Eyebrows and eyelashes

Triding is the removal of facial hair


Absolutely everyone is used to seeing girls with beautiful and smooth skin without hair. Unfortunately, some are faced with such an unpleasant feature as the appearance of a gun above the upper lip. For each of us, this is a catastrophe, and if it is also of a dark color, it will be on a large scale. Do not panic! Nowadays, there are a huge number of procedures and techniques to get rid of excess facial hair. And it is not at all necessary to spend money on salons and tools.


Hair removal by thread at home and in the salon is a fairly simple way to get rid of excess vegetation due to the capture of the hair by twisting it. Since the hair is removed from the root, the result of the procedure can be good for two or three weeks. This confirms the majority of girls in their feedback on this manipulation.

In order for the hair removal to be effective, the length of the hairs must be at least four millimeters. Thus, the procedure will be quickly and efficiently.

It should be noted that, according to the majority of women, the technique is suitable only for the face, since the manipulation on the body requires a huge investment of time and effort. As for the hair fluff, the procedure has proven itself especially in the area above the lip. If the eyebrows are stiff, then this technique may not be suitable, since the loops of the thread are small, and may simply not capture the dense hair.


Remember: in order to remove hair with the help of a thread without any troubles, it is necessary to approach responsibly the preparatory stage. Hair removal without some nuances can lead to skin injury, poor quality results, as well as to the difficulty of the process itself.

After reading the reviews written in women's forums, we must remember that hair removal should be done on clean skin. It is recommended to wash with hot water or steam out the face. The opening of the pores contributes to a more painless and easy hair removal.

Before starting the epilation, it is necessary to treat the skin with a tonic and disinfect the treated area. Such manipulation will help get rid of excess fat on the skin and provide an opportunity to easily wield a thread without slipping.

It should begin after the face is completely dry. Additionally, the skin can be treated with talcum powder: it will be easier to grab the hairs

Particular attention should be paid to the recommendations on the implementation of hair removal for the first time. If you perform this procedure for the first time, you can reduce the sensitivity using an ice cube or use a special cream with anesthetic.

According to the reviews of trading, most women are concerned about the vegetation that is on the face. Especially unpleasant is that these areas are sensitive. Fortunately, the procedure of hair removal is the least uncomfortable when using the method of hair removal with a thread. Reviews of most girls only confirm this information, and the demand for procedures in salons continues to gain momentum.

For the manipulation will need cotton thread, talc and moisturizer.

  1. Clean and disinfect the treated area of ​​skin.
  2. Powder baby powder.
  3. Cut the thread length from 50 to 60 cm.
  4. Tie its edges to end up with a little ring.
  5. Place it between the fingers of both hands.
  6. Twist the thread about 8-10 times to get an imaginary figure eight.
  7. Holding the edges with your thumb and forefinger, point the swirling part to the hairs.
  8. Sharply move the thread in the lateral direction. Due to such a simple manipulation, hairs are easily captured and torn out by the roots.

Having finished such a simple method aimed at hair removal with a thread, the training for which is presented in the step-by-step version above, do not forget to process the affected areas of skin with a moisturizing cream at the end of the procedure.

And remember that the procedure should be carried out exclusively against the growth of hairs. If you carry out the manipulation on your own for the first time, then you should practice on a closed area of ​​the skin.

Beautiful and well-groomed eyebrows are very important as the framing of our luxurious eyes, which is able to correct the flaws and emphasize the advantages.

Reading the forums and reviews, it can be noted that modern girls resort to a variety of methods: shugaring, tweezers and other methods of hair removal. Today trading is gaining tremendous popularity - hair removal with a thread.

The advantages of this method are considered:

  1. Ability to create any shape of eyebrows.
  2. In a short period of time remove a decent section of hair.
  3. Saving the result for an extended period of time.

Beginners, who have recently started mastering this technique, would like to advise starting the procedure with the hairs located above the eyebrow. After you put your hand in, you can proceed to the section along the bottom edge. Remember that the procedure must be done carefully so as not to damage the delicate skin in the area above the upper eyelid. This advice is often mentioned in reviews of the procedure.

Fluff, located above the upper lip, gives great discomfort to the fair sex. In some women it is thin and light in color, in others it is dark and may be visible from afar. Hair in this area in no case can not shave, as this may provoke active growth and density. Plain cotton thread is a great help in this problem.

To make the procedure as comfortable as possible and without unpleasant consequences, you should follow some rules:

  1. Handling should be carried out on dry skin treated with a disinfectant.
  2. If the fluff is light, then hair removal should be carried out in good light.
  3. To make the procedure easier, you should bite your upper lip. Thus, the skin over it smoothes, and dimples and folds characteristic of this area of ​​the face, will not create obstacles.


You can see that an increasing number of salons offers a trading procedure. And according to reviews on the forums, many girls prefer to carry out this procedure at home. Consider the advantages of this method:

  1. According to most women, the technique is ideal for removing thin hair on the face - in the eyebrows, chin and above the upper lip.
  2. Budget technique that can be carried out at home.
  3. Ideal for sensitive skin.
  4. The result lasts for two or three weeks, depending on the individual characteristics.
  5. Does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.
  6. After several treatments, the scalp becomes thinner and slows down growth.


Repeated hair removal procedure is carried out when the length of the regrown cannon reaches 4-5 millimeters. After the procedure, the treated area can not be wetted for 2-3 days, as there is a risk of infection. Not less unpleasant moment is that there is a risk of irritation, redness and growing hairs. Unfortunately, feedback on the effects of the procedure is a direct confirmation of this.


Hair removal with a thread has a number of contraindications in which the use of this technique is not recommended:

  1. Persons suffering from herpes and other infectious diseases.
  2. In case of damage to the treated skin area.
  3. In areas where benign lesions, warts or moles are located.
  4. If the length of hairs less than four millimeters.
  5. It is undesirable to carry out the procedure yourself, as it is inconvenient.
  6. With varicose veins, in the presence of severe vascular network.
  7. When pregnancy.
  8. During lactation.
  9. Before going to the sauna, swimming pool and other public places where you can pick up the infection.

If you fall into the category of one of the above items, then this type of hair removal is better to refuse.

Care after the procedure

The final stage of trading is an important process. It is very important to apply a cooling bandage on the treated area of ​​the skin. Then sanitize and apply a cream that soothes irritated skin.

Equally popular are the preparations based on the cream that help slow hair growth. Such tools are used by the fair sex without fail. Thanks to their use, the result can be extended for a while. It should also be noted that when removing hair with a thread, there is an improvement in the microcirculation of the treated area, respectively, the hair can grow slightly faster than usual.

After the trading procedure, you should be prepared for the fact that the skin on which the manipulation was carried out may be irritated. Therefore, it is better to carry out hair removal before bedtime, so that the skin can recover during the night, because, unfortunately, some girls have sensitive skin, and subsequently complain of swelling and redness.

According to the information from the reviews on trading, you must follow the basic rules and precautions in the implementation of the above procedure. If you carry out facial hair removal on your own and for the first time, it is better to practice first on an imperceptible part of the body, because even if the skin turns red, it will not be noticeable to others.

If you have questions about trading, you can refer to numerous reviews about the procedure and get acquainted with the information about it.

Pros and cons of facial hair removal thread

Before learning how to remove hair from the face with epilation with a thread, let us examine the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. It is noteworthy that this procedure is suitable for removing excess vegetation on other parts of the face and body. Most often it is also used for eyebrow correction. Also, the advantages include the possibility of pulling out even short hairs, which is surprising in principle in view of the simplicity of the tool.

The disadvantages include the painfulness of the procedure itself, which is quite tolerant in relation to other methods of epilation. Using a thread will cause less discomfort than using wax or a professional epilator. Also a minus is the risk of irritation, to minimize which we must not forget about the use of soothing creams and tonics. If you notice a tendency for hairs to grow under the skin, then try to treat small areas so that after a couple of weeks you don’t have to “pull them out”.

Step-by-step instruction of triding

Hair removal over the upper lip with a thread is carried out using natural silk. Such material will be better to slide, and accordingly, will have the most effective result. We also need a small mirror to be able to sit in a comfortable chair during a session. And do not forget about the moisturizer that soothes the disturbed dermis after the procedure.

So, proceed to the preparation of the tool:

  1. Take a small silk thread and tie its ends together.
  2. Put the received ring on the fingers of both hands and start twisting it.
  3. The result should be a figure in the form of a figure of eight with a twisted middle and rings of different lengths.
  4. Now place the mirror in the most convenient way and pass the index fingers and thumbs of both hands into the received rings.
  5. Attach the thread to the skin so that the hairs that need to be removed are located above the twisted area.
  6. Pull the fingers of the free ring sharply to the side.
  7. This will lead to the displacement of the loop of our figure eight in the direction opposite to the larger ring.
  8. At the same time, hairs that fall into the twisted area will be immediately removed.
  9. Now the position of the rings has changed, and accordingly, you can choose another area with hairs, placing them in front of another ring.

Is it possible to remove hair from the face with threads? Of course, this is a fairly simple and effective procedure, at times accelerating the work of simple tweezers. Although you should not forget about her pain. Nowadays, few modern women will decide to hold such home sessions, however, in the absence of wax strips and unwillingness to seek expensive services, this is quite a cardinal method for solving the problem.

Care rules

We learned how to remove hair with a thread over the upper lip, but now we need to take care of sensitive skin that has undergone a real stress. Therefore, be sure to take care of the presence of a moisturizing or soothing cream. If before the session you performed a complete cleansing of the skin, then you can use a nourishing cream, additionally saturating the epidermis with beneficial substances.

You can pre-purchase a soothing tonic that is actively used after peeling and similar procedures. Remember that for the dermis the depilation process is a huge stress. And in places of merciless hair removal, one way or another, redness is formed. If the main measures were taken to clean and prepare the face, then you do not need to fear the appearance of inflammation. But do not forget about the remaining bulbs and irritated follicles.

Of course, the trial is not the way modern beauties prefer. If you think about how celebrities get rid of facial hair, then the answer will be modern cosmetology, pleasing with virtually painless and surprisingly effective techniques. But if you have to face a situation where it will be urgently necessary to solve this problem, and besides the thread there will be nothing at hand, you know what to do!

If you have already used this technique, be sure to share your impressions, because I personally did not dare to conduct it. Follow the blog and share the most interesting facts with friends. See you in the next issue!

Features of the procedure

The removal of hairs with a silk thread is called triding. The history of this method begins in Asia, where in this way men and women got rid of excess vegetation on their bodies. Silk thread is used for epilation of any part of the body, but more often on the face. It is believed that this is the most benign and painless option, and its effect lasts for several weeks.

Thread removal of hair is used to adjust the shape of the eyebrows and to get rid of hair on the legs. Silk thread is able to cope even with thick hairs, which makes this method of depilation especially significant.

Thread hair removal is considered a salon procedure, because only a true professional can master this technique and apply it to clients. But many craftswomen can learn this simple science on their own to conduct the procedure at home. This will not only save money, but also allow the girl to learn something new.

The process itself consists of three points:

  • Training skin areas
  • Twisting thread,
  • Deliverance from hairs.

At first glance it seems that everything is quite simple, but it is not. Incorrect plexus and wrong angle can spoil the epilation process.

In beauty salons a service is provided.electrolytic tungsten filament", In which two types of threads are used: 0.8 and 0.1 millimeters in diameter. Depending on the thickness of the hair master selects the desired thread, and which conduct electrolysis. This method is more efficient and painless compared to home-made.

Electrolysis with tungsten filament can help ensure that after a few months the hair on the legs, arms and armpits will stop growing. Therefore, many girls resort to this method. In addition, this device in the hands of the master will allow you to save time on self-hair removal.


In order to perform the triding, you need to prepare a strong thread, a large mirror, cleanser, baby cream, talc or powder, and ointment to slow hair growth. In order not to injure your fingers during the procedure, you need to acquire special fixtures for anchoring threads, which can be bought at a cosmetics store. At the end of the procedure, you will need ice or a cold compress, which will reduce redness and swelling.

How to use at home?

Removing hair at home with your own hands is not difficult if you follow the instructions. The whole process will not take much time, if you carefully prepare for it.

Hair removal technique:

  1. First you need to clear skin patches of sweat and fat. To do this, a weak solution of alcohol is suitable, which will help to disinfect the skin.
  2. Skin need to steamso as not to hurt so much hair removal. To do this, it is best to take a hot bath or apply a hot compress for 10 minutes. After the time the skin is dried with a napkin and sprinkled with powder.
  3. Now you need to do a thread. Its ends must be tied together, then put on all the fingers of both hands, except the thumbs. This must be done in such a way that a loop is formed, which must be twisted several times.
  4. Thumb and index fingers both loops need to be opened so that they are asymmetrical.
  5. Both loops form the number 8. It should be applied to the place where the hairs will be removed so that the place of twisting is under the hair in the direction of their growth. The large loop should be on top of the hairs.
  6. Twisting place extends under the hair and quickly spread the fingers in the lower loop. Place twisting captures the desired hair and pull it.
  7. In this way, remove all unnecessary hairs.
  8. Finishing the procedure to the place of removal best to attach a cold towel. This will help reduce redness and remove small swelling.

It is recommended to learn triding on legsto adapt to grab the desired hair. It is almost impossible to do this on a newbie’s face, so it’s necessary to “get a hand”. Only after you learn to remove excess hair with perfect accuracy, you can go to the eyebrows and antennae.

It is important for this method of depilation to choose a specific thread. For example, in cosmetic stores special threads are sold that are intended for this procedure. If it wasn’t at hand, you can use a regular strong thread made from organic cotton.

8 reasons why hair should be removed by flossing

Every girl knows how much time you need to devote to caring for yourself in order to always be desired and attractive. Proper nutrition, trips to fitness and the use of masks are not all procedures that women undergo. A special place in this list is epilation.

Hair removal

Each girl prefers an individual way of maintaining soft and smooth skin. Laser removal, razor and wax strips are among the most common methods for removing excess hair. Less well-known, but more effective is hair removal.

How to remove hair over the lip

The technique of hair removal with thread is quite simple, so every girl can carry it out at home. Before starting the procedure it is necessary to prepare:

  1. Cotton thread.
  2. Antiseptic.

Most often, hair removal using a thread is used to correct eyebrows and remove excess facial hair

Learning to thread hair is easy to clean.

To remove hair from your face, follow the instructions:

  • To get started, prepare your skin for the procedure. Wash your skin with soap or shower gel.
  • Wet the towel in hot water. Then it must be wrung out and applied to the skin for a minute. This will open the pores and steam out the skin.
  • Disinfect the area to avoid infection and prevent uncontrolled movement of the thread.
  • Having measured the thread 45-55 cm long, tie its ends.
  • Stretch the thread into the circle shape with your thumb and index finger.
  • Twist the thread in the middle 10 times.
  • As a result, you should have an eight or infinity sign.

Eight or infinity sign using a string

  • Now you should practice a little to move the twisted knot with the help of hand movements.
  • Attach a simple "device" to the skin and alternately move the middle, spreading and bringing fingers.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the hairs fall into the formed loops and are pulled out in the direction of growth.

The process of hair removal thread

At the beginning, the method of removing hairs with a thread may seem rather complicated, but it is worth adjusting a little and everything will turn out to be as good as possible. After completion of the procedure, the skin should rest and pores narrow. To do this, apply a cool compress to the work area. Then apply anti-inflammatory agent to the area.

It is worth noting that the procedure can not be carried out on the site where the moles and warts are located. If there is inflammation in the work area should also be delayed with hair removal.

If you do not have much practical experience or plan to remove the hairs by this method on your own for the first time, then it is best to take a cotton thread. Applying silk, you can inadvertently cut hands.

Today, there are several uncomplicated tools that avoid the risk of injury to the hands and somewhat ease the process of removing excess hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hair removal thread came to Europe from the East, where local beauties used this method for hundreds of years.

The greatest effect of hair removal is noticeable in the area between the eyebrows and above the upper lip

Today, masters of beauty salons offer to rid the entire body of excess hair.

The advantages of using yarn are:

  • Having a small skill, you can remove hair with a thread at home.
  • This method does not require significant financial investments.
  • Chemical and mechanical damage to the skin is excluded.
  • The procedure is effective for hair of any length and thickness.
  • Subsequent hairs appear thinning and thinning.
  • Additional massage of the working area of ​​the skin.
  • In the process of hair removal does not have to use any additional cosmetics, such as shaving foam and wax.

The practical absence of contraindications

Unfortunately, even this simple and accessible procedure has several disadvantages:

  1. New hairs begin to appear in a week.
  2. Irritation and inflammation of the skin, while there is a risk of infection.
  3. Slow processing of large areas of the body.
  4. The appearance of pain when pulling out a few hairs.
  5. The hair must grow to 4 mm, otherwise the procedure will be ineffective.
  6. Need more help.
  7. The weak development of the method in professional salons and the lack of masters with due experience.

Tip 1: How to remove facial hair

In ancient times, girls removed unwanted body hair with a thread. This method was considered fast, simple, and original. Nowadays, it is used mainly for removing hair on the chin, on the chest in the nipple area, above the upper lip, and also for eyebrow correction.


  1. If you lack experience, this method may even bring you pain. It is much stronger than when using tweezers, which is more convenient and designed specifically for hair removal. To reduce unpleasant pain, lubricate the skin with an ice cube. It will cool your skin a little.
  2. To prevent the hairs from sticking to the surface of the skin after the removal process, which can interfere with the procedure, it is better to wipe the skin with ice with a napkin after wiping the skin, and then powder it with talcum powder.
  3. To soften the skin and hair roots, lubricate the skin with an emollient cream and apply a cotton pad dipped in warm water. Hold it for a few minutes and proceed with the hair removal procedure. Fasten the thread around the hair so that you get a loop. Tighten it, and thus fixed hair will break out. The effect lasts for almost a month. Then the hair will grow back, but will not change its structure.

The Incredible Near: Hair Removal Thread

Our compatriots in the fight against the hated facial hairs prefer tweezers or salon procedures. Hair removal is considered a relatively new way, which requires considerable skill and skill, so those who are still unfamiliar with the "magic" of a small thread think so.

Small antennae or slightly noticeable fluffy hair can spoil the mood very much

It is fair to note that hair removal with the help of a thread is one of the most ancient methods of hair removal, which women of the East skillfully use. In the ancient Egyptian talmudas about beauty and health, the thread method is called “fatlah” or “khite”.

The method was invented in ancient times by Turkish beauties, until now the subtleties and secrets of its conduct are passed down from generation to generation. Facial hair removal in the East can be compared with braid weaving in Russia.

Probably, there is no woman with oriental roots, who would not know how to remove hair with a string

About the advantages of the method

In the Middle East and in India, masterfully cope with the thread taught at an early age. While our girls play with dolls, oriental little princesses learn the tricks of beauty. Agree, quite a useful skill.

So, why epilation has become so widespread?

  1. On our face thousands of tiny hairs are comfortably arranged, which become a true headache for its owner.. Working with tweezers can be delayed for long hours, and salon methods are fraught with irritation. But a thin thread can save you even from the smallest cannon.
  1. It is important that fact that filament epilation practically does not create discomfort and belongs to the category of the least traumatic methods.. That is why it is used when removing hairs above the upper lip, on the chin, cheeks, as well as to shape the eyebrows.
  2. The thread has a sufficiently large coverage area and is able to remove a whole row of hairs at once, thereby reducing the time of the procedure.
  3. And the last important fact - economic. All you need is 50 cm of silk thread and a small amount of tonic with alcohol.

Uncomplicated design will help to cope with the hairs to those who have just taken the path of knowledge of the eastern method of hair removal.


Epilation can be done by hand or using a special device.

Photo of the correct location of the thread

Apply a warm compress to the epilated area, which will deflate the skin and make the procedure more pleasant.

Before you remove hair with a thread, treat the skin with a cosmetic tonic containing alcohol.

Twist the thread in the form of eight 5-7 times.

Attach the thread to the epilated area of ​​skin so that the twisted part is located under the hairs, and the large ring above them.

Spread your fingers in a sharp movement, twisted middle of the eight should crawl up and grab the hairs. As a result, the large loop of the eight will become small, and the hairs that fall into the “trap” will be removed.

Note! It is possible to proceed to the direct removal of hairs only when the skin is completely dry. Otherwise, your debut will fail.

Recommendations after epilation:

A visit to the solarium, baths, saunas, as well as sunbathing will be postponed for several days.

  1. Refuse for a few days the idea to visit the solarium, sauna or bath.
  2. Try the next day not to use cosmetics, especially dense tonal creams and powders. Clean with clean water.
  3. Ultraviolet rays and excessive love of the universal body can cause skin pigmentation.

Tip! To maintain the effect after hair removal, use creams that slow down hair growth.

Many companies produce creams that slow down hair growth, was no exception and concern Bioder, who offered to the consumer line of Bio Epilation (price - from $ 20)

A few words about the shortcomings

  • The main disadvantage of the method lies in its exoticism. You will have to spend a lot of time looking for a master who perfectly mastered the technique.
  • The thread hair removal method allows you to get a medium-term effect. Repeat the procedure will have every 3-4 weeks.
  • Improper execution of the technique can lead to breaking of the hairs and their enhanced growth.
  • With the help of the thread can not remove coarse and thick hair, for example, on the legs.

For coarse hairs on the legs, it is better to choose a different method of removal: wax, shugaring or laser hair removal

  • Owners of thin and sensitive skin should be prepared for minor irritation.
  • Repeated triding, namely the so-called method of hair removal, can be performed only when new hairs acquire a length of 3-6 mm.
  • Chances of ingrown hairs that are very unattractively translucent under the skin are very likely.
  • For an independent procedure on the face will require a lot of training.

Trialing, if carried out correctly, can safely claim to be the most effective, fast and inexpensive way to deal with facial hair. If you were inspired by our story, we offer a video in this article, clearly showing all the features of the filament epilation.

Hair removal over the lip of the thread at home. Step by step instructions with photos. PHOTO BEFORE & AFTER!

Today, thanks video Kamilla beauty on you tubeI quickly mastered the removal technique. unwanted facial hair thread.

Step-by-step instructions from PHOTO are presented in my review of eyebrow correction with thread

In short, it looks like this:

The advantages of plucking the antennae by thread:

1. The hairs are plucked very quickly and in large quantities. Why do you want to stop, because it hurts. But I understood that the next time the hair will be much less and the plucking will be much faster and less painful.

2. Just a few minutes and the entire area over the upper lip was cleansed of unwanted hairs! Above the lip is now smooth and clear skin! Just a sight for sore eyes! I'm happy!

Disadvantages of tying the antennae by thread:

1. The skin, of course, reddens after hair removal with a thread, but the redness passes quickly enough (after about half an hour it was not at all visible).

Result of plucking the area OVER a LITTLE thread (click to enlarge)

When I looked at the pictures, a white fluff under my lower lip was striking.

Now I want to delete it too.

If you look closely, then on the thread you can see the hairs that were plucked. I felt really excited when I saw them and realized that I was doing everything right.

IRECOMMEND all try to remove facial hair!

I consider this method ideal and MEGA fast for removing unwanted hair.

Also with the help of thread I quickly got rid of unwanted hair OVER THE EYEBROWS.

Thank you for your attention and see you in new reviews!

Correction of my eyebrows in 10 years!

How to remove bruises under the eyes or My favorite concealer

My magic wand! Must have Elena Krygina.

Mastered hair removal thread - share!

For those who are worried about the fluff on the face .. also this method is ideal for eyebrows and antennae (and for everything else, I'm sure)! I read a few topics about hair removal with a thread that, they say, hair does not grow thicker and even the smallest hairs are removed this way - THIS IS TRUE! I searched on YouTube - and found some video tutorials. Could not stand, ran for the thread. 15 minutes later (and this is the first time, that is, there is still no skill) my face lost its “halo” :) The brows have already been processed with tweezers, but next time I’ll try threading.
Here is a good tutorial, in English, but everything is clear and visible without words :)
Good luck and be beautiful.


They did it to me so recently, I thought it was shaking me with a shock, it hurts, but the effect is super! Thanks to learn!

Squirrel bo

And just then will not grow thicker and darker? : - /


My cosmetologist does not recommend. Hair, however, does not grow as hard as, however, and after any epilation. But such a white fluff grows. And (unlike electrolysis, for example) the hair does not stop growing. And electric or photo epilation can get rid of hair forever.

a guest

Is there really a difference how to pull out the hairs? )) Tweezers, epilator or thread. The essence of this one- snatch hair))


6 skin is less injured, because there is no contact with it. When the tweezers are the same, but the waxes, the epilator are in contact with the skin. But, by and large, if the skin is not hypersensitive, there is no difference. I respect wax very much.

Princess turandot

In my childhood I only saw how my aunty pulled hair with a string in the absence of tweezers. I am not an expert, but it seems to me that pulling out his hair is coarsening. Tweezers work pointwise, and the thread mows down everything that is necessary and not necessary.

a guest

after tweezers are thicker than after epilator. why?


Mmmmmm. And I tried, I liked it. Quick and painless.


Who has the fluff (and who he is not happy about) - you can pull the tweezers over the hairs. And here everything is quickly pulled out, in bulk. "what is needed and what is not needed" - what is it like? :) Eyebrows need to be more careful so that the form does not break. And what else is on the face "need"? :)
Marquise - you are lucky, I still was sick, but quite tolerable.
I know that not forever, about forever no one spoke. I’m the places on the body that I want to drastically remove, I click the laser - by the way, after three procedures, 30 percent stopped growing anew.


The laser and photo also helps not everyone forever helps, I started to grow again in six months, and I was threatened with money, it’s good that I only checked it on my face, although the beautician said: everything is bad except a laser and a photo! You would see me after the procedures. So it’s better to be at home with a string or pincer, rather sick, but for free and you know the consequences!


Natalechik, I completely agree with you, my padruga has been removing hair with an electric epilator for eight years now and it still grows in it. As written above, they just become a colorless down and yes they are thinning, but still one hundred percent do not disappear


vchera pervui raz zdelala epuliatcuiy nutkoi, a teper boiys, chto bydet tolko xyze. (Myz kruchut chto teper y menia bydyt chernue ysu.Neyzelu posle odnogo raza bydyt otrastat chrnue volosku?


I once had a friend make eyebrows thread- she is a beautician. It was so neat. and no more painful than tweezers, because everything at once) I want to try it myself on my legs so to remove the hair)


Be so kind as to buy a thread, please tell me :-)


Mary, yes any normal thread from home stocks.


AAA, thank you :-), having called all the shops, you have already started to think like that and you confirmed today :-). Thank :-)


Not at all)) Today I tried it myself, much better even than with tweezers, and the redness goes away very quickly. I like)


For those who are worried about the fluff on the face .. also this method is ideal for eyebrows and antennae (and for everything else, I'm sure)! I read a few topics about hair removal with a thread that, they say, hair does not grow thicker and even the smallest hairs are removed this way - THIS IS TRUE! I searched on YouTube - and found some video tutorials. Could not stand, ran for the thread. 15 minutes later (and this is the first time, that is, there is still no skill) my face lost its “halo” :) The brows have already been processed with tweezers, but next time I’ll try threading. Here is a good tutorial, in English, but here everything is clear and can be seen without words:) Good luck and be beautiful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SK6Y12IpCpM&a mp, feature = related

hair do not turn black?


Girls have a question.
and after removal by a thread, after how much time does the hair begin to grow again?
are they getting rougher?
How many times a month, let's say, do you need to make hair removal thread?
and if there is a puppy after the thread in that place?

a guest


a guest

they should not turn black, because they are pulled out and not cut off!

a guest

11/18/2011 11:46:53 PM Saak: I know a good master of electrolysis for girls, she has been doing her work very well for a long time, doing anesthesia very effectively and not at all painful and expensive. those who live in Moscow can tell you! here is her number 8 916 370 22 63 lily


hair do not turn black?

Who has the fluff (and who he is not happy about) - you can pull the tweezers over the hairs. And here everything is quickly pulled out, in bulk. "what is needed and what is not needed" - what is it like? :) Eyebrows need to be more careful so that the form does not break. And what else is on the face "need"? :)
Marquise - you are lucky, I still was sick, but quite tolerable.
I know that not forever, about forever no one spoke. I’m the places on the body that I want to drastically remove, I click the laser - by the way, after three procedures, 30 percent stopped growing anew.

Yauote = ъLiza ъU whom the fluff (and whom he does not please) - torture with tweezers on the hairs. And here everything is quickly pulled out, in bulk. What is needed and what is not needed - what is it like? :) Eyebrows need to be more careful so that the form does not break. What else is there on the face? :)
Marquise - you are lucky, I still was sick, but quite tolerable.
I know that not forever, about forever no one spoke. I’m the places on the body that I want to drastically remove, I click the laser - by the way, after three procedures, 30 percent stopped growing anew. / I
Hello, Lisa. Tell me, please, where can I buy filaments for electrolysis? I can not find in Odessa. And in St. Petersburg I have someone to buy. Thank. Here is my ate. Address: e-mail protected. RU


girls, I advise you, really the effect is cool and the redness goes away quickly


A week ago, made hair removal thread over the upper lip. It was very painful, but the procedure did not last very long, so it is quite possible to suffer. And everything would be great if it were not for one BUT. The very next day, a huge amount of pimples had been poured out and had not been left the face for a week, despite the fact that I rub my face with tonic every day and use salicylic acid. The skin has dried up, the inflammation has passed, but after a week (!), Acne still remains on the face, only without a white head. The hairs have already begun to appear, and it seems to me that they have changed color and structure, I am very worried that I have done worse. No matter how much the use of thread is praised, everything is individual and my advice to all girls, it is better NOT to risk if you have sensitive or problem skin.


Hello! you know now there are many solutions to this problem, the machine is already an ancient century, and not for long, cream, wax hot, cold, phyto-resin and another look here http://www.epilmag.ru/video/ and you are not only from hair Get rid of it, but I think your skin will not suffer from it.

a guest

My cosmetologist does not recommend. Hair, however, does not grow as hard as, however, and after any epilation. But such a white fluff grows. And (unlike electrolysis, for example) the hair does not stop growing. And electric or photo epilation can get rid of hair forever.

If the photo and electrolysis helped get rid of hair forever, then at this point this type of service would have been unclaimed. Everything temporarily helps. Only electro and photo give a longer effect. And of course, there are means for removing hair forever, only no one will tell you about them) Just imagine what a powerful industry this is - products and services for epilation)

a guest

after epilation with a thread - it is necessary to treat chlorhexidine and there will be no rash)

A week ago, made hair removal thread over the upper lip. It was very painful, but the procedure did not last very long, so it is quite possible to suffer. And everything would be great if it were not for one BUT. The very next day, a huge amount of pimples had been poured out and had not been left the face for a week, despite the fact that I rub my face with tonic every day and use salicylic acid. The skin has dried up, the inflammation has passed, but after a week (!), Acne still remains on the face, only without a white head. The hairs have already begun to appear, and it seems to me that they have changed color and structure, I am very worried that I have done worse. No matter how much the use of thread is praised, everything is individual and my advice to all girls, it is better NOT to risk if you have sensitive or problem skin.


And there are no contraindications to the use of chlorhexidine?


Most likely, the sterility of the procedure was disturbed and you were brought with a string (I hope it wasn’t reuse) that the infection occurred, so acne popped up, and you can have very sensitive skin. I tried it myself, but I probably would not risk clients, because all the string breaks. gunshot too. and judging by the clients (I am a beautician) the gun-down darkens with time. ((the laser has tried very well and my clients are satisfied, but it’s not cheap and painful too. - selectively, but for a long time.


I made hair removal thread 2 weeks ago. until now, the hairs almost did not grow, but acne went on the skin, at first not significant, and then more and more. I did the same hair removal on the chin (although there was almost nothing there), but that's where the biggest problems are. Pts do not leave acne for a long time. so much frustration. although the method and the master was recommended to me by my acquaintance, whose hair began to grow thinner after such a procedure and went into fluff .. is now very upset and the inflammation does not decrease, but becomes even more (.


Here I have the same thing. Natalia, did you treat your skin after the procedure?


Once again I made epilation with a thread, after removal I immediately used chlorhexidine, as advised, I did not wash for 24 hours, I did not touch it with my hands. The result is the same irritation on the second day, I worry that, in addition to the red spots, acne appears again. I rub the skin with lotion and chlorhexidine, point salicylic. But will it help? Not all this method is suitable, girls be careful, think a hundred times before you do. And if the skin is sensitive, it is not worth the risk.

a guest

Immediately after it is necessary to apply ice for 30-40 minutes. I tried on myself

a guest

Girls, a great way, but do not forget that you can’t do it during and immediately during the menstruation period) otherwise the probability of inflammation increases significantly


Oh, this body hair! Well, no way to escape from them (


Who knows whether to buy a thread epilator? Does it clean your hair well? Is hair getting thin?


I could not pull out a single hair with a thread. (

a guest

after epilation with a thread - it is necessary to treat chlorhexidine and there will be no rash)

Do not worry. She lived for five years in Uzbekistan. All Uzbek women, starting from the age of five, possess this skill. After 4-5 times, ceases to grow. After the procedure, lubricate the cream "Borough Plus" in green packaging.


hi girls, I can remove hairs with a thread, what I will tell you, hairs are very clean, but I have inflammations, my skin turns red, I don’t know how everyone thinks, but hairs do not turn black or coarse because of I can not make irritations thread, then it takes a long time, it’s a pity, does anyone have a razdrozhenie !?


read taller, plin, well, why does the skin become quivering, what a pity


Speaking of pain, yes, there is no pain, so I did eletro, it was certainly more painful, but I tolerated it.

What is the essence of the method of hair removal thread

The removal of hair on the face and body of a silk or cotton thread is called a triding. This method is most common among women in Arab countries. It lies in the fact that the ordinary thread is twisted in a special way, and when performing manual manipulations, the thread captures one or several hairs and pulls them out of the skin surface along with the roots.

As a result, the skin remains smooth for 2–3 weeks. Appearing new hairs will have a weaker structure. Thus, with regular use, the threads of vegetation on the body and face almost do not remain over the years. Triding is usually repeated every 3–5 weeks, depending on the thickness, thickness of hairs and the speed of their growth.

Is it possible to get rid of hairs forever

When using a thread, the hairs are pulled out by the root, but at the same time the hair follicle is not destroyed. Therefore, after some time, a new root will arise in it and, accordingly, a new hair will grow, although it will be slightly weaker than the previous hair. Therefore, with the help of the thread can not get rid of hair forever. If you regularly do not remove hair on the skin, then sooner or later the vegetation on the body will be restored.

How to learn?

At first glance, the triding seems to be a difficult and incomprehensible method, but with a careful approach one can be convinced of the opposite. To learn how to remove hair with a thread yourself, you need diligence and patience, without which you can not learn anything.

To minimize the likelihood of failure, you need to correctly select the length and thickness of the thread. It should be short enough and not very thin so that it is easier to manage. You can lengthen the thread after full development of the technique.

Lighting in the room should be bright, so that you can see areas of skin that need to be depilated. If you follow these rules, you can learn the triding in a short time.

How to twist?

The biggest problem in the triding procedure is twisting the thread. To lay it down, many girls take a lot of time and effort, and not all of them succeed. There is nothing difficult in twisting the thread, the main thing is that it is strong enough and has a small length.

The thread should have the shape of an eight, which is twisted in the middle several times. This is necessary in order to create a loop that will then pick up the desired hair and remove it.

How to keep?

There is a special instruction on how to properly hold the thread when removing hair. In this method, both hands are involved, the thumb and index fingers of which hold the loop. Some masters advise to keep the top loop in a fist.

Hands must be dry so that the thread does not slip during the session. When removing hairs, only the thumb and index fingers are involved, which need to be sharply pulled apart when the hair is grabbed.

How to epilate?

Before the procedure of removing the antennae over the lip or eyebrow correction Need to prepare a thread length of 35-45 centimeters. Her ends need to connect and make a knot. Next, you need to stretch the thread with two hands and twist so that in the middle was 5-6 twists.The main thing is that in the process of epilation one loop should be slightly larger than the other - it will be easier to pull out hairs.

To make it all perfect, the procedure is performed in front of a large mirror during the daytime. Hair cling thread, well pressed it to the skin. The twisted part should be above the hair, and the small loop - under it. The lower loop with a sharp movement to stretch, so that the place of twisting picked up a hair and quickly vomited it.

It is important that with this method the hair follicles are also removed, which allows the procedure to be performed once a month, since hair then grows slowly.

Eyebrows are adjusted from the nose, and only then move to a place over the eyelid. Antennae are removed starting from the edge, slowly moving to the area above the lip.

It is completely possible to learn how to epilate a face with the help of a silk thread. But do not hope that everything will work out the first time. Several attempts - and the development of technology will be completed.


Triding - This is a somewhat painful procedure, but by doing it regularly, you can learn not to notice the pain. After hair removal, the epilation site will turn a little red and swell, but this can be avoided by applying ice or a cold towel. Plucking eyebrows and antennae with tweezers is as painful a procedure as triting, but sometimes it takes more time and effort.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, after the triding, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Can not be applied to the place of hair removal foundation or powder in one day.
  • Wash off preferably with cool water.to reduce swelling and soothe the skin.
  • Within 24 hours, do not expose epilated skin exposed to ultraviolet rays.
  • For several days after the procedure you can not groom in the bath or sauna, it is also undesirable to sunbathe.
  • To avoid ingrown hairsAfter 5-7 days you need to massage the skin with a scrub.

Pros and cons

Any method of hair removal or depilation has its pros and cons.. After studying them, you can decide on the most suitable way for the client. Triding has several advantages over other methods of hair removal, which adds to its popularity.


  • Perfect accuracy - filament hair removal is able to pick up even a short hair and pull it out. This allows you to remove all unwanted hair, making the skin perfectly smooth.
  • High speed - The technique allows you to simultaneously remove several hairs to speed up the process of hair removal.
  • Long result - due to the fact that the thread pulls out the hair along with the bulb, slows their growth. So you can forget about shaving and plucking for 2-4 weeks.
  • Security - a one-time thread is used for the triding, so there is no risk of catching any infection.
  • No ingrown hair - the thread allows you to carefully remove the hairs along with the follicles, which helps to avoid hair ingrowth.


  • Morbidity - The first procedures may seem painful, but this pain can be tolerated.
  • Complexity - beginners can spoil the shape of the eyebrows, if you choose the wrong thread or too gently will carry out the procedure.
  • Ingrowth - improper work can lead to ingrowth of hair, and this is fraught with inflammation.

Hair removal using silk thread has become very popular not only among the fair sex, but also among men. After all, the triding allows you to get rid of shaving or other methods of hair removal for 2-4 weeks. Even short hairs can be removed with a thread, which cannot be removed with tweezers.

The reviews about the trading are mostly positive. Despite some pain, the procedure has many advantages that allow you to endure this inconvenience. After several sessions, the feeling of discomfort will disappear and the person will get used to the manipulations.

Those who have independently mastered this technique, note its lightness and speed. In addition, they are pleased with the efficiency of the home procedure. After epilation with thread, there is no irritation of the skin, which occurs after shaving and there is no bristle. You can remove hair by yourself on your legs, arms and in the bikini area for a long time, but you can make a beautiful eyebrow shape or remove the antennae in a few minutes.

In the next video, watch the master class of the expensive salon procedure - the triding.

When and where the thread is applied

Absolutely everyone can use the hair removal method, regardless of age, gender, skin phototype, hair type. Triding is applied to all parts of the body. However, most often the thread is used for:

  • eyebrow shape correction
  • removal of antennae on upper lip,
  • eliminating the gun on the cheeks,
  • ridding hairs in the bikini area.

Arab women remove hair with a thread on their entire body.

It should be noted that sometimes the procedure is better done in the cabin, and not independently. The services of specialists are recommended to apply in the following cases:

  • eyebrow correction. A professional beautician will be able to give the eyebrows a flawless shape. At home, many can do this only by accumulating a certain experience
  • hand depilation. It is quite difficult to do the procedure here yourself, because during the triding the thread holds both hands,
  • armpit hair removal.

Skin care after the session

Immediately after depilation with a thread, redness will appear on the skin. It will pass by itself within 2 hours. However, for faster recovery of the skin, it can be cooled by applying ice cubes.

Aftercare of the treated area is as follows:

  • lubricate the skin with an antiseptic. Since the hairs are pulled together with the roots, to prevent infection of the skin in the open follicle, it is necessary to treat Chlorgesidin or Miramistin,
  • apply a moisturizer on the skin,
  • between treatments it is recommended to use hair growth retardants,
  • within 7 days after the procedure you should not visit the swimming pools, baths and solariums.

Depilatory devices

For those who did not get the hand to manually use the thread to remove hairs, manufacturers offer thread depilators. They are:

  • mechanical, when the thread flagellum “runs” in the manual control mode,
  • electric. In this case, the thread is fully controlled and controlled by the device itself.

Video: mechanical depilator

Before the start of the session, the skin must be prepared in the same way as before the usual triding. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  1. According to the instructions, thread into the device in such a way as to form its multiple crossing.
  2. If a mechanical model is applied, bring the device to the surface of the skin and begin pressing. When using the appliance, you must first turn on the depilator and bring it to the skin.
  3. Cross threads will grab and pull out hairs.
  4. After depilation, treat the skin with a disinfectant.
  5. Apply to the treated area moisturizer.

Video: how does electric filar depilator work

The advantages of using thread instruments are that they can be used to clean hands, and the procedure time can be reduced to 2–5 minutes.

In all the salons in Turkey, adjust the eyebrows, get rid of unwanted hairs on the face just a thread. The cost of such a procedure in the cabin 10 lire (200 rubles). Many women got their hands on themselves and do some sort of hair removal at home not only to others, but also to themselves. Living here for 5 years, and I learned to manage the thread. Honestly, it's not easy, you need to adapt. If you study hard, the result will not be long in coming. The crossed part of the thread is applied to the skin, the hairs are folded into it and removed. From the first time it will not work, but a couple of times of hard work, and everything will come out. If you adapt, this procedure will not take you much time (20-30 minutes). Correct eyebrows too. I'm sure after the thread you do not want to use tweezers. After the iron tweezers, the hair grows stiff, the hairs can be broken during work, and they grow into the skin. And there are no such problems with the thread.


I must say that epilation with a thread is the most painless epilation I have ever done, compared to stripes and an epilator, there is no talk about tweezers at all. In some salons, this method is actively used, even their eyebrows are corrected, but, I repeat, they also need skill, otherwise you can make an uneven line, and this is still a face.


The skin becomes very smooth and pleasant to the touch. Hair does not grow for a long time. Approximately 2-3 weeks. It hurts, but for the sake of such a result it is worthwhile to suffer. The downside is that you can cut your fingers. Here, as in any other business, you need to adjust.


I first stumbled upon a video of how a girl removes facial hair with a regular thread. I tried it, it turned out, but it is a very time consuming process. On an advertisement for a video, I saw a pink typewriter in the form of a butterfly's head and body with threads stretched over it. I switched to video, looked at how it works, and decided that this was my option. No need to strain your hands and train your fingers to remove facial hair. In my favorite online store, I came across an inexpensive filament depilator-epilator Intex of the Bradex company (it cost me 600 rubles) and bought it. The first times, of course, was strange and sick, since the hair was already thick and did not give in so easily. After 5 uses, I saw the effect. Since the pores narrow at this distance, the thickness of the hair also began to narrow. And they began to grow less often. And by itself, removing them was not so painful. But! I warn you at once: you should not give shape to your eyebrows in this way! One awkward movement, and you yourself cut a piece of eyebrows, and it will grow for at least a month.


Hair removal from the face and body is an effective and affordable method. The method has many advantages over other types of home depilation. The only significant disadvantage of the triding is the fact that you need to get a certain skill.

History of the procedure

People began to remove hair with a thread a few centuries ago. Many argue that the triling first appeared in Persia. Eastern society pays a lot of attention to smooth skin, in this country shugaring was invented.

Residents of Persia used for hair removal silk thread, connected in a certain way. With its help, the hairs with the root were captured, then they were carefully pulled out. After this, the vegetation did not appear for a long time, the skin remained smooth and pleasant to the touch. It is noteworthy that this method was used not only by women, but also by men.

On the Internet you can also find the opinion that the creators of the triding were people from Asian countries, but there is no evidence of this theory. And now it does not matter who came up with this method, because only the result is important!

The video demonstrates in detail the technique of triding. It is worth watching it to ensure the effectiveness of the procedure.

The stages of the triding

It is important to consider all stages of the procedure, so as not to damage the skin. In the process of hair removal will need such accessories:

  • thread 40–50 cm long
  • moisturizing cream
  • herbal decoction
  • skin lotion or tonic
  • dry and wet towels, napkins
  • cotton swabs

As you can see, all the necessary things are usually at home for girls. After preparation, you can go directly to the triding.

Folding thread and plucking

The main secret of the effectiveness of triding lies in the correctly folded thread. To do this, follow these steps:

Knot the ends of the thread.

Grab the thread with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, stretch it in a circle.

Twist the thread with your fingers 6−8 times so that it resembles an inverted eight. A loop forms in the middle.

It is necessary to simultaneously put the fingers on one hand and plant on the other, this movement resembles the exercise "scissors".

After training, you can proceed: the hairs are placed in a loop, then it is twisted with the fingers movements mentioned above.

If you follow the instructions, the hairs will come off the root, getting inside the loop.

Correctly folded thread can remove hair anywhere on the face and body.

For details on tridding and other methods of eyebrow correction, see the article How to pull out eyebrows without tweezers.

What else you need to know about the building

For hair removal, only silk and cotton threads are suitable; in no case should you take synthetic. Best suited thick thread with marking 10.

You also need to remember that a lot of hairs are removed at once. If triling is used for eyebrow correction, it is better to draw their shape with shadows beforehand.

In the beauty salon there are original devices for hair removal. They can be ordered online.

Hair removal is practiced in many beauty salons. For the masters there is training, often used special tools to facilitate the process of hair removal. You can carry out the first procedure with the help of a professional, and in the future you can learn to do everything yourself.

What parts of the body does it apply to?

Epilation with a thread is used on any part of the body, but most often Eastern women cleanse their face in this way. A thread is convenient to remove the fluff on the chin, mustache above the upper lip. The hairs are removed with a thin line that allows you to make eyebrows.

The thread is suitable for depilation of the legs, bikini. But the armpits to remove the vegetation alone will not succeed due to inconvenience - requires the involvement of both hands. But you can always contact the master: many salons offer the service of triding.

What thread will do

To remove body hair, it is recommended to use a cotton thread of medium thickness. Kapron threads can damage the hands, besides they are slippery and worse hair clings. It is permissible to make epilation with natural silk thread, but they are not sold in every sewing department.

Silk-thread epilation is well suited for pulling a small gun on the face.

Skin care after the procedure

This method of hair removal can cause irritation and even inflammation. To reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences, be sure to take care of proper skin care after depilation with the help of thread.

  • Immediately after the procedure, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide). Alcohol should not be used, it is very dry skin.
  • After a few hours you can apply a soothing moisturizer. The ideal solution would be the usual children.
  • If irritation occurs, drugs will help to quickly remove it: D-Panthenol, Bepanten, Radevit, Sinaflan.
  • After 5-7 days after depilation, it is desirable to scrub the skin or rub it with a hard washcloth. This will prevent ingrown hair. Use scrub (washcloth) is recommended 2 times a week.

Within 3-4 days after the epilation was done with a thread, you can not:

  • sunbathe,
  • take hot baths, visit saunas,
  • swim in a pool with highly chlorinated water,
  • visit open water bodies where there is a risk of infection.

How to numb the skin

The essential oil of peppermint will help reduce pain: it is diluted in water (3 drops per 20 ml of water) and the skin is rubbed with this solution.

The pharmacy can buy alcohol drug Menovazin, which also has a cooling effect. Ledocaine in the form of a spray is a strong anesthetic for local use.

Women with a very high pain sensitivity before you do hair removal, you can take an analgesic pill. But this is an extreme measure that should be avoided.

Thread epilator

The company Bradex has developed a unique tool - Epilator filament electric "Intex". A small device is filled with a thread, which also comes in the kit. The device is positioned as an epilator for the face. It is convenient for them to do the removal of antennae, small hair in the area of ​​the chin. It is also suitable for other parts of the body. On the body there is a special light, so as not to miss a single hair.

Using such a machine at home is easy and simple. It is a thread epilator is not so expensive - about $ 21.

Advantages of triding

  • does not require financial costs
  • simple technique, you can quickly learn the right movements,
  • hair does not grow long - up to 4 weeks,
  • there is no risk of an allergic reaction,
  • suitable for removing any hair (hard, thin, dark, light),
  • skin injuries are excluded
  • With regular use, hair becomes thinner, grow less frequently.

How to remove hair with a thread so that they do not grow into?

The technique itself does not affect ingrowth. Hair grows under the skin after any epilation, which pulls them off the root. This is because the hair does not grow for a long time and the upper layer of the epidermis begins to tighten the follicle hole.

It was the basic instruction and all the nuances of removing unwanted body hair with a regular thread. Following the advice, each girl will be able to try the technique on their own at home.

Category: Hair Removal. Deciding on the procedure of hair removal, any woman expects to get a smooth and beautiful skin.

Hair removal by thread. Epilation with the help of a thread is one of the oldest ways to get rid of.

Hair removal by thread. Epilation with the help of a thread is one of the oldest ways to get rid of.

Hair removal by thread. Epilation with the help of a thread is one of the oldest ways to get rid of.

Hair removal by thread. Epilation with the help of a thread is one of the oldest ways to get rid of.


Watch the video: Threading. Facial Hair Removal Method (July 2024).