
Seborrhea: scalp, face, symptoms and treatment of oily and dry seborrhea


Every person wants to have a healthy appearance, which would give them confidence in themselves and contribute to the formation of a positive image. One of the components of a well-groomed image is beautiful hair. However, the shine and vitality of the hair will not be able to manifest if the scalp will suffer from flaking, itching and epithelial detachment. These symptoms manifest themselves in the initial stage of seborrhea.

Seborrhea: everything you need to know about her

Seborrhea is a skin disease localized primarily on the human head, resulting in:

  • obstruction of the sebaceous glands of the scalp as a result of increased secretion of sweat,
  • metabolic disorders in the upper layers of the skin, which leads to oxygen starvation of cells and the formation of localized "plaques" - epithelium areas with pronounced dryness,
  • the occurrence of itching, which is a sign of a violation of the normal capillary circulation.

Seborrhea is a disease that affects people with oily scalp. Treat seborrhea should be a complex, starting with the stabilization of the daily diet and the exclusion of acute and fatty foods, and ending with the implementation of medical and cosmetic scalp care.

Medical treatment - cosmetic care does not have to include expensive imported products - products that are literally “at hand” can help. These are onions, honey, kefir and beer. Onion gruel, mixed with one tablespoon of honey and infused for about an hour, is an excellent raw material for applying it to the scalp as a mask. In circular massage movements, the medicine must be rubbed into the roots of the hair, and after the head it is ensured peace and warmth for half an hour. Wash off the mask with hot running water. To achieve a stable effect in the form of the disappearance of seborrheic "plaques", the procedure should be repeated daily.

It is also very useful for the scalp of its daily rinsing with beer. For these purposes, you should take a domestic product with a high content of hops. Beer is rich in B vitamins, the lack of which is one of the components of the occurrence of the disease. To consolidate the positive effect, do not rinse the head with water again, letting the beer soak into the epithelium. You can bring down the smell just having dried your head with a towel or a hairdryer.

Kefir is also rich in B vitamins, so it can also be rubbed into the scalp and added as an ingredient in used shampoos.

Without departing from the implementation of these procedures and improving the diet, you can achieve a lasting positive effect after two weeks of self-treatment.

A few words about the function of the sebaceous glands

The sebaceous glands are present in every person. In young children, most glands are in a non-functioning state and begin to work fully only by the period of puberty. For older people characterized by a gradual decrease in the number of data structures of the skin.

The glands produce sebum (sebum), which covers the skin surface with a thin layer and protects it, as well as the hair from drying out. When hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands arising due to certain reasons, they begin to produce 1.5 times more sebum with a modified composition: a smaller amount of linoleic acid turns into an increase in skin pH, which means that conditions are created for the activation of infections. When the glands hypofunction, the skin becomes thinner, dries out and suffers no less, because its natural protective function is impaired due to the lack of fat.

Causes of seborrhea

There is no single or primary cause of the disease. As a rule, seborrhea occurs when combining several factors from the list below:

  • metabolic disorders (in particular, fat metabolism),
  • hormonal changes (physiological and pathological),
  • changing emotional background (stress, depression),
  • genetic predisposition (often the disease has a family character),
  • immunodeficiency,
  • adverse external or behavioral factors:
    • neglect of personal hygiene or excessive use of various care products,
    • improper care
    • aggressive cosmetic procedures,
    • use of laundry soap for washing and washing
    • constant use of alcohol-containing cosmetics,
    • abuse of tan and others,
  • improper nutrition: eating lamb, goose and pork fat, honey, sweets, spicy food in large quantities.

Yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum ovale is considered the main pathogenetic factor of the disease with localization on the scalp. This is a natural representative of the biocenosis of the scalp, which normally makes up about 30-40% of the flora. Against the background of internal or external adverse factors, the colony of the fungus increases to 60% with the highest concentration near the sebaceous glands, the secret of which is the nutrient medium. Loss of control over the growth of the fungus due to reduced immunity contributes to the progression of the disease.

Seborrhea often accompanies conditions in which there is a natural hormonal change (menopause and pregnancy in women, puberty in adolescents) and is called benign or physiological, because after the normalization of the level of hormones and the phenomena of this disease. Changes in hormonal levels may be caused by hormonal drugs (for example, contraceptives, anabolic steroids) - in this case there is also a risk of seborrhea.

With some pathologies of the endocrine system, the development of seborrhea is likely (dysfunction of the thyroid and genital glands, tumors of the ovaries, testicles and adrenal glands, diabetes).

Predisposition to damage to the scalp occurs when paralysis of the trunk and cranial nerves, as well as schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy.

In patients with severe immunodeficiency, for example, AIDS patients, the disease is detected in 80% of cases.

Risk groups, localization

Men, especially those aged 15 to 25 years old, are at risk of seborrhea. Often, seborrhea is found in men older than 50 years. The female half of humanity suffers a little less, but in the transformation of normal body changes, women are also susceptible to seborrhea.

The main places of localization of skin changes are areas of increased accumulation of sebaceous glands:

  • T-zone on the face (forehead, nose, chin),
  • chest and upper back,
  • scalp.

Forms of seborrhea

There are three clinical forms of the disease:

  1. Oily. Occurs with hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands and excessive secretion of sebum,
  2. Dry Develops with hypofunction of the sebaceous glands and lack of sebum,
  3. Mixed form. For this type of disease, both hyper-and hypofunction of the sebaceous glands is observed, which is observed on the same skin areas.

Seborrhea in a child

Phenomena of seborrhea can be observed in children in the form of yellow crusts (milky crusts, gneiss), which cover the scalp or skin at the border of hair growth (especially on the forehead). Peel is easily removed from the skin, especially after water treatments. Under them may be reddish spots that disappear in a couple of days.

As a rule, these crusts do not require any treatment, except for natural hygienic procedures, and independently pass by one year old, but can be observed in children up to 4-5 years old (for example, with hereditary predisposition).

If gneiss causes discomfort, you can get rid of it in this way - wet them with baby oil for the night, and in the morning remove the softened crusts with a soft brush. In no case should you remove the scabs with your fingernail or with a sharp object, since infection can be carried into the skin through microdamages.

Dry seborrhea

  • Dry and tight skin, sometimes covered with small cracks,
  • Itching of the affected areas, especially after washing,
  • Small, dry and abundant dandruff, which, when seborrhea has the appearance of oatmeal,
  • Peeling smooth skin (on face, shoulders, back of neck)
  • Thin, brittle and dull hair with split ends,
  • Seboroids - reddish specks on the affected skin.

This stage of the disease very often remains unnoticed by humans. More precisely, the symptoms of the disease are considered as a reaction to a new cosmetic, hair coloring, climate change, dry air, etc.

Oily Seborrhea

  • Oily, thickened skin,
  • Enlarged, sometimes gaping pores and comedones,
  • Acne (on smooth skin),
  • Itchy skin
  • Dandruff in the form of sticky white-yellow flakes of different sizes,
  • Greasy hair,
  • Thick or fluid secretion on the surface of seborrheic zones
  • Inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which occurs due to the closure of their ducts with secretions clots and skin infection (hand scratching, etc.),
  • Hair loss (with prolonged flow).

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the skin

Since this symptom complex may accompany a number of diseases, they should be excluded during the examination. Prior to the appointment of the main treatment, a person should undergo narrow specialists

  • dermatologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • a neurologist,
  • andrologist (men) and gynecologist (women),

and receive the appropriate appointment in identifying the pathology of a particular body.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp and smooth skin has an integrated approach and for many patients it becomes a lifelong lifestyle and recommendations that will have to be followed constantly to avoid exacerbations.

How to treat seborrhea with diet and lifestyle changes

  • All people with any form of the disease are advised to significantly limit sweet, salty, fatty, spicy, smoked and fried.
  • The diet is enriched with foods rich in vitamins of group B, zinc, fiber (vegetables, greens, whole-grain products), dairy foods and low-fat foods.
  • Recommended reception beer yeast.
  • It is necessary to give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol.
  • It is necessary to avoid stressful situations and to exclude trifling unrest. In order to achieve mental equilibrium, auto-training, frequent walks in the forest, change of scenery, etc. are recommended.
  • Contrasting temperatures and harsh climatic conditions should be avoided. Sunbathing is beneficial for patients with seborrhea, but in moderation.
  • Women should refuse to dry their hair with hot air, dye their hair, and perm.
  • With the defeat of smooth skin, you should use special caring cosmetics for oily or mixed skin, which is produced by many cosmetic brands (Pure line, Belita-Vitex, Matis, Sothys, Vichy). It is necessary to abandon alcohol-containing tyunikov and lotions, which at first glance remove the oily shine, but tighten and dry the surface of the pores, leading to even greater activation of the sebaceous glands, which compensate for even more sebum to moisturize the skin.

Surprisingly, only the observance of these recommendations allows, if not forever, then for a long time to forget about seborrhea of ​​the scalp and skin and live a normal life without painful symptoms.

Therapeutic and therapeutic agents for the scalp

Seborrhea of ​​the head requires the use of a special shampoo, which can be mono-or multicomponent and includes a number of components:

  1. antifungal (ketoconazole, etc.), which has a destructive effect on the fungus,
  2. antibacterial (zinc pyrithione, oktopriroks), inhibiting the development of pathogenic flora,
  3. exfoliating (sulfur, salicylic acid), cleansing the surface of the skin from dandruff,
  4. vegetable (birch tar, calendula, chamomile, oak bark, burdock), which improves the hair structure and strengthens its roots.
    • Psorilom is a domestic cosmetic product line that contains extracts of medicinal plants and birch tar,
    • "Foltene Pharma" - Italian cosmetic products, positioned as natural and safe, based entirely on natural raw materials,
    • “VICHY Dercos” is a cosmetic line for hair and scalp care products from a popular French brand. A number of useful components, such as selenium, ceramide P, vitamin E and salicylic acid have a complex healing effect on the scalp,

Pharmacy shampoos for seborrhea, such as Sulsen, Mykozoral, Nizoral, Perkhotal, Sebason, Frieder Tar, Kelyual are mandatory. All of them contain one or more antifungal components that can eliminate the pathogenetic factor of disease development - the fungus Pityrosporum ovale.

Therapeutic shampoos are prescribed for regular use, about 2 times a week, which allows you to achieve:

  • keratolytic effect,
  • reduce the amount of fungus on the skin surface,
  • inhibition of cell division and a visible decrease in the amount of dandruff,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

After clinical improvement, the shampoo remains for prophylactic use 1 time per week.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

For the treatment of seborrhea smooth skin, various external preparations are used, which reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands:

  • Ointment Randevit: antipruritic, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Slowing down keratinization processes of the skin, increasing the barrier functions of the skin,
  • Eplan cream: antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly eliminates peeling,
  • Cream Solcoseryl: wound healing and reparative effect. Improves the appearance of the skin,
  • Dexpanthenol and analogues (Bepanten, Panthenol, Pantoderm): regenerating effect. This drug can be used to treat seborrhea in children and pregnant women,
  • Cream Exoderil: antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps to eliminate not only the effects of seborrhea, but also inflammatory elements,
  • Cream Tsinokap or Skin-Kap: antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly eliminates skin irritation and is also used to treat children.


When seborrhea hair shows cryomassage, normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands, darsonvalization, which stimulates hair growth, has a mild drying effect, and ozone therapy, providing a disinfectant effect. Against the background of these procedures, itching is significantly reduced, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease (excluding scratching) and on the general condition of the patient.

Sulfuric baths, prescribed by a course of 10-12 procedures, give a good effect.


  • Broth onion peel. About 50 grams of dry peel pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, then insist for another hour under the lid and strain. This broth can be lubricated and smooth skin and scalp several times a day.
  • Broth oak bark. 5 tbsp. chopped oak bark pour 2 cups of water, boil on low heat for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Rub the decoction into the hair roots every day, keeping for 40 minutes.
  • Fire oil mask with calendula. One tbsp pre-heated castor oil mixed with 10 tsp. alcohol tincture of calendula. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the scalp several times a day.
  • Honey and Egg Mask. In pottery mix 1 tbsp. onion juice, liquid honey and castor oil, then add one egg yolk to the mixture.Apply the mask on the scalp, wrap a towel over it and soak for about 2 hours, then wash the head thoroughly. Apply twice a week.

Smooth skin

  • Cucumber mask. Grate a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater and put gruel on the skin of the face, chest for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Apply twice a week.
  • Infusion of chamomile, calendula and plantain. 4 tbsp. l dry herbal mixture pour 300 ml boiling water and insist in a thermos overnight. Wipe the resulting infusion skin 3-4 times a day.
  • Tincture of Hypericum. 10 gr. dry raw materials pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol and insist 7 days in the dark, strain and dilute 1 tbsp. infusion in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Using this lotion, wipe the affected skin or make lotions 3-4 times a day. You can also apply to the scalp.
  • Parsley mask. Chop parsley greens to a slurry, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.


Prevention of this disease in case of hereditary aggravation consists in the maximum elimination of provoking factors: normalization of the diet, lifestyle, proper care of the scalp and face, taking into account individual characteristics. The intake of multivitamin and mineral complexes is recommended, especially in the season of natural vitamin deficiency. The safest and most accessible product is brewer's yeast - a source of B vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Treatment of seborrhea with salt is the most effective method.

Attempts to get rid of dandruff with different shampoos and medicines in most cases do not bring success. However, there is a very effective folk remedy against seborrhea - coarse salt, preferably sea.

After removing the dirt from the head with a regular shampoo (any detergent familiar to a particular person will do) rub the salt into wet hair. In this case, the salt is needed the largest. Massage with salt should be performed for several minutes.

The effect of such a gentle peeling is as follows:

The hair loss stops

Mild exfoliation of dead skin particles occurs,

The skin is not injured, as the salt thaws from moisture,

After the procedure, the hair is washed with plain water. You can do this over any container, and rinse your head again with the collected salt water. Visible dandruff will disappear after the first procedure. After a while, the hair will become thicker and thicker. You can perform this peeling each time it is decided to wash your hair. For prophylactic purposes, 1 procedure in 1-2 weeks is enough.

Two more ways to get rid of dandruff and prevent alopecia with salt:

Dissolve ordinary salt in water (it should be very hot) and then dip a soft cloth in it. It is best to use a material based on flax or cotton. When the fabric is saturated with a solution, it is wrapped around the head and massaged for half an hour. As a result, blood circulation is improved, and the skin does not suffer from irritation due to direct exposure to salt particles.

The hair is pre-moistened, and then salt is applied to it with the help of massage movements. Then leave the head alone for 20 minutes. After the time the salt is washed off, but the shampoo is not used for this. Any nourishing mask is rubbed into the hair or a rinse is applied. Dry hair should naturally.

Using these recipes is enough once or twice a week.

It is worth remembering that salt dries the scalp. Its use is not recommended for people with dry hair, as this can aggravate the situation and lead to an increase in the amount of dandruff.

Apple Cider Vinegar 6% Seborrhea

Another popular tool that helps in the treatment of seborrhea, is apple cider vinegar in a concentration of 6%.

For hair, it can be useful due to the following properties:

It contains vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, carotene.

Vinegar, like apples, contains pectin.

It contributes not only to the cleansing of the scalp, but also the regeneration of microtraumas. Vinegar can neutralize pesticides.

This tool has been used for a long time, as it allows to preserve the beauty of hair and improve the scalp. With regard to dandruff, vinegar is effective because it is able to normalize the acid-base balance.

Hair rinse (has a disinfecting effect). Four tablespoons of vinegar in 5% concentration is diluted in a glass of water. This solution is rinsed to the head several times, focusing on the roots. After the head should be washed with water.

Mask No. 1. Vinegar in 5% concentration is applied to the sponge, and then on the dermis of the head. Stand up to 20 minutes and washed with water.

Mask number 2. Two tablespoons of vinegar 5% diluted in half a glass of water. It should be at room temperature. There is also added to the choice of a decoction of chamomile, mint or oil (castor or burdock). The composition is rubbed into the scalp, and the top is covered with plastic and a towel. If desired, you can turn on the hairdryer for one minute and warm up the mask (it is allowed to repeat the warm-up several times). Maintain a mask for an hour, and then wash off with water. Shampoo is not used.

Both recipes can be used twice a week. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Sulsen paste 2% and shampoo - the best remedy for seborrhea

Sulsena is a pharmacy tool that helps in the treatment of seborrhea. The drug has two forms of release - it is a paste and shampoo. They are almost identical in composition. To provide a therapeutic effect, they must be used topically, that is, applied in accordance with the instructions on the hair and scalp. According to manufacturers, the maximum effect can be obtained from the integrated use of pasta and shampoo.

The active ingredient that helps get rid of dandruff is selenium disulfide. It works as follows:

Destroys the fungus that causes dandruff,

Regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands,

Regulates the rate of exfoliation of particles of the dermis by reducing the life of epithelial cells.

As a result, all three main problems that stimulate the development of dandruff are solved. However, it is necessary to tune in to a long course of treatment. Instant results can not be obtained. The minimum duration of therapy is 3 months. Shampoo wash the head once a week. Before you wash it off, you need to hold the product on your hair and skin for up to 4 minutes.

Paste is applied to pre-washed hair, massaging the skin. Maintain a remedy on the head for up to 20 minutes, and then wash off. As a preventive measure, it is enough to use these agents every six months for 30 days. In addition to getting rid of dandruff, use

Sulsena allows to achieve the following effects:

Healthy shine hair

The density of the hair, as their loss is reduced,

Hair does not require washing any longer, since the product regulates the sebaceous glands,

The scalp stops itching,

Reduces the formation of exogenous toxins, which have a negative effect on the hair roots,

Scalp cells become healthier

Hair follicles function better,

Hair becomes more elastic.

The effect of the use of Sulsena is long, therefore the risk of recurrence of dandruff when undergoing a full course of therapy and subject to its prophylactic use is minimal.

Treatment of seborrhea with tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has long established itself in traditional medicine and cosmetology, as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. He is advised to use for the care of the scalp, as well as with increased sebum secretion.

Problems that can be solved by enriching ordinary shampoo with this essential oil:

Get rid of dandruff

Prevent increased hair breakage,

Reduce the production of sebaceous glands,

Get rid of itching, inflammation and irritation of the scalp.

Getting rid of dandruff using tea tree oil can be due to its ability to detrimentally affect microorganisms that cause it to appear. When enriching balsams, shampoos, rinses and other cosmetics with oil, it is possible to reduce hair loss and get rid of increased fragility of hair shafts.

Here is an example of four recipes using ebony oil:

Recipe number 1. In the dose of shampoo, which is supposed to wash your hair, you should add 3 drops of oil and apply this composition to the hair. In the process of washing, you should massage the dermis of the head for 5 minutes. It is enough to wash your hair in this way twice in 7 days to achieve the effect.

Recipe number 2. You can use a hair mask, the basis for which is 2 spoons of olive, castor or burdock oil to choose from. You need to add 5 drops of essential oil of tea tree and 2 drops of rosemary, lavender and bergamot oils. Mix everything and let stand for about 10 minutes. Then the mixture is rubbed into the roots and incubated for half an hour. Rinse with shampoo. If the skin began to burn or other allergic reactions appeared, the composition is removed immediately.

Recipe number 3. You will need 50 ml of alcohol and pure water, to which 30 drops of tea tree oil are added. The composition must be rubbed into the hair roots before going to bed. You can perform the procedure up to 3 times a week. If you use this tool at home all the time, the hair will improve, and dandruff will disappear.

Recipe number 4. You need to mix the yolk, burdock oil - 1 teaspoon and 4 drops of tea tree oil. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the hair and left for 15 minutes. When the exposure time is over, the hair is washed with shampoo. It is enough to make such a mask 1 time in 7 days.

! Before deciding to use tea tree oil, you should think about the type of scalp. This tool dries the dermis, so people with dry hair should not use it.

Seborrhea dry: clinical presentation and effective methods of treatment

Seborrhea dry is a dermatological disease caused by inadequate production of sebum. Translated from the Latin sebum sounds like sebum. It contains triglycerides, esters, squalene and other compounds useful for the epidermis.

But how exactly does seborrhea dry? What is this terrible name? Is it possible to get rid of this problem?

The value of sebum (sebum) for skin

The main zones of activity of the sebaceous glands are located on the scalp, chin, forehead, nose wings, in the ears. With an incorrect change in the function of the glands, problems arise, the chemical composition of the secret is disturbed. This all increases the risk of dry seborrhea.

It would seem, why do you need this fatty secret? But it turns out that it is important for human skin. It is worth understanding this.

During normal operation of the sebaceous glands, the sebum creates a lipid mantle. The film prevents the evaporation of moisture, maintains the biological stability of the microflora on the epidermis, protects against UV rays.

Oily grease gives the skin smoothness and elasticity, hair - softness and shine. Together with sweat, carbon dioxide, fatty acids and propioni-and corynebacteria, the secret creates an acidic environment.

She in turn:

  • protects the epidermis from colonization of pathogenic microorganisms, irritation and flaking,
  • simplifies the synthesis of antimicrobial peptides,
  • accelerates the healing of cracks and wounds,
  • prevents the appearance of oily and dry seboria on the scalp and face.

The activity of fat production is influenced by several factors: age, gender, climate. If in children the glands are in a “sleeping” state, in the adolescent period, under the influence of hormones, they sharply become active and begin to uncontrollably synthesize the secret, covering the skin with a film of fat.

Closer to the age of 20, sebum production stabilizes and stays at the same level for a long time. With age, the reverse process usually occurs.

Tar soap from seborrhea

The composition of tar soap includes birch tar, which gave it an appropriate name. It is 10% of all the components in the soap, but even with such an amount, its effect on the scalp is difficult to overestimate. Due to the pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimycotic effect, tar soap allows you to fight dandruff.

Among the beneficial properties of this detergent are the following:

The normalization of the process of keratinization of skin cells,

Strengthening microcirculation in the dermis,

Acceleration of regeneration processes.

In order to get rid of dandruff, tar soap you need to wash your hair. This should be done according to certain rules:

Rub the soap in the hands.

The resulting foam is applied to the hair and scalp.

To sustain no more than 7 minutes, constantly massaging the head.

Rinse hair well.

! It is not recommended to apply soap more often 2 times in 7 days. It dries the skin, which can provoke its peeling and will only cause increased dandruff, and not its disappearance. If the purpose of the use of soap is not in the treatment of the scalp, but in prevention, then it should be used 1 time in 7 days.

Wash off the soap with warm, not hot water in order to avoid the appearance of greasy shine.

Hair treatment with balm after using soap is needed to soften them and facilitate the process of combing.

To get rid of the unpleasant smell of tar, you can rinse them with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 4 to 1. Essential oils of tea tree, lavender, orange or rose will also help to eliminate it.

If you use soap according to all the rules, you will not only get rid of dandruff, but also improve your hair.

Seborrhea dry (specific symptoms)

How to recognize dry and oily seborrhea? Of course, according to external signs. In the first case, due to the loss of moisture, an uneven microrelief is formed.

There are fine wrinkles, pink and red spots on the face. Horny scales constantly exfoliate and cover the rough epidermis with microscopic particles, making the face appear powdered.

In addition, the hair and shoulders strew fine grains, and the head itches unbearably.

In the second case, the epithelial layer resembles a porous lemon rind with small dots, as if it were set with a needle.

Face and hair have a greasy shine, which is easily removed with alcohol lotion. However, at short intervals the procedure has to be repeated again and again.

Enlarged pore epidermis is a paradise for comedones. Fat constantly clogs the mouths of the pores and pus accumulates there, causing inflammation and the appearance of blackheads.

After treatment, scars and scars remain that do not pass without a trace. Sometimes there are milia in the form of solid subcutaneous formations of a light color.

To identify the specific cause of violations, it is necessary to conduct research with the trichologist. Only tests will help to choose an adequate treatment regimen and drugs.

Causes of dry seborrhea

Although dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp and oily skin differ in signs of manifestation, the causes of problems are the same.

Clinical and laboratory studies have shown that fine dandruff is caused by Pityrosporum yeast fungi that inhabit the epidermis.

With good skin immunity, they do not cause problems, but when it is reduced, uncontrolled growth of opportunistic microorganisms occurs, accompanied by irritation and itching.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp often affects babies and people in the age range of 30-55 years, which can be seen from reviews and photos of people who have experienced the disease.

Dermatological pathology progresses against the background of a decrease in general immunity and systemic disruptions in the body. It develops more often in men than in women.

This is due to increased testosterone (androgenic factor). In addition, in the hairy part they have more outflow openings.

As a result, the yeast gets more nutrition. With increased sweating, they provoke the appearance of colonies of Malassezia bacteria (pathogens of liquid seborrhea) and the appearance of plaques with dry and greasy scales.

  • genetic predisposition
  • endocrine diseases
  • encephalitis,
  • poor nutrition,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • Itsenko-Cushing and Parkinson's disease
  • stress, reduced psycho-emotional background.

When choosing shampoos, lotions, tonic care products, it is important to consider the type of skin and hair. Improperly chosen headwash and facial cleansing disrupts the acid-base balance, which leads to dryness or the appearance of greasy shine.

Another recipe from seborrhea

There is another recipe for treating seborrhea at home. To make this mask, you need one beaten egg. You need to add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, honey and sunflower oil. The resulting composition is mixed and rubbed into the scalp. The exposure time is half an hour. Regular use of this mixture will get rid of the problem of dandruff.

Article author: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Phytotherapist

Education: A diploma in medicine and treatment was obtained at the NI Pirogov University (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment

6% apple cider vinegar is widely used in folk medicine. For hair follicles, it is effective due to properties such as:

  • It is rich in vitamin B, ascorbic acid, carotene.
  • Vinegar contains pectin.
  • It cleanses the scalp, and also promotes the regeneration of microcracks. Vinegar neutralizes pesticides.

Vinegar has been widely used since ancient times. It effectively heals the skin of the head, thanks to which the beauty of your curls is preserved. Vinegar normalizes acid-base balance.

If you use vinegar as a hair rinse, then you will notice a disinfecting effect. To prepare the rinse take 2 tbsp. 5 percent vinegar, which is diluted with a glass of water. Thanks to this solution, rinse the head area a couple of times. Then wash your hair with water.

Consider the mask recipe. For these purposes, take 5% concentration of vinegar and apply it on a sponge, and then on the dermis of the head. We wait about 15 minutes and wash with water. This recipe is used twice during the week. The course must last at least a month.

Sulfuric ointment in the fight against seborrhea

Sulfuric ointment is a thick substance. It contains an active substance such as sulfur. Pork fat with the addition of vaseline serves as the basis for the preparation of the product. It is prepared in pharmacy conditions.

In addition to seborrhea, sulfur ointment is effective for diseases such as scabies and psoriasis. It has a disinfecting and antiparasitic effect. Apply the ointment on the scalp and our hair, try to rub it in with massaging movements. Then wait at least 5 minutes, and then wash it off with some water.

Before using sulfuric ointment, you need to consult a dermatologist. The whole thing is that sulfur is considered an effective remedy for only certain varieties of mycotic organism, and you can only find out which particular cause of seborrhea in a particular individual, in laboratory conditions.

Apply the ointment is in cases where, thanks to the use of other gentle means could not get the desired result. This is due to the negative effect of sulfuric ointment on the condition of the hair follicles.

It is contraindicated to use the tool while carrying a child. Moreover, it is not recommended to apply it when there is a high susceptibility to the precipitated state of sulfur.

The tool is not recommended for use in the treatment of small children. They have not very dense derma, comparing with older individuals and it is more prone to irritable reactions.

As a result, you can notice the swelling and burning of the skin in the areas that were treated with the tool. In addition, the temperature may increase, local pain may occur, and hyperemia may appear.

How to treat dandruff tea tree oil?

Tea tree oil has long been known in traditional medicine and cosmetology, as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It is recommended to use for the care of the head and when there is high sebum secretion on the head.

This essential oil will help:

  1. eliminate dandruff
  2. stop excessive hair breakage,
  3. reduce high saliva,
  4. get rid of itching, inflammation and irritation on the scalp.

This oil effectively fights microorganisms that cause dandruff. If you add a couple of drops of oil to a balm or a vag shampoo, then you can reduce the loss of hair follicles and get rid of the excessive fragility of the hair shaft.

Consider one recipe using ebony oil. To do this, we take the necessary dose of shampoo for washing hair and add three drops of the product into it, washing this hair with this composition. During washing, you need to massage the hair roots for 5 minutes. To get the desired result, it is enough to wash with this tool 2 times within 7 days.

If you still decide to use tea tree oil, then remember what type of scalp you have. This oil can dry the dermis, so if you have a dry scalp, you should not choose it.

Features of the disease

Sebum is a specific composition of fats, fatty acids, proteins, it is secreted through the sebaceous glands. This secret plays a significant role for the health of the epithelium. It performs the following functions:

  1. Prevents epidermis drying out.
  2. Provides softening, moisturizing effects that are necessary to prevent flaking, cracking of the dermis.
  3. It has an antibacterial effect.
  4. Creates a thin protective layer on top of the epithelium.

Children have more sebaceous glands, which are inactive (they do not produce a secret). Their activation occurs during puberty.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp (photo)

Oily seborrhea has 2 forms: thick and liquid.

This form of the disease is characterized by compaction of the scalp, it becomes not as elastic as healthy. Hair of the patient grow coarse, become too rigid. The mouths of the sebaceous glands with a thick form of seborrhea become too dilated, and the epidermis takes on a grayish-brown color.

Patients have oily, thick dandruff, which is formed from the secretion of the sebaceous glands, peeled skin cells. The resulting oily mass clogs the excretory ducts, sticks to the hair.

If you squeeze the enlarged mouth of the hair follicle, a secret with a thick, viscous consistency will be released from the duct of the sebaceous gland. In some cases, epidermal cysts (atheromas) may form, within which a paste-like fluid is placed.

Atheromas can become inflamed, begin to suppurate. The patient's temperature rises, puffiness appears, there is a redness of the affected epithelium, pain begins. After opening, cleansing of atheroma, a scar remains.

More often, this form of oily seborrhea affects male adolescents. Symptoms of the disease pass by 25-28 years. This disease does not cause hair loss and can not be the cause of baldness.

About the causes of oily seborrhea and her treatment will tell Elena Malysheva in the video below: the causes of oily seborrhea and her treatment will tell Elena Malysheva in the video below:

A patient with a liquid form of the disease in question appears unhealthy hair shine, they become greasy, have a moist appearance. Gluing hair strands begins some time after washing (on the same day). They are covered with a layer of oily dandruff, which has a yellowish tint and is easily scraped off.

Patients are worried about severe itching of the dermis, in some cases, hair may fall out hard. In the most severe cases, the hair is very thin, the patient may be completely bald. Whitish dot formations (sebaceous cysts) sometimes appear on the epithelium of the head.

Causes of Oily Seborrhea

Seborrhea most often appears in young people who reach puberty. During this period, their hormones change, the body is restructuring. The secretion of the sebaceous glands increases. This disease in adolescents is called physiological. It ends after puberty.

The most significant cause of seborrhea is hormonal disorders, or rather, a change in the ratio of such hormones as androgens, estrogens. An increase in the number of androgens provokes an increased formation of sebum.

  • In women, the disease manifests itself due to a violation of the number of androgens (increased), progesterone (reduced).
  • In men, the disease manifests itself due to an increase in the number of androgens, acceleration of their metabolism. These processes may be due to heredity or the presence of a testicular tumor, which is considered an androgen-producing neoplasm.

Seborrhea can develop as a consequence of such diseases:

Seborrhea can develop with such mental diseases:

  • affective insanity,
  • epilepsy,
  • schizophrenia,
  • infectious psychosis.

Also provoke the development of seborrhea can take over a long period of such drugs:

  • anabolic,
  • testosterone,
  • vitamin H,
  • glucocorticosteroids,
  • progesterone.

The leading role in the development of the disease is assigned to yeast-like fungi (Pityrosporum ovale). Next, we will tell you about the symptoms that oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp and face has.

  • With seborrhea, the face becomes greasy, moist. On the attached paper appear stains from sebum.
  • On the back, chest, face, signs of seborrhea are also acne, black spots. The epithelium that surrounds these neoplasms is distinguished by a grayish, dirty-gray tinge.
  • With the defeat of the scalp, oily dandruff appears, hair becomes unhealthy shine, begin to rapidly fall out. The skin becomes oily, covered with viscous, thick sebum. The pores on the epithelium are dilated.


Diagnosing oily seborrhea is to conduct the following procedures:

  1. Collecting history.
  2. Detection of possible risk factors for disease manifestation.
  3. Blood test (biochemical).
  4. Blood for hormones.
  5. The study of the hair, dermis.
  6. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, organs of the peritoneum (in some cases).

If you suspect seborrhea should consult with these doctors:

The video below tells how to treat oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp and face:

Treatment of the disease should begin after an examination by a doctor, choosing a suitable method of therapy. Initially, the doctor must determine the cause.

To this end, he conducts a comprehensive diagnosis, while concomitant diseases are detected. Therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes that provoked the development of seborrhea.

Therapeutic way

This method of dealing with the disease involves the following methods:

  • Vitamin therapy (B, A, E, D).
  • Immunity restoration (treatment of all diseases that weaken the body).
  • Physiotherapy (massage, cryotherapy, mesotherapy, UV radiation, phytotherapy, ozone therapy, D'Arsonval.
  • The use of antimycotic drugs.
  • Hormone therapy.

The skin areas affected by seborrhea can be treated by means of such means:

  • boric acid
  • sulfuric powder + ichthyol,
  • soda solutions.

  • For the treatment of the head in the oily form of seborrhea, 60% sodium thiosulfate is recommended. Also very effective are the alcoholic solution of naphthalan oil, sulsenic paste, 2% salicylic acid solution.
  • It is also necessary to use hair wash products. as part of which there are plant extracts (tea tree oil, birch tar) necessary to combat dandruff.
  • A feature in the treatment of seborrhea is non-specific therapy, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system.
  • To enhance the effect of therapy, it is desirable to change your diet, reduce the intake of carbohydrates, solid fats, increase the intake of plant foods rich in fiber.

About drugs and tools for the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp and face will tell below.

Medication method

In the treatment of oily seborrhea use these drugs:

  • Ketoconazole.
  • Sulsena.
  • "Lithium succinate".
  • "Selenium disulfide".
  • "Diprosalik".

You should also use shampoos for oily seborrhea:

  • "Nizoral" (active ingredient - ketoconazole).
  • "Perhohot" (active ingredient - ketoconazole).
  • "Mycozoral" (active ingredient - ketoconazole).
  • "Zinc" (active ingredient - zinc pyrithione).
  • "Friederm Zinc" (active ingredient - zinc pyrithione).
  • "Sebiproks" (active ingredient - ciclopirox).
  • "Sulsen" ((active ingredient is selenium sulfide).
  • "Sebuton" (active ingredient - medical tar).
  • "Friderm tar" (active ingredient - medical tar).

About the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp and face folk remedies read below.


The thick form of oily seborrhea can cause some serious complications.

  • If time does not proceed to the treatment of the disease, there may be furunculosis, various abscesses that cause pathogens.
  • If you do not start adequate therapy in the event of liquid seborrhea on the scalp, the patient may experience various ulcer epithelium diseases, abscesses that undermine the boils of the neck, boils, and damage to the hair follicles. These diseases sometimes lead to complete hair loss.
  • Also, in oily seborrhea, the excretory canals of the sebaceous glands are blocked. This triggers acne (acne). The purulent inflammatory process inside the gland begins.

With timely initiated therapy, oily seborrhea can be cured in a short time and with minimal financial costs. If the disease is neglected, it provoked the development of complications, the treatment will be delayed for a long time. It will be necessary to cure all associated diseases.

The doctor will tell you more about the treatment for oily seborrhea in the video below:

Causes and symptoms

Oily seborrhea often occurs in representatives of a strong half of humanity. Adolescents are diagnosed with physiological seborrheic dermatitis resulting from puberty.

As a rule, the symptoms of the disease go away on their own when hormones return to normal. Women with climatic age also suffer from oily seborrhea.

Additional causes of seborrhea:

  • Malfunction of the endocrine system,
  • Frequent stress, depression, neurosis,
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system,
  • Reaction to drugs
  • Problems with the immune system,
  • Wrong selection of cosmetics for hair care,
  • Neglect of personal hygiene,
  • Presence on the epidermis of the yeast fungus Pityrosporum ovale,
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Eating large amounts of fatty and salty foods, fast food.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea are difficult to disregard.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Enlarged pores on the skin of the face, through which a dense secretion is released when pressed,
  • The scalp is covered with a wet dandruff crust. The scales in the hair resemble oatmeal, which fall off in small layers,
  • On the border of hair growth in patients with oily seborrhea, foci of pink color with flaky skin are noticeable.

Treatment of oily seborrhea

For the treatment of oily seborrhea, complex therapy is used, which includes the use of special shampoos, medicines and a complete change in diet. The main task of treating seborrhea is to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease and associated symptoms.

  • Strengthening immunity
  • Treatment of chronic diseases of the central nervous system, digestive tract,
  • Physiotherapy procedures: massage, ultraviolet radiation, phytotherapy,
  • Acceptance of antimycotic drugs.

Drug treatment of seborrhea

How to treat oily seborrhea with medication? Which drugs to choose? These questions are asked by many people suffering from this unpleasant disease.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of seborrhea, and a wide choice of medications will help get rid of the symptoms.

Types of drugs for oily seborrhea:

  • Antifungal medications. When yeast-like fungi are detected on the skin surface, antifungal ointments are prescribed to the patient: Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Cyclopirox.
  • Antiseptics are used in case of ulcers on seborrhea: hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol.
  • Zinc, salicylic and ichthyol ointments have anti-inflammatory and peeling effects,
  • Antibacterial drugs are used when attaching additional infections
  • Hormonal ointments are prescribed to patients as a last resort if traditional medical drugs have been ineffective. Hydrocartisone, Fluconar will help to quickly remove the symptoms of oily seborrhea, but because of the large list of contraindications do not apply for a long time,
  • Healing shampoos are an integral part of the treatment process. When choosing a cosmetic product for hair care, it is necessary to turn on its composition: it is desirable if ketoconazole, zinc or tar are the main active ingredients. Pharmacy shelves have a wide range of medicinal products. shampoos: Nizoral, Sulsen, Mycoral and others. The method of application of a cosmetic product is simple - it is enough to wash it with a head twice a week for 2-3 months.
  • Complete list of ointments from seborrhea

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine effectively complements the main treatment, but does not replace it. A positive result has a mask for the hair and herbal teas.

  • Therapeutic agent of burdock. For rinsing the hair after washing and nourishing the scalp is used a decoction of burdock. To prepare a therapeutic solution, you need to grind the root of the plant, pour it with water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture is filtered and ready to use.
  • Hair mask from honey and calendula. First, a decoction of calendula is prepared - dried inflorescences are poured with boiling water and infused for about half an hour. Then some honey is added to the solution, until a liquid consistency is obtained. The mask is applied to wet hair for 30 minutes. It is advisable to wrap the head with cling film and wrap with a towel.
  • Ointment of castor oil and aloe juice. In the same proportions you need to take aloe juice and castor oil, mix thoroughly and add as much honey. The medical mask is rubbed into the scalp, a warming cap is put on top. After 20 minutes you can wash off the mask.
  • Tar soap is considered the old proven way to deal with oily seborrhea. It dries skin well, removes dandruff in the scalp. In the acute form of the disease, tar oil soap can be used daily, then the application should be reduced to twice a week.
  • Burdock oil nourishes the scalp and hair well. The oil is applied to clean hair for about two hours, then washed off with warm water.

Diet with seborrhea

When the first symptoms of oily seborrhea appear, the patient should pay attention to his diet.

Undesirable products for seborrhea:

  • Fatty, salty and smoked food,
  • Fast food,
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks,
  • White bread, sweet buns,
  • Chocolate, honey.

Patients with oily seborrhea, it is desirable to eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, seafood, lean meats.

Related topics

- February 20, 2012, 19:22

I suffer from oily seborrhea for 3 years. How it started and I started to lose my hair immediately went to the AMD laboratory, I was diagnosed there, they wanted to unleash my grandmother, and the “doctor-trichologist” says if I’m not going to have them, all my hair will fall out in 3 years, but I do not lead! Tip: DO NOT GO THERE AND DO NOT SPEND MONEY. Or read the reviews and the internet. After all, the problem is internal. I began to be fully examined: I passed hormones of the genital and thyroid glands, everything was normal, gynecology was normal, they put gastritis, an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity found a gall curve and an enlarged liver all just like Sergey 51. I’ll probably start the treatment of the liver and gall bladder. Hair of course pretty thinned + two more pregnancies in a row, but all this time I was fighting for them. Ampoules and shampoo RINFOLTIL helps very well. For a month, he removed the crust from his head, and almost does not itch, only when we eat sweet, salty, spicy or fatty (but this is probably the bile reacts). But the fatness of the hair certainly does not completely remove this inner. Speaking of Rinfoltila and many other useful beauty recipes, I learned from the Agidelia Blog. All health and good luck in the treatment! P.S. I hope I will help someone.

By the way, in amd my mother was treated. She was given dry seborrhea. The scalp was covered with scales, it's scary. She took vitamins, microelements and kept a diet. But to peel these crusts in the laboratory went. Also used their shampoos. Thank God, the result was.

- February 24, 2012 10:45

I also had this problem for 5 years already thinking of hanging myself, as she was tormenting me with tin (. I tried all the shampoos did not help. All my face was flaky tin. I cured 4 years ago. Here’s the recipe will help 100%. I had a gastritis and a bend of the gall bladder in This was the reason. He began to follow a diet to drink choleretic drugs to warm the liver with a heating pad. He stopped eating everything sweet. Coffee, chocolate, in general, to reduce all harmful foods, quit drinking and drinking. (This is not a joke.) He started to run a little in a slow rhythm. the press is also very useful. Another ate fruit He took vitamins. After 2 weeks, he had an itch on his head. A month passed dandruff 3 months I led a healthy lifestyle. Now the problem is resolved. For 4 years my head doesn’t itch no dandruff. On a holiday I drink with everyone. But I warm up 2-3 times I run 1 time a week I press 2-3 times a week. I am satisfied with my life. I wish everyone to recover. And don’t buy these shampoos the problem inside you will not help.

Sergey, I also have gastritis and a problem with bile. bilirubin 2 times higher than normal. Do you have hair due to seborrhea? can be more about warming the liver?

- February 26, 2012, 20:40

There is an opinion that the hair gets used to one shampoo and it no longer works as effectively as at the very beginning of its use. And against this background, I developed a habit of constantly changing shampoos - I buy the same shampoo two or three times, and then I buy another. These experiments with the constant change of shampoos did not lead to anything good, only to the appearance of dandruff, which did not disappear even after all the known dandruff shampoos. She asked for help in the amd - they prescribed a course of ozone therapy and offered to try their branded shampoos, masks and balms. For a complete cure, it took two courses of procedures. Now I use only their shampoo and balm. About dandruff long forgotten))))

- March 1, 2012, 09:19

Try NODE DS + shampoo from Bioderma. Doctors are either illiterate, or they all want to cash in on people. Try the shampoo I wrote about and don't go to anyone.

- March 3, 2012, 18:34

Oh yes, easy to write))) Try it. Without analyzes and other necessary things) When you try everything, what is recommended - there will be no hair on your head. So I listened, listened, but did it my way. Seborrhea - this is not a joke, IMHO. in spec. clinics with such a problem need to be addressed. In amd went to work for 2 months. The result is obvious :)

- March 4, 2012 11:59

Oh yes, easy to write))) Try it. Without analyzes and other necessary things) When you try everything, what is recommended - there will be no hair on your head. So I listened, listened, but did it my way. Seborrhea - this is not a joke, IMHO. in spec. clinics with such a problem need to be addressed. In amd went to work for 2 months. The result is obvious :)

What is AMD and where is it? what were you doing there? tell me please

- March 4, 2012, 13:23

Hello! No medications will help! The disease will come back again! The only treatment is the sun's rays! I just got out the wrong way! Having received a nose burn at Max 2009 in Zhukovsky. At that time there was a terrible heat! only this helped me! It's all over!

- March 5, 2012, 23:44

What is AMD and where is it? what were you doing there? tell me please

AMD laboratory treats hair and scalp. In general, I was treated with a laser comb with a special comb. And then mesotherapy for recovery. Well, of course they did the massage, specials. funds rubbed into the scalp.

- March 6, 2012, 00:19

AMD laboratory treats hair and scalp. In general, I was treated with a laser comb with a special comb. And then mesotherapy for recovery. Well, of course they did the massage, specials. funds rubbed into the scalp.

did you have hair loss, itching and oily scalp?

- March 6, 2012, 00:20

Hello! No medications will help! The disease will come back again! The only treatment is the sun's rays! I just got out the wrong way! Having received a nose burn at Max 2009 in Zhukovsky. At that time there was a terrible heat! only this helped me! It's all over!

But doesn’t the head sweat and get even more fat from the sun's rays?

- March 6, 2012, 23:54

AMD laboratory treats hair and scalp. In general, I was treated with a laser comb with a special comb. And then mesotherapy for recovery. Well, of course they did the massage, specials. funds rubbed into the scalp.

My girlfriend was treated in amd. So she was there, as in the hospital, had all the tests, diagnostics, the doctor talked, prescribed treatment. Then she went to the procedure, at home she rubbed the serum, used special shampoos.

- March 12, 2012, 09:12

did you have hair loss, itching and oily scalp?

Yeah, that was such nonsense. The laboratory said that I turned in time. Otherwise, then it would be more difficult to display this nonsense significantly.

Possible effects of seborrhea

The disease of dry seborrhea leads to morphological changes in the stratum corneum, deterioration of trophism of tissues and nutrition of the bulbs. Hair becomes brittle and dull, in the started form begin to fall out.

Itching and intense scratching, damage to the integrity of the surface layer provoke a burning sensation. In addition, aesthetic flaws appear on the face, causing discomfort and psychosomatic disorders.

5 main methods of therapy

If you suspect the occurrence of this pathology should consult a doctor. No need to self-medicate.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor may prescribe such therapy:

  1. Use of antifungal agents. Most doctors prescribe drugs for local use. These are various ointments or shampoos (if seborrhea appears in the scalp area).
  2. Keratolic agents. They help to eliminate dead cells, accelerate regeneration processes. Salicylic acid is present in their composition.
  3. Hormonal drugs, immunomodulators. Such funds will help to fight with concomitant diseases. Initially, there should be an examination at the profile doctor.
  4. Reception of vitamin complexes. They have a positive effect on the health of the whole organism, lead to normal metabolic processes.
  5. Saloon methods. There are certain procedures that are carried out in salons or clinics that help fight seborrhea.

As an addition, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. But initially you need to consult a doctor.


Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp begins with the use of ointments with antiseptic and anti-parasitic formulas (as sulfur-dyagtery or 10% sulfuric).

They successfully cope with any form. Selenium sulfite and zinc pyrithione with antimitotic effect also come to the rescue.

  1. To inhibit the activity of harmful microorganisms Pityrosporum ovale prescribe antifungal therapy. Clotrimazole is applied to the affected area twice a day.
  2. Ketoconazole inhibits the reproduction of Malassezia fungi and prevents intense flaking of scales and the appearance of pathogenic microflora.
  3. Hydrocortisone ointment quickly eliminates the itching and swelling of tissues, heals scratches, but with strong inflammation is not used. Similarly, Elok acts.
  4. To remove redness recommend antibacterial "Baneotsin". The ointment has contraindications and is strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
  5. For them, pharmacists prepared Mikoket. The formula destroys the cells of fungi, eliminates scratching and irritation, heals wounds. For the prevention of useful cream with tocopherol.

The keratolics are shown in chronic form to facilitate the removal of scales from the scalp and face. They dissolve the "glue" that holds the epithelial cells. However, when it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the nose and conjunctiva of the eye, it causes severe irritation.

For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home, together with antimycotics prescribed brewer's yeast, vitamins with a high percentage of A, E, B.

Means at increased sebum secretion

With an excessive release of sebum, an excess of secretion is removed by salicylic alcohol. It deeply cleans the mouths of the pores and gently removes the remains of keratinized scales.

  1. Daily rubbing of the tar water obtained after the distillation of wood strengthens the bulbs and normalizes the pH balance of the skin.
  2. Evrozolovaya with 70% alcohol content and hinosol remove greasy plaque, disinfects the skin.
  3. It is useful to treat the face and head with chamomile and cinchona water.

Given that they contain natural coloring pigments, the solutions are chosen depending on the hair color. Nettle and burdock with dissolved salicylic acid are considered universal.

Sodium thiosulfate is treated with partings, and after crystallization, the hydrochloric acid solution is rubbed onto the course. It is recommended to use alcohol infusion of naphthalene oil every day, solutions with tar, chilli for a month.

In order not to overdry the skin and not to aggravate the process, therapeutic agents are used strictly in the indicated doses.

Medical Cosmetics

In the treatment of dry seborrhea on the head shampoos with anti-inflammatory and antimycotic formulas and salicylic acid help.

Popular: Friederm plus, Tar, Dixidox Deluxe, Friederm tar. They are used up to 2 times a week.

For the fatty form of the disease are suitable: Keto-plus, Sebiproks, Nizoral, Zikon, Tsinovit.

When treating dry seborrhea on the face, choose tonics, creams, oxidizing emulsions of the Garnier, Losterin and Propeller brands.

The disease cannot be cured in a few days, so it is better to set yourself up in advance for a monthly course of therapy and strictly follow the prescribed regimen.

How to get rid of dry dandruff folk methods?

With a deficit of sebum and a diagnosis of dry seborrhea, oil solutions from sea buckthorn, althea, burdock, violet, flax are good. Dry parsley roots are combined with 1: 5 oil, kept for half an hour in a water bath and applied every other day for a month.

Also come with violet, poplar buds. They are rubbed into the head, applied to the face and hairy part for a couple of hours.

Strengthens the roots and gives natural shine to the strands nourishing henna mask. It is combined with warm water and baby cream in a 1: 2: 6 ratio. The course implies 10 procedures.

Compresses of chamomile, burdock, calendula, succession (1 liter of grass per glass of water) - an excellent tool for facial care.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to such folk remedies:

  1. An excellent antiseptic with an excess of sebum is tea tree oil with a burning effect.
  2. Rinsing with water with dissolved salt defrosts and dries the epidermis.
  3. Apple cider vinegar and spirit tincture of walnut partitions restore the pH balance.
  4. It is well proven protein lotion, 100 g of cologne and 1 tsp glycerin. This solution wipe the skin overnight.

# 5 salon procedures

Effective procedures can help combat seborrhea. Here are some of them:

  1. Cryomassage. For this purpose, a special applicator is used, liquid nitrogen comes out of it. It can also emit a nitrogen-air mixture. The doctor performs treatment of the affected areas. To achieve positive dynamics, you need to complete a course that consists of 10 sessions.
  2. Mesotherapy. This is an effective injection technique. It involves the introduction under the skin of a thin needle drug that is suitable in a particular case. As a result, blood circulation, nutrition, sebaceous glands begin to function normally, hair growth is enhanced.
  3. Darsonvalization. This is the procedure for exposure to currents. The procedure has a positive effect on blood circulation, helps fight seborrhea.
  4. Laser manipulation. Laser recently used in the fight against various problems, including with the disease.
  5. Ozone therapy. This is the name of the procedure during which the skin is exposed to ozone. As a result, her condition improves, functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.


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