all degrees of lice on the head, including eggs. Effective against any species. It dehydrates insects and nits, in adults and larvae it interferes with breathing, blocking the functions of the system.


All forms of Paranita are prohibited to use only if there is individual allergy to any ingredients of the product. Do not use the drug in violation of the integrity of the skin, the presence of any skin diseases. You can not handle kids up to a year.

How to apply

Before using any drug, you must comb your hair well. You do not need to wet them.

Shake the bottle by mixing the product. Apply to hair, starting from the roots, thoroughly moisten the whole mass, the last to pass the tips. If the hair is long, the treatment is carried out, dividing them into strands. It is very important to moisten all hair and scalp evenly.

Do not cover the head with anything, keep the lotion for 14-18 minutes. Then apply the shampoo that always wash your hair. Thoroughly rub it over the entire surface of the curls and head, only then rinse with water, preferably running. If the lotion is not completely washed off, rinse again with shampoo, then water.

If necessary, you can apply the lotion again.

The drug is applied exclusively on dry hair! The tool should be evenly distributed over the entire mass of hair, as well as the scalp and neck. Massage thoroughly, rubbing the shampoo all over the skin, especially on the back of the head. Leave the agent to act for 9-12 minutes, then slightly moisten the hair to get a thick foam, still massage and finally rinse with water.

Dry your hair a little, then take a comb from the lice attached to the set and comb out the dead insects and their nits.

A bottle of shampoo can be applied up to 8 times, if required. The interval between treatments at least 6-9 days.

To shake a bottle, mixing contents and to apply it consecutively on dry hair, well moistening them. Then massage the preparation into the roots and skin on the head. Leave the product on the hair for 14-17 minutes without covering it with a warming cap.

Special comb, which is included in the kit, carefully comb out the dead nits and lice. Only then rinse the hair with any shampoo and warm water.

You can repeat the procedure in 6-8 days, if there is such a need.

Paranit sensitive

The substance must be kept on the hair for 8-9 hours, so it is easiest to apply in the evening, before going to bed. Shake the container first, then wet the entire hair mass with liquid, rubbing it into the skin and roots. Hands massage the preparation over the entire length, thoroughly wetting the curls.

You do not need to put a cap on your head, you can cover the pillow with an old towel or a pillowcase. Although the manufacturer guarantees the absence of grease and other stains on the fabric.

In the morning, wash the hair with shampoo and water, dry and comb the corpses of lice and dead nits. Re-treatment is carried out in a week.

Average cost of funds

  • The price of shampoo - from 500 to 800 rubles.
  • The price of a spray with a capacity of 60 ml - 300-400 rubles, a bottle of 100 ml - 500-650 rubles.
  • Price lotion - 300-450 rubles.
  • The price of the drug Paranit-sensitive - from 900 to 1200 rubles.
  • You can buy any tool in pharmacies or online store.

Surely you asked yourself the question whether you can get rid of lice in one day. The answer is in this article.

Have you noticed unexpected guests in your home called “ground fleas”? How to evict them, read the material on the link.

Consumer reviews

A daughter (11 years old) at school found lice. I bought Paranit shampoo in a pharmacy, it turns out, getting rid of lice is very expensive! Shampoo cost 720 rubles. It is easy to apply, not long to keep. The most dreary - then comb nits and dead lice. Had to spend it all evening. But the parasites are completely derived. A week later, just in case, I repeated the treatment, I did not encounter lice anymore.

Anastasia, 24 years old.

Lice caught in the clinic when she did the EEG. I was terrified! I have thick hair, very long, they go down below the waist! In the pharmacy I bought the first remedy that came to my eyes, and then it turned out Paranit lotion. Strongly oily liquid, does not smell very good. According to the instructions put on all the hair, kept just in case longer than the allotted time. When I started to comb, I was horrified once again - all lice remained alive! Despite the high cost, it is completely inoperative.

Catherine, 32 years old.

A daughter from somewhere brought lice, infected me. Her hair is very thick, the length - on the scapula, my shorter and shorter. On the advice of the pharmacist bought the spray Paranit, a little expensive actually! Already 650 rubles worth. But the bottle was enough for our two heads, and even a little remains. It is easy to apply, they kept for 30 minutes on their hair. Lice and nits are all dead! Over the evening, they were combed out, their heads were washed, now only unpleasant memories remained of the parasites. The second time did not even have to handle!

Son of 3.5 years, goes to kindergarten. From there, and brought lice, which immediately moved to me. And I'm in the fifth month of pregnancy, by the way! She complained to mom, they brought Paranit sensitive (someone advised as a good remedy). They were smeared for the night, in the morning they were combing dead insects and dry nits. Repeat the operation did not have to!

Like any other tool, Paranite finds its fans. This is not surprising - the line of drugs quickly and easily eliminates the misfortune that gives a lot of unpleasant sensations.

The composition and principle of the spray

The drug is available in the form of a clear, colorless or yellowish, oily, odorless liquid. Spray is a ready to use form of medicine.

The main active ingredients of the Paranit spray are dimethicone and isopar (mineral oil).

Due to the powerful combination of the active ingredients in the chemical composition of these active substances, a pronounced inhibition of the functioning of the respiratory system of insects is observed, which, within 15 minutes, leads to their mass death from suffocation. The ability of the listed components to wrap the body of the parasite with a dense film makes it impossible for them to absorb moisture. Thus, this medical drug has a cross mechanism of action on various life forms of lice. In this connection, it is possible to completely cure pediculosis after a single use of the tool.

How to wash off spray Parani?

The Paranit spray contains a lot of mineral oils, which is why it is sometimes difficult to wash it off. If necessary, the head can be washed repeatedly. In order to facilitate the washing of hair, you can use a specially developed shampoo-conditioner of the same name brand. Paranit in the form of a conditioner with a good result is used as an agent for daily hair care, after using conventional cosmetic shampoo.

Sometimes the pharmacy sells a set of spray + shampoo. But if you decide not to buy it, wash your hair several times with your regular shampoo, it will not help immediately.

Customer reviews about the spray Paranit lice

The spray is sold along with the comb, it is easy to apply, the effect is quick - after 15 minutes the lice begin to die, then you comb them out dead and that's it. Spray really costs more than shampoo and lotion, but only he was at the pharmacy. It was not necessary to re-apply.

Anna, St. Petersburg

How hard it is washed off! I do not argue, effect on all 100%, lice removed. But it was only washed off the fifth time. Than just did not try, and tar soap and shampoo for oily hair.

Method of use and dosage

When applied to the head with “Paranit” spray, patients first, using a certain comb, check whether they have lice on their dry hair in themselves and in family members.

Family members who have found lice begin treatment on the same day - in the end, they prevent re-infection.

First, the patient combs the hair, then checks if there are lice and nits - one by one.

In such a situation, a person carefully examines the hair roots behind the auricles and at the back of the head, from the bottom of the head.

After testing for lice, the person washes the comb well - as a result, the patient prevents reinfection.

Spraying "Paranit" on the hair: instructions for use

When applying this therapeutic shampoo, the patient performs the following actions:

Patients can use 1 bottle of the drug up to 8 times - it depends on the degree of lice, hair length and density of hair.

Adding water and washing hair

After applying the "Paranit" to the hair, the person performs the following actions:

In such a situation, the patient should make sure that all the shampoo is washed off the hair and head skin.

Paranit is a good drug. With the help of this tool all lice were removed from the head. Before him, wormwood also disinfected the head, and combed the lice with scallops, and used lice creams - all to no avail. And Paranit 2 times smeared the head and took a break for a week, then washed the shampoo from the head - and the lice were gone! ”.

Getting rid of lice

Before drying the hair, the patient removes the parasites from the head. In such a situation, he performs the following actions:

Reapplication after 1 week.

After 1 week, the patient again applies “Paranite” shampoo on the head and repeats the above steps to remove the lice.

After repeated application of shampoo on the head of hair, the patient completely gets rid of head lice.


Lice can be alive not only on the head of a person, but in any place for 1-3 days.

In order that this parasite does not reappear on the head, the patient performs the following actions:

Terms of treatment with pediculicide spray

In order to prevent shampoo from reaching the eyes, it is wrapped around the head, below the hair, with a cotton bandage before applying it to the patient.

If the drug did get on the eyes or in the nose, then the person thoroughly washes these organs with warm water.

If the itch from the shampoo does not go away, the patient goes to the doctor.

The price matches the quality

At the moment, shampoo "Paranit" costs about 600 p. for 1 bottle with a spray of 100 ml. The special preparation is included in the package a special comb.

Paranit is a good drug. However, it is not so easy to get him out of his head. Son 8 (!) Once washed the hair with soap, shampoo, then soap again - and still the hair was greasy.

However, the next day sea water helped, with the help of which such a preparation was completely washed off from the head - good, there is a sea nearby. And in the middle lane such a shampoo will be kept on the head for at least 1 week. ”

Storage conditions and care after processing

When using the drug "Paranit" the patient complies with the following storage conditions - instructions for use:

Using the drug "Paranit", follow the instructions for use, storage conditions and do not use the tool after its expiration date

In addition, the person does not apply shampoo on the head after the delay - after a three-year shelf life of the product.

Indications and side effects

Spray Paranit, as well as shampoo, lotion, is recommended for the treatment of the scalp. Pediculosis on other parts of the body should not be treated with such drugs. Paranit lotion, shampoo and spray - substances in these forms of release are effective when exposed to adult lice, as well as their larvae. For the destruction of nits need more effective means. For this purpose, use the drug Sensitiv. The substance kills the entire colony, including egg-laying.

Do not use these tools in some cases:

  • Children under 3 years old, if necessary, select an analogue, for example, Paranix shampoo, it is suitable for children older than 2 years.
  • In violation of the integrity of the skin.
  • If during use an allergic reaction is observed.
  • During pregnancy and feeding, Paranit lotion and analogues in other forms of release of this brand are used with caution. It is recommended to use them after consulting a doctor.

Serious side effects during the treatment of pediculosis Paranit Sensitiv, shampoo, spray and lotion does not. Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug may occur. In extreme cases, allergies. The symptoms are as follows:

With such manifestations, the use of the drug must be stopped.

Overview of drug types

The drug is available in different forms: shampoo, spray, lotion and drug Sensitiv. Each of the options differs in composition and characteristics:

Contains mineral oil Clearol, which consists of natural oils: ylang-ylang, coconut, anise. Concentration in the total amount of funds - 69%. In addition, foaming agents (30%), aromatic fragrances (1%) are added to obtain the desired structure.

The main active ingredient is dimethicone. It consists of its synergists that enhance the effects of the active compound. The liquid is opaque, white. Unlike shampoo, this tool is characterized by a weak, but not very pleasant smell.

Contains mineral oil at a concentration of 96% and dimethicone 4%. The structure of the substance is oily.

Lotion Paranite: anise oil 96%, dimethicone 4%. It is a clear liquid, ready to use.

If using a shampoo, you can destroy the parasites, Paranit repellent spray - protection against lice without the need for skin treatment. The substance is sprayed on the hair 1 time per day. This is enough to scare off insects when in contact with an infected person.

Watch the video: drug Paranit, features of its use

How to apply?

Shampoo is used more easily than other forms of the drug: it is applied on the head, massaged, then the substance must be washed off, waiting for 9-12 minutes. However, unlike cosmetic care products, shampoo is applied to dry hair. Paranit Sensitiv is kept on the head for a long time (8-9 hours). It is better to apply means for the night, it is not necessary to cover the head with a towel or plastic wrap.

This form of the drug is used on a different principle. The product is sprayed onto dry hair, treating each strand. After wetting the hair, the solution is rubbed into the skin. For best effect, the substance should be left for 15 minutes. It is not necessary to close the scalp. Next, you can proceed to combing lice. The last stage - the substance must be washed off.

When spraying, you should carefully rub the tool at the very roots of the hair, where lice live.

To obtain the required results using Paranit, the instructions for use are studied. The lotion must be shaken, achieving a uniform consistency. The substance is applied to the scalp, wetting the strands along the entire length. It is recommended to start from the roots. Having processed the head, the substance should be left to act for 15 minutes. Then, without washing off the drug, wash the head with shampoo. Only after that wash the substance under running water.

Where to buy and how much?

Different forms of release are offered at different cost. For example, shampoo can be bought for 500-800 rubles, lotion is cheaper - up to 450 rubles. The price of the spray changes, which affects the dosage: up to 400 rubles. per bottle 60 ml, up to 650 rubles. for 100 ml. The most expensive is Paranit Sensitive. Its price reaches 1200 rubles. Search drugs need in pharmacies. However, today similar products are offered in online stores.


Watch the video: Paranit Sensitive lotion pro dlouhé vlasy (July 2024).