
Unsuccessful visit to the hairdresser: horrible first-hand stories

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Hairdressing stories

dewarist - 03/27/2012 Last Sunday I took my grandson Yegor to the hairdresser. I sat in the waiting room and watched him cut. And here I, the skinhead (I usually shave my head every other day, when the sun and good mood, every day, when it is overcast outside and inside - once every three days), watched my grandson's hair fall down, as they were swept into a pile and sent to a trash can full of alien hair. Little Egor sat with his eyes closed and his nose continually blew. He has no passing snot.

My son had infinite snot in his childhood. I once made up my mind and put him in the children's department of the ENT in one Moscow city hospital. This hospital was located behind the fence psychiatric hospital named PP. Kashchenko, in which I then worked.
It was convenient for me to visit my son several times a day. In a white dressing gown, I climbed into a hole in the fence of my own psychiatric hospital and found myself on the territory of the hospital another. Non-psychiatric.

My son did numerous punctures of the maxillary sinuses. He suffered a lot. In the ward where he lay, there were many miserable snotty children.
Once I didn’t find him in the ward. I was told that he had a fever and was transferred to boxing.
In boxing lay a sad, pale, thin, snotty my son.
I tried to amuse him in every way. He drew something, told, composed on the move.

He did not complain about anything. Only on the fact that it is much scratched head. In the evening of the fourth day in boxing, my nerves could not stand it. After my work in the late winter evening on receipt I took my son with a high temperature home.
I was carrying an 11-year-old boy in my arms, wrapped in a hospital blanket to the road where the cars are going. More precisely, to the suburban highway. Machines, unfortunately, for a long time was not. But I managed to catch some.

At home it turned out that the son had lice. My wife, a dermatologist, identified this immediately. Scientifically called this "pediculosis." Then, in the late 80s, head lice began to pace the country. Today at school is usually.
I cut my son very badly. His head was treated with a special solution. It was impossible to go to school when he recovered, with such a head. We went with him to the hairdresser.

“Have you cut it yourself?” The hairdresser asked. “Yes,” I replied. “I tried it, but it didn't work out ... Correct it, if you can ...”
I left my son in the chair, and he sat in the hall. The hairdresser called me in about 20 minutes. “Did he have lice?” She asked. Looking down, I said nothing. I was ashamed. “They would say that I would take other tools to process them later, but now I have nothing to work with ...”
I am ashamed so far.

My dad, who was still very early on the front, who I didn’t know to others, therefore I thought that bald was beautiful, somehow ... - they say, because my father knew what fate awaited me, why did you give birth?), And so, my dad gave the definition, I do not remember to whom: “hairdresser's boy”, that is, neat, buttoned, ironed. He said it with a slight disregard.

I never wanted to be a hairdresser boy. In my student years, I had bangs to the eyebrows and large sideburns, but the military department ruthlessly destroyed this vegetation in the bud. Once, Lieutenant Colonel Medvedovsky gave me only 20 minutes so that I ran to the barbershop, “removed everything from my face, mustache at the same time, or how ″ Pesnyary ″ and returned to the exam. Otherwise. "I reached, I came back exactly after 20 minutes, wet from sweat, with hair stuck to my face, neck and back. I was constantly scratching myself, but I passed the exam heroically.

In Egypt, with a bald spot, I went to a local barber shop so that my head and neck would tan. I took off my glasses and what the Egyptian hairdressers did not see with me. And they cut me two. Thin and well-groomed fingers did something with my head, eyebrows, mustache. When I put on my glasses, I saw an ideal Oriental man in the mirror. Intergrown thick eyebrows turned into two thin neat arches (“crescent eyebrow”), thick, curled whiskers turned into a brush of hair over the lip. I was shocked. I turned into Indian actor Raj Kapoor. Only two weeks of rest ahead (everything will grow) and the absence of a number of acquaintances, except for my wife, who recognized and accepted me with difficulty, comforted me.

Somehow I went to the hair salon in a pull. There were two reasons. First - do not sit bald in the queue, the second - this is an important event in my life associated with going on stage in a large audience for a prestigious award.

In the general hall of a fashionable salon, men and women were cut together. Debauchery. They washed my head, throwing it back, between two long-haired beauties - a long-legged blonde and a long-legged brunette. Humiliation. Then my every hair master was sheared with scissors, almost measuring his hair with a ruler, leaving exactly three millimeters. After an hour and a half of shame, I was billed. Hard to believe, but I did not have enough money. Shame. Fortunately, the hairdresser was a fan of my caricatures and forgave my debt. Nobility. This was my last visit to barbers. The razor went further. No, not in the throat or vein - safe on soapy head.

My friend Slava immigrated to Israel for a long time. Slightly less than 30 years ago. As soon as his son was born. And his daughter was born already there.
He came to Moscow once. On the traditional school collection. Type 30th anniversary of graduation. It was in the early 2000s. My wife, by the way, at this time went with her friend to the United Arab Emirates, that is, to the enemies. This is me, just a funny touch.

The son lived with his future wife separately. The apartment was empty. I showed Slavka a new country with pride and was glad that we had so many hopes. Many restaurants and many products in the shops. Like, "no worse than you."
I wanted to make my friend feel nostalgic. Sadist. And it seems summoned.
And I live not far from the New Arbat. One day, Slava went to the "Enchantress" barber shop, which is not there now. And in the Soviet Union, she was very famous.
I must say that my friend has very thick and slightly curly auburn hair.

The fact is that he has had a haircut in this barber shop all his life. He was brought there by a first grader of his father, a famous Moscow lawyer. So they cut their hair - the father and the son of the same master. Their hairdresser knew all about them. Everything that happened in their family. Glory was sheared before all its significant events.
And so he enters the hall and sees that his master is standing near the same chair. Someone cuts. And she, in turn, sees Glory in the mirror. And do not believe it - recognize him. She throws the client's naked head and runs to Slava with tears in her eyes and open arms.
Should I say here that Glory had her hair cut. Last time. I mean, she has one last time. Since the more he did not come to Russia.

Early in the morning on the day of his departure, an insistently rang at the door of the apartment. Throwing on a robe, I asked: “Who?” “Police!” Was the answer. I opened the door. On the threshold were three machine gunners: “Why is your son not present at the draft board? Here is the agenda, sign here ... ”In fact, my son was at the military registration and enlistment office. I ran into machine gunners and chided them. I could then afford it, because then everyone else recognized me.

Nostalgia, which was almost born in the soul of my friend, immediately vanished. With a clear conscience, like I did the right thing, that I left this country, with my hair cut off in the Moscow Enchantress, my friend was returning to his homeland.

Unsuccessful haircut: master "not in itself"

Olga: “I once came to the hairdresser with a request to trim the tips a couple of centimeters. And the master (I don’t know what happened to her) just took my tail in my hands and cut it off in one fell swoop! And this is somewhere twenty centimeters of hair! On the crown, only the hedgehog remained. Naturally, my speechlessness was gone, for the first five minutes I could only grow low, and then the hysterics began. ”

Sudden baldness

Oksana: “I have roots in the industry, and I decided not to torture my hair at home, but to go to the hairdresser’s. I do not know what was applied to my head, but my curls turned into a tow (and then they began to fall off completely), and ulcers formed on the scalp. I had to go to the hospital! ”

Vera: “I also had a bad staining experience. I went to the most expensive salon of the city, where I was shaved and offered to change my image completely. Persuaded the same paint the first time in my life. I was very pleased with the result at first, but in the morning I experienced a real shock when a good part of my hair was left on the pillow. Do not believe it, but only hemp stuck on his head! A few months went in a wig, that's how I changed the image! ”.

Olga: “Thank God, this story did not happen to me. My girlfriend in the village barbershop (part-time sauna) decided to refresh her hair color. Grief-hairdresser advised to fix the effect to warm your head in the steam room. The result: a charming bald spot and blood poisoning, an operation and unfulfilled hopes for acquiring thick hair ”.

Yuliya: “And I once observed the following picture. A blonde woman comes with hair burned for a haircut, complaining about the lack of volume. The master immediately recommends that she do the chemistry, and the objections of the colleagues present are completely dismissed. I do not know what the client thought, because she was dissuaded by everyone except the ill-fated master, but she decided on the procedure. The hairdresser, as I remember now, that Aunt Zina, wore a blonde bobbin and left for a smoke break. The whole salon, not breathing, looked at the perhydrol head in anticipation of a miracle. A miracle did not happen ... After the client's remark that the head somehow became very easy, Aunt Zina went out for another smoke break and did not return. And the curls were grabbed, only they were in the sink, and not on the head of an unreasonably daring client. ”

Unsuccessful haircut: "Do not fall asleep!"

Alevtina: “I decided to cut off the excess before the holiday so as not to bother with the styling. I am a bold young lady, so I asked the master to give me a short haircut. Aunty, having experienced unprecedented inspiration, which for some reason did not alert me, offered to cut my hair with a machine, leave a centimeter three hairs, and chelochk to shape. Well, I figured that three centimeters - this is what you need on vacation, and gave the green light. While the machine was buzzing, I fell asleep ... I never experienced such a terrible climb after sleep, in a mirror an absolutely bald creature with a cheeky chelochka of three hairs looked at me. The whole vacation took place in a hat, and at home I got the nickname “Bald”, even the children called it so ... ”.

Galina: “Oh, and I somehow unwittingly passed out at the hairdresser. Asked to cut the tips to three centimeters. Master as she began to swarm in my hair, so I dozed off. I sprinkle, but I do not have half the hair! The master cut off fifteen centimeters and at the same time so pleased, she looks at me, saying, how are you? And I lost the shock of speech, only burst at home. ”

Bad staining: creative approach

Sveta: “I once dyed my hair in the salon and noticed that the composition was coming to an end. So the master simply added water from the tap and continued to paint, as if nothing had happened. I thought it was necessary, the master, and the salon respected ... As a result, half of my hair is of a rich color, and the other is of a barely noticeable shade. So this unfortunate painter was still trying to convince me that it was so much more spectacular! ”

Marianne: “I suffered in Bulgaria, where I rested with my grandmother. My wonderful highlight has grown a bit, and I decided to paint the roots. My master usually uses foil, and here they pulled a kind of creepy silicone cap over me, explaining it with new trends in hairdressing. To my fair question, how to see the streaked straps through the hat, the master silently poked her finger in the diploma. Apparently, this should have calmed me ... I tried to sit with all meekness, and as a result I had yellow stripes on my head, with cross bars! ”

Tatyana: “My mental health undermined the last trip to the hairdresser. The girl-master could not advise me on paints and determine the shades, she did not even see the difference between ashen and red. Then for half an hour I dealt with the instructions on how to dissolve the train ... I already wanted to leave the ill-fated chair, suspecting something was wrong, but I was reassured by other employees, promising that they would check the new one. In the end, after washing, I received my first microinfarction, by golly. Instead of ashen, I became bluish-black, to which the master, with enviable calm, promised that the hair would become the right color after shampooing my head, and set about styling. It was then that I was waiting for a second heart attack, when my hair was arranged in the spirit of Alla Pugacheva. And then they decided to finish me with the question: “Will we have a haircut?” (And this after laying). To my negative roar, this pattern of calm sadly remarked: “You’re somehow nervous.”

Helena: “My whitish hair somehow dyed as much as 6 shades darker, it turned out that the color of the dummy was mixed up.”

"The hand trembled"

Marina: “I had been growing a braid for three years, I came to the hairdresser to cut off the split ends, I asked to make a cut in a semicircle. Bottom line: I'm Ronald McDonald poured out, it remains only to add bright colors. I still cry. ”

Maksim: “I went, then to the hairdresser. They cut me off for a long time, the master all the time told my colleagues at the same time how she plastered the wall in the bathroom, describing the visual pirouettes with her hands. I have already seen that something ugly appears on my head, but I simply could not stop the flow of repair revelations. The climax of this visit was a male voice somewhere behind: “Something I decided not to cut my hair here ...”.

Samorukov Konstantin

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the website

Yes. And this is my sister.

Look for a wizard with good hair and your age category. Spoil your hair envious ***. I found my way. Young and beautiful girl with beautiful hair. Able to handle and pulled my hair out of disgusting conditions.

It was the case, unsuccessfully painted.
I found my master through a friend, she had a beautiful shatush. Then I looked at the work of this master and ventured to go to her.

Yes, there were more than once. I do not dye, so I can only tell about haircuts. They made me an unsuccessful cascade, the front hair was too short, and the back was long, I had to wait a year and wait longer to grow to get a normal look. Since then, I do not do cascades or ladders. Then some kind of dr-r, instead of cutting my hair just exactly, left the front strands to me longer, I told her to do it normally, she tried something there, but in the end, the front strands I stayed longer, I even trimmed them at home myself later. But she created such horror on my head that the ends just stuck out in all directions, probably she would cut them with blunt scissors, and even before starting to cut she didn’t even straighten my hair. Then I had to go to another hairdresser so that she would more or less trim my hair.Here again, we should even trim the tips, but I'm afraid to go.

I had a terrible case, went to an unverified hairdresser since I moved. I wanted to lighten my hair as always. At first, the hair was red, then it was dyed brown, then it turned green, in general I sat for 6 hours with different colors on my head, hoping that they would bring me to my favorite blond. After 6 hours, I fell into despair and left. Upon arrival, she began to look for a wig to order. But the next day I went to the most expensive hairdresser in the city and he saved me, although my hair was yellow for a very long time. And that skilled worker with crooked hands still had the courage to call me and hint about payment! It’s good that she was on the phone talking to me, and not personally, she hung up on my shout

I once went to a hair salon not far from home. The day then did not ask at all. At first I was attacked by ballads, I somehow got rid of them. Then the cops came and almost shot, but I was lucky that I had a pair of grenades and RPG. After the whole shootout, I went to eat pizza. He killed the cashier there, took the money and went to cut his hair with this money. After all the stuff that happened, I was on the verge, if I didn’t like something, I shot right and left. Krch, tired of writing all this. The haircut did not like, this Niger did everything very not neatly, he went to the forefathers to dig mines in the other world. the end

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I once came to the hairdresser, next to the house, paint in blond. introduced the barber to me and I almost fell. the guy in denim breeches, socks and sandals. in general, I immediately realized that I did not trust him anything. Well, it happened. the guy understood everything by my facial expression. He was confused and said that he was afraid to paint me, he thought he could not cope. Well, I am pleased, turned around and left,) although the task was to stupidly discolor from the roots of a light blond in a blond,)

It was done haircuts that did not go to me, but I was a teenager and then I was on the side, now I’d probably cry and not leave the house, before ng decided to change something and made a bang on two sides, at first I liked it and everyone said that It is very good, but now (only three weeks have passed) I miss my completely even hair and I dream about the day when it grows, by the way, if someone has a method how to quickly grow bangs, share)

Haircuts nonsense and I unsuccessfully did chemistry, half the hair fell out. The previous density did not return oh, I laughed then.

in expensive salons repeatedly kosyachili
1 example - instead of painting in black (from light brown, it is clear that it is easier to make it simple) I was painted in blue-black (that is, she stupidly took the wrong paint tube), then, seeing that I don't like it, they offered to pay denezhek for the second coloring, but already in black
money did not pay, repainted
2 example - when in blond they dyed, burned the scalp, then the crust went
well, then the young one was, paid, left, and raked the consequences at home, at first she didn’t even notice anything
3 example - bezammiachnoy insanely expensive paint painted non-uniform. paid Came home, considered - sucks. I returned to the next day with a request to repaint free of charge (but as it turned out it was impossible, the hairdresser didn’t want to see any more for me, saying that it would not work) and at my request I was returned money

I am looking for the master so far, I will not say that I liked some, that I can trust 100%, no

I want to advise everyone who:
- initially agreed with the master to get a haircut at a certain length, and he cut a decently longer
- The master agreed on a certain color and the master promised to receive this color as a result of his work, but the wrong one came out and the hairdresser did not redo it, well, or you didn’t want to
then do not pay. The law is completely on your side.
Let them through court (yes, they will not, if they are not fools at all) will try to demand payment for low-quality service through you
and also, if the master initially voiced the amount that you have to pay for the service, and then demands more from you, the same thing - do not pay more, and then the law protects you, because he had to warn you at least in the process, agreeing so to speak with you that it will take more money

just moral suffering and so can not be compared with the material, but at least there will not lose, it will not be so insulting

I came to trim a haircut, make it look like it is more voluminous, or something. So, a hairdresser came out (a citizen of a non-Russian republic (not Armenia, not Azerbaijan), with discolored (imagine a Caucasian girl!) Hair the color of the urine of a patient with pyelonephritis). I regret that I didn’t run away right away, her children were running around small, small less, she herself was dressed casually, in leoperd leggings and a stretched sweater. What the hell I brought to this barber shop - I still do not know. I say this guertsideli: I need a square on my leg, my hair is thin, and I need at least some kind of visual volume. Well, this matahari began to cut me, I looked from the top of my head and the back of my head cuts off too long strands, I haven’t had such in my whole life))) I say I can’t tolerate long tops, cut it short and there will be an openwork. It was time to style, she tried to honestly depict the hair on my head, but her hair was not something that did not obey, they rebelled. In short, I have never had such horror. I looked like a Vahtersha coded for alcoholism. And most importantly, not to collect a ponytail, since she cut everything off from behind, or put a square in - some icicles in front. And in two months I go on vacation. In short, the year she grew up, leveled, and in memory of this epic haircut only a photo from Thailand)))) well, there I’m a lush little flower prisobachila and nothing))).


Watch the video: HAIRCUT DISASTER? (June 2024).