
We create highlights on the hair (36 photos) by different coloring techniques


A steady trend of recent years in the field of hair coloring is to give them the most natural color. Due to the fact that the natural color of the hair has many shades, it is impossible to achieve such an effect by simple coloring in one tone. Glare on the hair, traces of natural burnout in the sun can be created only with the use of complex dyeing techniques. Someone, and women know that to achieve a natural image is much harder than a luxurious one.

What is California highlighting

This technique has recently become widely used by masters of hairdressing, but quickly became popular. Its feature, which is very attractive for women, is the combination of excellent visual effect and almost absolute security for the structure of the strands. This is due to the fact that the dyes are created on the basis of beeswax. During the procedure, the hair does not heat up, as in classical highlighting, since the creation of highlights on the hair by the Californian method of dyeing does not imply a dense wrapping of the hair in the foil. As a result of using the technique, a soft transition is obtained from several shades on the hair.

Advantages of Californian highlighting

California highlights, the photo of which can be seen below, perfectly helps to mask the appeared gray hair.

Another ability of this type of dyeing is a visual increase in hair volume.

Since this method involves only emphasizing the beauty of the natural hair color, it will be an excellent choice for women who want changes in their appearance, but do not plan to drastically change their image.

There is a type of coloring close to Californian - shatush. Sometimes they are confused, but there is a difference, and it is quite significant. Californian uses bright and deep colors.

Some masters assert that only owners of light hair can afford Californian highlighting. The photo below allows you to make sure that ladies with any hair color can try this technique on themselves.

The most difficult to highlight the red hair color. This is due to the fact that not every paint is able to cope with the original color and change its hue. Therefore, in order not to disappoint the result, you should not perform highlighting yourself, it is recommended to entrust such luxurious hair color to the work of a professional. He is able to transform the hair, not spoil it.

What to look for when self-staining

Of course, it is better to dye your hair with a professional. But for various reasons, some ladies carry out this procedure on their own at home. In this case, it is highly undesirable to lighten strands too much. The maximum allowable is three tones compared with the existing one. It is important to remember that blonding due to a chemical reaction greatly harms the hair, destroying their structure. If the damage is very strong, then it will not even work on the curls. In the worst case, they will simply be burned.

Therefore, if the coloration suggests that there will be a glare on the hair, a different highlighting method or ordinary lightening, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a gray tint in the prepared mixture that is applied to the hair. It is he who points out that the hair is too hot.

Preparation for the procedure

Before carrying out highlighting, you need to wash your hair without using a balm or conditioner. Then you need to wait until the hair dries themselves, the hair dryer dries them significantly and makes it porous, so it’s best to do without it. In order for the process to be as safe as possible, and the result did not disappoint, it is best to purchase the necessary coloring agents at a professional cosmetics store. Products must be good and well-known manufacturers.

Californian highlighting instructions for dark hair

After the hair has been washed and completely dried, you can begin to apply paint. According to the rules, it is applied to the strands from top to bottom. Clear instructions about the distance between the strands and their width does not exist. Depends on personal preference, how much glare on dark hair should be expressed. After the mixture is applied to the desired area, the strand must be wrapped in foil. Do not close tightly. Foil is not required for a chemical reaction, its main function is to protect another part of the hair from ingestion of the dye mixture. The owner of short hair does not need foil at all, it is enough to use hair clips to separate the colored areas from the remaining free ones.

How much paint should remain on the hair depends on several factors: the initial shade of the hair, how much it is necessary to lighten the strands. The darker your hair and the stronger you need to lighten, the more time you need to get the expected result. The minimum time is 15 minutes. You should not leave paint on your hair for more than 40 minutes.

After staining

When the time is up, you need to remove the foil and wash off the paint. It is recommended to use special shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. Blow-dry your hair should not be.

If you do not like the result, you can repeat the procedure in two weeks. This time is enough for the hair to recover a little. It must be remembered that you can wait a little with color, but to restore health to damaged hair will not be so easy. In addition, light highlights on dark hair often look better than more contrast.

Venetian highlighting

Despite the fact that the technology belongs to the trendy and modern, it was known for a very, very long time. In ancient times, the Italians already knew how to lighten hair. Therefore, it could easily create glare on the hair, iridescent shades of gold in the sun. Then fashionable Venetian highlighting was born. Its principle is to use fairly warm shades of a light palette, which are naturally woven into natural dark hair. The most light are the tips, as you approach the top of the hair shade becomes darker.

This technology is different from other similar ones. The effect that is being created is not just strands sunburned by the sun, it is a more interesting coloring. Glare on the hair are created by moving from chocolate to a delicate sun shade. No wonder the technology was invented by Italians. These ladies are distinguished not only by dark hair, but also by dark skin. And each version of coloring is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of each client, and not based only on fashion and personal wishes. The image should look harmonious. And if a woman with dark skin wants to add more light shades to her hair color, the usual highlights will not look the best. It is better to refresh your hairstyle precisely through the use of more similar dark shades.

Who will suit Venetian highlighting

And it is simply created for ladies with oriental appearance, who sometimes get tired of the natural beauty of dark hair and want to try on the image of a blonde. Glare on the hair will look especially expressive on long and curly strands. And also this option of making changes in the image should be considered beauties with dark eyes.

By the way, this technology, which allows you to add golden and honey shades to dark hair, will be perfectly combined with gold jewelry. So lovers of this metal, who believe that this color of products is not quite suitable for them, they can try the Venetian highlighting. It will allow you to create a truly perfect combination with the color of the noble metal.

But ashy blondes and owners of chalk shades of hair, this coloring technique will not work.

Venetian highlighting technology

Glare on light brown and darker hairs are not created in the easiest way. It will be necessary to apply four (or more) tones of coloring agents. The palette usually includes chocolate shades, like the darkest, and champagne, like the lightest. The transition should be gradual, then we can achieve a beautiful and natural effect. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in several stages.

In addition, the Venetian highlighting is considered the most gentle for the hair, provided that high-quality products are used and the master has the necessary knowledge.


You need to know that, after making the glare on the hair successfully managed with the help of Venetian highlighting, the strands need to properly care. The undoubted advantage of this technique is that it practically does not harm the hair. But proper care for the hair will make it only more beautiful and emphasize the depth of color, add shine and health.

After dyeing it is recommended to postpone for a week all the means used to create the styling: curling iron, tongs, hair dryer. Hair should be washed with shampoo without sulfates. And short hair will please the appearance, if they are washed once a week with soap.

To the created effect did not lose its pristine beauty, it is recommended to pamper your hair regularly with nourishing masks and decoctions of chamomile.

Overflows, accents, thin strands, glare on light brown hair (and not only) - all this is used to make the woman look as modern as possible. Various methods of highlighting are aimed at ensuring that the hair was an absolute advantage and a reason for pride of each lady. After all, without this you can not look your best and feel like a queen. And the versatility of the shades used allows you to add volume to the hair, freshness to the image and youthfulness to the face.

Features and types of staining with highlights

Light and dark curls with similar staining will play in a completely new way.

Glare on the curls can be performed in separate strokes or have a gentle watercolor overflow of several shades. The more colors used, the softer and more refined the overall picture will be. With different lighting staining looks different, each time playing a new facet.

Note! Such coloring, despite its external simplicity, is very difficult to perform. That is why most of the masters do not recommend it to hold his own.

The price of the procedure is quite high, but the result is worth it, because a simple person will not be able to choose the right combination of colors, and even more so to paint in such a way that the shades smoothly flow into each other, creating a fascinating game of midtones and highlights.

American highlights

American highlighting consists of several techniques to create glare

American highlights are one of the ways to create incredible color highlights. It includes several techniques, the difference in which the application of the coloring composition and in the color palette. As a result of staining with this or that technique, you will get lively volume curls, and the image becomes rich and refined.

For a good result, the master uses at least two shades. When staining, multi-colored foil is used so that the hairdresser can distinguish which tones have already been applied and which are not.

Instructions for conducting highlighting as follows:

  1. First of all, the main color is applied on the back of the head, completely coloring the curls along the entire length. Everything is sealed in foil.
  2. After that, the lower part of the hair at the temples is separated and also worked through with the main color.
  3. Further work with the temples continues - strand by strand is painted over in different shades and sealed with foil, the color of which corresponds to each tone.
  4. After applying the coloring composition once at each site, the operation is repeated in a circle, gradually moving to the crown.
  5. When they reach the top of the head, they continue to process part of the hair, gradually moving to the opposite temple.
  6. Then strands of crown are stained with a gradual displacement from the face to the back of the head.
  7. The composition keeps the allotted time, after which the foil is removed and everything is thoroughly washed off.

As mentioned above, American highlighting includes several techniques. More about them in the table below.

The procedure is carried out by air, i.e. for this, strands about a couple of centimeters wide are separated in a staggered manner. The paint is mixed with a special thickener so that it does not spread, and is applied to the outer part of the beams. The colored strand is placed on the main part of the hair, thus lightening it a little.

California technique on light hair

Red highlights make the image bright and bold

In general, an unstable gel is used as a coloring agent.

Crazy Colors for eccentric natures

Shatush is one of the types of gentle hair lightening; it creates light glare, like curls burned out in the sun.

Among the main features of this technique are the following:

Photo: smooth color stretching in shatush technique

  1. Smooth feathering without clear borders, the color is blurry, which looks very natural.
  2. Darkening of the root zone.
  3. Carrying out the procedure using a pile and stretching the color with a special comb.
  4. The need for correction once every three months.

Pros and cons of technology

The procedure for creating sophisticated highlights, the game of flowers on the hair - This is the pinnacle of hairdressing, and she has many advantages:

  • minimum damage to curls, because to complete the image sometimes a few strokes,
  • Glare coloring is performed on natural color, does not require washing, bleaching strands,
  • only high-quality, professional paints are used for transformation,
  • fits every client, regardless of age, hair type and structure, color type,
  • you will be unique, because the coloring technique does not have clear edges, each image is individual,
  • the technique does not need regular correction, and regrown roots will not "catch the eye",
  • With different lighting and styling, the highlights will “play” differently, but always great and beautiful.

Among the main drawbacks of such coloring are high requirements for the performer. In order for the result to really beautify the appearance, hide angular or too rounded faces, emphasize the beauty of the client, give volume to the hairstyle, highlighting must be performed by the guru of hairdressing. The complexity of the technique is expressed not so much in the actions of the master as in the perception of color and style by him.

Highlight variations

Glare highlighting is of several types:

  • multitonal - combines several shades of bright and extraordinary or, on the contrary, natural, pastel. With such coloring, the colored strands look as natural as possible, as if conceived by nature,

  • iridescent - option for brown-haired women. The essence of the technique is to create indescribable inner warmth and radiance. Caramel, nut, honey shades create a complete overflow, and the boundaries of the transition from one tone to another are not at all visible. It creates a feeling of sun shine on the hair,

  • colored - here the master is given complete freedom of imagination. Bright, extraordinary shades (for example, pale-violet, lingonberry, mauve or cherry) can be used in harmony with the main shade of the hair. You will find more ideas of color highlighting of hair on our site.

An important point. Glare highlighting is ideal, if it is impossible to accurately determine the number of shades used and the technique of applying them not only to you, but to another specialist.

Procedure cost

This is an extremely professional procedure, therefore it is not carried out at home. For the work of the master, of course, you will have to pay a considerable amount, it all depends on the “appetites” and the classiness of the performer.

The cost of the procedure is also affected by the rating of the salon, its location, the amount of material used and the duration of the painting. Discuss the price of glare highlighting on an individual basis, but do not count on an amount cheaper than 3-4 thousand rubles.

If you decide to paint the house, waste is limited to the purchase of paint and other improvised items. However, to achieve the solar effect alone is almost impossible.

To suit

Glare highlighting of hair has no limitations in color and is characterized by a variety of options for the location of highlights. Accordingly, you can enjoy the result of the procedure for everyone.

Consider what shades it is preferable to combine with each other, and demonstrate in the photo what the highlights look like on dark hair, on blondes and brown-haired women.

For fair hair

Ash-beige strokes, echoing with peanuts, caramel or honey locks, help the masters to express the beauty of light blond and light brown hair. For a delicate, sophisticated look, warm wheat highlights can be used.

For bright and bold blondes delicate lilac and ashy playings look subtle. They will create a light, unobtrusive, fairy-tale image that will attract and attract with its mystery.

For dark and chestnut curls

Owners of chestnut curls are offered a huge selection of colors. It can be warm caramel, honey and gold notes or cold bronze and steel. Smooth transitions from light shade to dark and vice versa will give a sense of radiance and color depth. With the new way, even in bad weather, you will radiate heat, attract the views of others.

For brunettes harmoniously fit the glare with a currant or golden hue.

For eccentric dark-haired personalities complement the image of lingonberry, cherry, cornflower and blue, currant and purple play.

Staining technique

Creating a game of color, sun glare on the head of the hair professionals use their own ideas. Glare highlighting is a creative work, there is no strict algorithm of actions.

You can only predict the course of action, but every professional can make their own adjustments to the process. In general, the coloring technique resembles coloring, balayazh and consists of the following steps:

  1. From the whole head of hair stand out separate strands.
  2. The strands are dyed in the selected tone, the root zone is rarely used. Smears are indistinct, performed chaotically. The master also controls the amount of paint, depending on the desired saturation of the new tone.
  3. As a rule, highlighting is done in an open way, therefore Foil or thermal paper is not used.
  4. After some time, stipulated by the action of the dye, the paint is washed off the hair.
  5. If necessary, the painting process is repeated, only a different color is used.
  6. To consolidate the result and make the curls even more brilliant, the master applies a multifunctional effective mask or keratin composition.
  7. Drying and styling is done.

The process of coloring may seem rather simple, but in fact the highlights are considered the pinnacle of professionalism in hairdressing.

Refinement, lightness and shine are the main aspects of painting, which the master has to combine with flowers. Hair is like a palette on which a hairdresser sculpts his best picture. Do not miss the opportunity to look perfect, dazzling and luxurious with glare technology.

Detailed answers to important questions about hair coloring:

Useful videos

Hair coloring. Tips colorist.

How to imitate the effect of burnt hair.

Shatush: perfect for brunettes

Shatush technique, or French highlighting, is based on a smooth stretching of color along the length of the hair. During coloring two or three close shades are used, as close as possible to the natural color. Shatush involves the coloring of randomly selected strands with a small indentation from the roots. This allows you to create natural sun glare on your hair, as if you had just returned from vacation, and your hair just burned out in the sun.

To suit: girls with dark hair. If you are blonde and really want shatush, be ready to paint the roots in a darker shade - on blond hair the effect is lost.

Advantages of technology:

  • the contrast of dark roots and light strands visually adds volume of hair,
  • does not require frequent tinting, even with slightly grown shatush roots looks good,
  • Unlike balayazh and ombre looks much more natural.

Ombre: emphasize the beauty of light brown hair

Ombre is a smooth transition from dark to light or vice versa. As a result of this staining from the roots to the middle of the length, the natural shade is preserved, followed by a soft transition to a different color, which becomes as intense as possible at the tips.

Unlike the previous technique, the ombre has a clearer border and does not look as natural as shatush. But ombre is ideal for those who love experiments. If the bright highlights on the hair are boring, you can easily repaint them in any other color.

To suit: technique creates beautiful sun glare on light brown hair. But brunettes who dream of a natural effect, it is better to abandon the ombra, because a clear boundary transition is inevitable.

Advantages of technology:

  • Ombre has about ten variants of coloring - classical, highlight, bright, glaring - you will definitely find an option that is right for you,
  • in case of unsuccessful staining, you can easily change the color or just cut off the tips. After all, change is always good. Yes, even such cardinal.

Balayaz: universal option for all shades

The word “balayazh” is translated from French as “revenge”, “brush off”. Unlike shatusha, this technique involves the horizontal application of paint along the entire length. Colorist like sweeps through the hair, touching the tip of the brush only their upper layer, giving a beautiful glow and light glare. By the way, balayazh is considered one of the most difficult solar dyeing, so the choice of the master should be taken very carefully.

To suit: absolutely everyone. Balayazh creates a spectacular glare on dark hair, textures light and adds saturation to the red color.

Advantages of technology:

  • allows you to refresh the image without major changes,
  • thanks to the surface technique does not hurt the hair,
  • Looks impressive on both natural and dyed hair.

Brondirovaniye: a highlight accent for brown-haired women and brunettes

Brond is a relief, deep, natural color with the effect of burnt hair. The name appeared as a result of combining two words: “brown” and “blond”, the technique implies a smooth transition between these two tones.

The procedure results in a brown-haired woman with the effect of burnt hair, which have different shades: caramel, cold pearl, honey, amber, wheat and even red or shimmering copper. Golden rule brondirovaniya: the difference between the darkest and the lightest shades should not exceed three tones. We need to get exactly the light glare and play, if the strands stand out strongly against the background color, then it is time to change the master.

To suit: mostly brunettes and brown-haired women. Blond hair will have to create a dark base and dye not only the roots, but also the hair along the entire length.

Advantages of technology:

  • thanks to staining over the entire length, the brond gives the most natural effect of burnt hair,
  • the combination of two contrasting shades creates a beautiful texture and gives the hair a visual volume.

Tiger eye: sun kisses for dark blond hair

Tiger coloring - a new trend of hair-coloring, which got its name by analogy with a semi-precious stone tiger eye, in which stripes of ocher of varying intensity alternate on a brown background.

Appearing quite recently, it has already supplanted all the above-mentioned methods. By tag #tigereye you can find hundreds of thousands of photos of beauties who have decided on a new trend. The technique involves the creation of light caramel highlights on a dark basis. As a result of dyeing, a smooth transition from chocolate to amber tones appears on the hair.

To suit: tiger eye - the privilege of only brunettes and brown-haired women, as well as owners of dark brown hair.

Advantages of technology:

  • caramel colored strands look voluminous and airy,
  • tiger eye creates a glossy glare, thanks to which hair gains healthy shine, and curls look elastic and resilient,
  • the right combination of shades will help give the face a fresh look.

What is highlight?

This type of coloring looks natural and impressive due to the clarification of just a few strands and the correct selection of the tone in which the selected curls are painted. Such shading does not make the image heavier and fits any style very harmoniously.

Strands with this method of clarification are most often selected in a chaotic manner to create the effect of maximum naturalness. While the color palette is determined very carefully, often by mixing a large number of colors in order to find an individual, absolutely unique shade.

Clear, sharp and too contrasting color transitions in this case should not be. The basic rule of glare coloring is smoothness, softness and naturalness.

Pros and cons of glare highlighting

Due to the special technique of applying a clarifier, this method is considered to be one of the most gentle and delicate methods of dyeing, which is an undoubted and huge plus of such staining.


  • safe and gentle lightening
  • a spectacular look of hair after the procedure
  • universality - such a melirovanie can be done by absolutely any woman, regardless of age, hair color, hairstyle and color type,
  • Glare highlighting does not require constant correction, updating the color and staining of regrown roots,
  • since the staining of the strands is usually done randomly, and the colors can be mixed, the image is incredibly interesting and individual. A hairstyle with similar coloring is unlikely to be found.


  • cost, especially for long hair,
  • competently and professionally such clarification can be performed only by an experienced master, therefore the task of finding a decent hairdresser with a sense of style in this case is paramount.

Another positive feature of such staining is minimization of the harm done to curls. Of course, there is a small risk of overdrying the hair, but compared to other methods of clarification, in this case, this risk is practically reduced to zero.

This is best suited to highlight glare

This type of highlighting is ideal for any type and color of hair, as well as for any haircut. Both short and long hairstyle will play in a new way with such coloring, so there are practically no restrictions for this procedure.

However, such a shine will look most successful on not too dark curls of short or medium length. It will be somewhat more difficult to achieve a soft transition on black and dark chestnut strands, while on light, light brown and chestnut shades you can create the most natural reflections.

Types of highlight highlighting

There are several types of this clarification, each of which has a number of features.

  • American With this method, the natural tone of the curls is isolated, slightly diluting it with light strands and adding volume to the hairstyle,
  • shatush Smooth and at the same time contrast transition of tones on all length,
  • Venetian. In this type of highlighting, the hair roots are left intact,
  • Californian. In California brightening, there are about four to six kinds of paint mixed
  • balayazh. Lightening at the roots, followed by a gradual dimming towards the tips. Gradient effect
  • french Light brightening, best suited for fair-haired ladies.

In addition to the main species, sometimes use more exotic methods of brightening glare. For example, with multitonal and color staining, colors are chosen brighter and more contrast, which, however, form smooth color transitions from one to another.

Description of the highlight technique

When creating shades of sun glare on the head of hair, it is important to be guided by a sense of style and clearly catch even the smallest shade changes that can completely transform the image.

Glare highlighting scheme:

  • curls preparation: combing them thoroughly with frequent teeth,
  • random selection of several strands of average width
  • applying clarifier on the selected strands, trying to make strokes easy, smooth. Bottom zone composition is not processed,
  • after a certain amount of time (usually about half an hour) the paint is washed off with warm water and a mild shampoo,
  • repeat staining if necessarybut in a different shade
  • at the end, as a rule, a moisturizing multifunctional mask is applied and the drying and styling is carried out.

Features of such highlighting, depending on the color of the hair:

  • on dark hair. For dark curls can be used non-standard shades, such as eggplant, cherry, currant. For a more classic highlight apply a golden palette,
  • on the blond hair. Almost all known shades of the brightener, close to the natural color, are ideal for fair-haired women: caramel, honey, wheat, as well as ashy and bronze,
  • on light curls. On the light strands of the master most often put light caramel and nut tones of paints, trying to create the most smooth transition and soft contrast with a natural shade.

Most often with this type of clarification, neither foil nor a special cap for dyeing is used.

Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting

When preparing for the highlighting procedure, it is best not to wash your head for three to four days.. Make it worth it in order to protect the curls from drying out, without washing them off with a natural moisturizer produced by the sebaceous glands .

It is especially important and urgent to wait with the washing of the head before dyeing the owners of thin curls, as well as hair, prone to dryness.

Two to three weeks before this event, it is recommended to start using additional means of moistening and protecting curls: conditioners, balms, sprays and thermal protection.

How often can you make such highlighting

Too often to repeat this procedure, as a rule, there is no need, since in this case it is not necessary to control the growing tips. Optimally refresh such staining once every 3-4 months.

Effect after the procedure

The effect of glare coloring directly depends on the width of the colored strands, the chosen shade of dye, the natural hair color and, of course, the length of the curls.

  • on short hair the result will look like a natural fading in the sun, or a slight backlighting with sun glare. On an asymmetrical hairstyle with a bang, the effect will be doubly original and interesting,
  • average length, besides a fresh radiant look, will gain pomp and bulk,
  • long hairstyle Glare clarification will give the volume and appearance of slightly bleached hair in a natural way.

A variety of shades allows you to translate into reality a variety of ideas, without changing the basic natural color of hair.

Hair care after the procedure

It is recommended to nourish and moisturize the curls after the lightening procedure, especially after washing the head and before using the hair dryer, curling or ironing. All the care and cosmetics should be soft, not have in the composition of potent chemical components and be designed for colored hair.

Dazzling highlighting transforms any hairstyle, giving the hair shine, fluffiness, refreshing them and adding its own unique "flavor" to the image. The fashionable effect of iridescent sun flares harmoniously fit into any style and image.


Watch the video: Shadow root color melting made easy (July 2024).