Work with hair

Simple ways to curl artificial hair (39 photos)


Not every woman can boast a beautiful and lush head of hair. And ladies with short hair dream of long curls and, on the contrary, beauties with elegant length “mane” tend to cut it off, changing to a stylish hairstyle. And if in the hands of an experienced hairdresser it is easy to shorten “hated” hair, then it was a long time to increase the strands.

Now everything has changed. In stores you can buy artificial hair with hairpins and tresses.

And if the latter themselves are very difficult to attach, the curls on small clips easily cling to the natural head of hair, giving it the desired volume and length.

Such linings are very helpful for girls in creating hairstyles for any celebration, although someone will say that for the sake of this occasion you can use a wig. But not every beauty can find a suitable wig that will fully fit her image.

Therefore, we will not talk about wigs today.

We will better touch the topic of artificial strands, discuss how to care for them, wash, curl, create hairstyles, etc. In the meantime, let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such products.

Artificial hair on the hairpins: identify the pros and cons

Highlight the positive aspects of using non-natural curls:

  • Versatility strands. Having bought strands once, you will be able to create interesting hairstyles, without resorting to the help of a stylist, and you will not have to do hair extensions in the salon,
  • Price. Artificial fabric weights are several times cheaper than natural curls. At the same time, if we organize proper care for purchased hair, they will last a long time,
  • The strands on the hairpins are completely harmless to natural hair. It doesn't matter how often you will use false curls: daily or once a week. They will in no way harm the straps to which they are attached,
  • Unreal hair is sold in different lengths and shades, which allows beautiful ladies to choose exactly the color that suits them best.

As you can see, there are a lot of advantages to the overhead strands, but there are also some disadvantages:

  • Not everyone knows how to care for a wig and strands of artificial hair. But improper care may adversely affect such acquisitions. They will just go bad after 1–2 uses,
  • The complexity, and sometimes the inability to dye unnatural hair. It will upset many ladies, although there are some secrets here, but more on that later,
  • You need to know a special technique of fastening hairpins with artificial hair, because if you attach the straps anywhere, they will be visible.

What hairstyles can be created with such overlays

Most girls use artificial barrettes on hairpins, not to create complex hairstyles, but to give the head of hair a volume and additional length.

Placing the curls under the top layer of your own hairs, you can further carefully collect them into a beautiful tail at the desired height. The main thing is that while this was not visible pin, which hold artificial curls.

To create a romantic image, it is recommended to use lining with strands, in which the ends of the hair are slightly twisted. With them it will turn out to make both volume tails, and falling waves.

Using artificial curls, you can make a bunch at the crown. It will turn out to create an attractive hairstyle from braids, which can be woven in various techniques and positioned at your discretion.

Artificial hair: can I dye them and what to use for this?

Buying false curls, ladies often choose a shade that best suits the color of natural hair. But it also happens that a woman decided to dye her hair, but what about the false ones? Here everything is very difficult.

The fact is that it is extremely undesirable to dye unnatural strands with the usual means for hair, as well as tinted shampoos, as this can spoil the structure of the curls. Therefore, it is best if you decide to change the color of your hair by purchasing new overhead strands.

But if you do not want to spend money, you can use the following methods to change the color of existing strands:

  1. Buy a permanent marker on the basis of alcohol desired color. Tighten rubber gloves (sold at the pharmacy) on your hands, pull the rod out of the marker, cut off the film in which the “sponge” is packed. Gently moisten the extracted substance in alcohol and slowly start driving it along artificial strands, they will be painted in the chosen shade,
  2. In addition to the marker, you can use batik for dyeing your hair - paint for drawing on matter. To carry out the staining procedure, dilute in 3 liters of pure water 3 cans of batik of the desired shade. Stir the resulting solution thoroughly and place unnatural strands in it for 48–72 hours.

How to curl artificial hair?

Buy locks curled at the ends of the desired shade is not the easiest. Therefore, some women after the acquisition of strands think about how to make beautiful curls. Unfortunately, when curling artificial curls electric curlers, hot curling iron and forceps do not use. An exception may be only those products on which there is a “heat resistant” mark. Such linings are resistant to high temperatures, including the curl.

If you still really want to make small waves on the purchased curls, you can use the following methods:

  • Screw the strands on cold curlers, put them on a baking tray and, in this form, send in a slightly heated oven for 40 minutes. Then pull out your “dish”, wait until it cools. After complete cooling, you can unwind the curlers,
  • Screw the strands on the cold curlers. After that, scald the hair with boiling water and immediately rinse with ice water. Dry the lining. With this method of twisting curls get very beautiful and natural.

General tips for the care of false hairs on hairpins and tresses

In order for artificial hairs to last longer, you need to organize the proper care for them:

  • Do not forget to comb curls. These strands are very confused and, if you do not comb them, then soon the lining will become untidy. The procedure is carried out with a comb with rare teeth
  • Do not use hot appliances to wrap and straighten strands.
  • Do not use fixtures on artificial straps. They do not act on the lining, but the appearance can spoil,
  • If your strands are attached with hairpins, after removing them from your head, put them in special bags to protect them from dirt,
  • Strands on hairpins must be removed at night, otherwise the clamps will bend,
  • Cleaning lining required. Some ladies do not know how to properly wash artificial hair with barrettes, but this, in fact, is not necessary. Products are simply wiped with a damp cloth. If the curls do not have time to dry before use, then they must be wiped with a dry towel. Hair dryer is prohibited.

That's all the secrets of the care and operation of the overhead strand. Use these products correctly, then they will last a long time. Good luck!

Tested and effective methods of curling

So, it is necessary to emphasize that quite often the girls are interested in whether it is possible to curl the artificial hair with a curling iron, since this particular device is:

It turns out that you can use heating devices, and therefore, if you want to get beautiful and delicate curls, you can safely use both curling iron and ironing.

Method 1st

The first method, how to curl a wig of artificial hair tells about the features of the use of forceps.

Artificial strands can curl fast and easy!

Direct attention. The size of curls and waves depends on the size of the device.
So, if your tongs have a diameter of 25 mm, then the waves will be free, falling.
And if you take the forceps of the smallest diameter, the curls will be more frequent and visually more elastic.

We laid out the first way how to get a perm in the table - this will simplify the perception and memorization of information.

The result is the use of forceps.

Straighten curls on such strands much easier. Use the ordinary iron, heated to approximately 180 degrees. It is not necessary to put even any additional funds, it is quite easy to hold the iron on the artificial hairs. In principle, with all this, provide tension on the tips of the strands.

If this method of curling was not effective, in other words, you could not make the rings with the help of forceps, it means your strands are made of special material of Kanekalon - it cannot be curled.

Method 2

Interested in whether it is possible to curl artificial hair on hairpins? Naturally, you can, if you do everything carefully and do not pull the strands, so as not to break them, but it is better not to wind them, fixed.

Curlers - a good method to wind the artificial strands.

In particular, it is vital for this method, which involves the use of curlers:

  • pick up any curlers you like,
  • wind your artificial strands on the hairpins on them (they should not be fixed on the head),
  • put strands on a warm battery for several hours,
  • It is very important that the hairs are warmed up as best as possible,
  • take off your hair and wait until they are 100% dry,
  • gently remove the curlers,
  • you should have beautiful curls.

Method 3 rd

Now you understand whether it is possible to curl an artificial hair with a curling iron, but there is another regular and effective way, which involves the following actions:

  • take a strand
  • roll her up in a ring
  • secure the usual hairpin or piece of foil,
  • lower for 7-10 seconds in boiling water,
  • take out and lay until dry,
  • when the strand is dry, carefully remove the barrette,
  • You will get breathtakingly beautiful curls.

Direct attention. If you want you to have large and with all this rather elastic curls, you need to grab the thickest strand.
But if you want to have small curls, then separate the thin strands.
But remember that large curls look more natural.

Long hair - a great hairstyle!

After you have made curls, it is not necessary to wash the artificial hairs, as they will lose the acquired shape and will look faded.

In the end

We carefully told you how to curl an artificial wig - our advice will assist you in developing a beautiful, extraordinary hairstyle that will make you more pretty and charming. A cognitive video in this article will reveal a few additional secrets, but if you still have questions on the topic under discussion, ask them in the comments under this material.
