
Solid oil - butter - types, properties, application


I sometimes look at reviews of cosmetic products on the Internet, at least in order to decide which products are worth buying and trying, and which ones are not. So, feedback on the use of solid oils I meet extremely positive. Naturally, I could not get past them. I must say that they are mainly recommended for dry skin and hair type, as well as an anti-age agent. This is understandable - they perfectly restore hair, give it shine, tighten, nourish and moisturize the skin, contribute to the regeneration of its cells. But in my opinion solid oils optimally suited for the combined type. Unlike most liquid oils, it is convenient to dose, apply and rinse them. However, I will tell about this at the end of the article. First, let's figure out what solid oils and what are their beneficial properties.

Why are they hard?

Solid oils (Butters, from English butter - butter, paste), in addition to unsaturated fatty acids, already familiar to us in the composition of liquid vegetable oils, are rich in saturated fatty acids (monobasic carboxylic acids) - stearic, palmitic, arachidic, lauric, myristic. The melting point of saturated fatty acids is above 50 ° C. It is because of their presence that the butters are in the solid phase at room temperature. Also in the composition solid oils includes unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and unsaponified fats that rejuvenate the skin and restore hair. Due to their consistency, butters are widely used in the manufacture of lip balms, hair, makeup products and spa cosmetics.

1. Coconut oil.

The beneficial properties of coconut oil are known to people for more than one millennium. Due to its composition, which includes not only the above-listed fats, but also hyaluronic acid known for its unique properties, coconut oil remarkably cares for hair, nails, skin of the face, hands, body and feet. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and moisturizing properties of this butter allow it to be used in many cosmetic purposes - to restore and nourish hair, regenerate and soften the skin, stimulate hair growth, and strengthen them. It has a fairly light structure, well absorbed and washed off. It can be used both in isolation and as part of masks, balsams, shampoos and creams.

2. Shea Butter (Karite).

Shea butter has anti-inflammatory and softening properties. It also relieves swelling and cares for mature skin. This oil is known as a natural sunscreen, so it is part of some tanning products. Well restores and nourishes the hair, in addition, it is actively used in hand care products. Shea butter is better than other butters for sensitive skin.

5. Mango butter.

The regenerating, healing and moisturizing properties of mango oil are used in the manufacture of face creams, balms and hair masks, hand creams. It, like cocoa butter, is excellent for the combined type of skin and hair. It is also a UV filter and is applied to the body for a beautiful and even tan. The mango oil contains vitamins A, E, C and B vitamins. Also, this butter perfectly strengthens brittle hair, gives them vitality and shine.

6. Kupuasu oil.

Kupuasu oil gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. A positive effect on the skin's ability to retain moisture. It has anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating properties, used in the treatment of dermatitis. Good for sensitive skin. Carefully looks after the painted hair, restoring their structure and interfering with washing out of color.

How to use solid oils?

Butters are good because they are convenient to dispense. Before you apply the oil on the skin or hair, just hold it in your hands to melt it, then rub it a little on your palms and apply. Solid oils are light enough, well absorbed and absorbed by the skin and hair. Therefore, they are washed away from the first time.

In the manufacture of homemade cream can also be used solid oils. For this purpose, they just need to be melted and added to the fatty phase of the cream. By the way, butters have weak emulsifying properties, so the amount of emulsifier can be slightly reduced.

As I wrote above, solid oils remarkably suitable for oily and combination hair and skin types (especially cocoa butter). This is a note for girls who do not like to use vegetable oils as cosmetics. Solid oils are a great alternative to liquid. In addition, they are shown for sensitive skin. Still, a pre-test of sensitivity is best done. Solid oils help fight skin diseases and injuries, and this is another indisputable advantage. Solid oils - a wonderful gift of nature for the health of hair, nails and skin!

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Properties of Butters

Solid oils are actively working in pure form or in combination with basic vegetable extracts and pure ethers. According to reviews of experienced cosmetologists, most of the SPA cosmetics are made on the basis of various types of butters.

Glycerides of saturated acids, in particular, stearic acid and polyunsaturated acids - oleic acid, help in structuring the consistency of creams, preserving and increasing the elasticity of the skin, filling the epidermis with healing moisture and biologically active components.

Solid vegetable oils have moisturizing, softening, nourishing, protective and regenerating properties. Phytonutrients of the product help in the restoration of the lipid layer of the epidermis and enhance the renewal of skin cells, which increases the ability of the dermis to retain the optimal level of moisture for its functioning.

After contact with the skin, the solid composition melts, spreads and creates a natural glide, and also absorbs into the deep layers of the dermis.

Benefit and composition

As part of cocoa butter many beneficial fatty acids for hair:

  • Oleinovoy. Relieves irritation of the scalp, restores hair structure and gives shine to curls,
  • Stearic. Improves the protective properties of hair ultraviolet, wind and frost,
  • Palmitic. Keeps moisture in curls,
  • Linoleic. Soothes the scalp.

  • Vitamin E. Accelerates the healing of the skin, protects the hair roots from oxygen starvation, is involved in the production of collagen and keratin - proteins,
  • Vitamin K. Participates in cellular respiration, accelerates the healing of wounds.

The only contraindication to the external use of the product is an allergy to the product.

Hair application

First of all, cocoa butter is good for the following hair problems:

  • Dryness,
  • Brittleness
  • Damaged structure

Additionally solved problems are dullness, slow growth and hair loss. Cocoa bean oil is used for dandruff and dry seborrhea. An undoubted bonus in the use of the product will be a pleasant chocolate smell.

Homemade recipes for cocoa butter hair

  • Before use, the oil must be melted and heated to 40 C. It is better in a water bath, as it is easy to overheat in the microwave, which causes the fat to lose its valuable properties.
  • After applying cocoa butter on your hair, immediately cover your head with plastic and a towel. If the oil is cold, heat your head for 1-2 minutes with a hair dryer right through the towel,
  • Rinse off the oil mask is difficult. It is better to wash off the mask at a temperature of 36-40 ° C with repeated use of shampoo.

Use in pure form:

Cocoa butter can be used not only as part of hair masks, but also to apply it as a complete tool. Oil in solid form can be rubbed into the scalp, especially carefully rubbing it with the hair roots.

This procedure is necessary to prevent hair loss and, accordingly, strengthen the roots. The oil on the head should be kept for 40-60 minutes, and then rinsed with a shampoo.

It can also be used in liquid form:

  • Melt 10-15 grams of fat,
  • Cocoa butter is applied to the hair before washing, rub it into the roots and spread on the curls with a rare comb,
  • To warm the head
  • Hold for 20 minutes
  • Wash off with plenty of shampoo.

Such an application will make the hair not only strong, but also obedient, silky and shiny.

Hair masks

Hair masks with cocoa butter have a whole complex of healing properties and have a healing effect that directly depends on the ingredients that make up them. It should be understood that the same tool may help two different people in different ways, and may not help at all.

Recipe 1. Mask for thin and weak hair

Moisturized and fortified hair with a silky shine.

> Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l cocoa butter,
  • Vitamin E and A (in oil solution) - 5 drops each,
  • Orange oil - 3 drops.

Melt the fat, mix with solutions of vitamins and ether.

Apply to the unwashed head, rub your fingers into the scalp and soak curls with it. Insulate and leave for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo and use a strengthening balm.

Recipe 2. Mask for hair after dyeing

Smoothed, smooth and radiant hair shafts with a restored structure.

  • 1 tbsp. l cocoa butter,
  • 1 tbsp. l burdock root oils,
  • 1 tbsp. l kefir,
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Put burdock and cocoa butter in a container, heat it in a water bath. Pour the yolk, kefir and stir again.

Apply a mask with cocoa butter on unwashed hair, rubbing into the skin with massage movements. Insulate and leave for 60-90 minutes. Wash off with shampoo and emollient balm.

The number of procedures in the course: from 12 to 16. Frequency: 1-3 times a week.

Recipe 3. Mask for dry slowly growing hair

Wet shiny curls and accelerated hair growth (plus 1-2 centimeters per month).

  • 3 tbsp. l cocoa butter,
  • ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops,
  • rosemary oil - 3 drops,
  • tea tree oil - 3 drops.

Heat the base in a water bath. Add aroma oil and mix thoroughly.

Apply to dirty hair and partings between them. Warm and leave for 1 hour. Wash off with shampoo and use a moisturizing balm.

The number of procedures in the course: from 16 to 18. Frequency of application: 2 times a week.

Purchase and storage of oil

Cooking butter from cocoa fruit at home is impossible. But you can buy it in a pharmacy, soap or beauty salon, ordered in the online store. When buying, pay attention to:

  • The degree of processing of the product. If the fat is not subjected to additional processing, then it is - unrefined. It has a dark color and a pleasant smell of chocolate. Refined fat colorless with a light aroma of cocoa. Due to additional processing, it lost its beneficial properties
  • Packaging. It should not be greasy stains that indicate improper storage of the product,
  • Cost The average price of natural cocoa butter for 100 g is 250 rubles. If it is significantly lower, then in front of you, most likely, a fake - a mixture of soybean, palm and rapeseed fat. It is impossible to distinguish
  • Brand fame. Prefer proven manufacturers who have already earned a positive reputation. These are Medical Medic (Russia), Cococare (America), Royal Forest (Russia) and others.

Store cocoa butter at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C in a dark place for up to 3 years. The ideal place is a refrigerator where oil is stored for up to 5 years.

Cocoa butter is able to give hair a healthy natural shine, make them obedient and silky. And most importantly, it strengthens them, preventing loss, nourishes and moisturizes, making curls a real feminine decoration.

What is cocoa butter valued for?

Unlike all the oils used in cosmetology, cocoa butter is a solid substance, the color of which may be yellowish or light brown.

The product has a pleasant chocolate flavor. At room temperature, it is very fragile, but when heated to about 37-40 degrees it becomes a viscous liquid.

The raw material for the production of cocoa butter are the fruits of an exotic plant growing in countries with a tropical climate. Taste of the fruit was appreciated by the Aztecs. The extraction of cocoa bean butter began in 1828, the development of technology and equipment belongs to the Dutch inventor Van Hoyten.

Oil is obtained from the processed and crushed beans by hot pressing, to remove possible impurities, the product is filtered in a heated state. The degree of purification depends on the intended use of the product. The product intended for use in medical and cosmetic purposes contains almost no impurities.

Natural cocoa butter is half fat or rather fatty acids:

  • Oleic (more than 40%). This acid activates the process of restoring damaged cells, moisturizes the strands.
  • Stearic acid (more than 30%) protects against moisture loss and creates a film that reduces the effect of ultraviolet radiation and chemical elements.
  • Palmitic and lauric acids (in total about 25%) contribute to the rapid penetration of all vitamins into the cells of the hair and hair,
  • Linoleic acid (no more than 2%) enhances the moisturizing effect.

The product contains a large amount of vitamins A, E, C and the whole group of vitamins B, which act on curls as follows:

  • retinol (vitamin A) restores hair structure, prevents damage,
  • tocopherol (vitamin E) accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin cells, which make the strands stronger,
  • a complex of vitamins B prevents follicles from loosening, loss of hair pigmentation and dandruff,
  • Vitamin C accelerates blood circulation, which activates the growth of curls and strengthens them.

Minerals (zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus) provide complete nutrition to the hair and scalp. Cocoa butter contains tannins that prevent the growth of fungus, the appearance of dandruff and fat on the skin. They heal minor injuries.

For hair care cocoa butter need to buy at the pharmacy. First of all, you need to pay attention to its consistency and smell.

A quality product should not be soft and with an unpleasant smell. Oil for cosmetic purposes, you need to buy well refined, so its color should be cream.

After purchase, it is advisable to keep the product in the refrigerator; it does not lose its qualities for 5 years.

How does the oil on the hair?

Fatty oils and acids and vitamins that grow in cocoa make the product a universal remedy for solving many hair problems.

So, fragrant masks are suitable in the following cases:

  • strands are damaged as a result of frequent or improper staining, prolonged use of a hairdryer and styling products,
  • hair loss
  • oily scalp
  • any kind of dandruff
  • damage to the scalp
  • dull and lifeless curls.

Cocoa bean oil can be used not only as a component for masks, but also taken orally.

Terms of use

The effect of using masks based on cocoa butter depends on compliance with some recommendations:

  • the product needs to be liquidated using a water bath,
  • oil can be used in pure form or to add other components,
  • the composition is applied only to the part of the curls that need help,
  • for activating the action, the head should be covered with polyethylene and a warm towel (if necessary, a hairdryer can be used),
  • holding time of at least one hour.

Hair masks made using cocoa butter have mixed reviews.

Some girls were unhappy with the appearance of their curls after use. The fact is that the oily structure tends to wash out badly.

It is easy to avoid fatty strands after application, if you know a few tricks:

  • Before you apply the shampoo, the curls need to be heated with a hairdryer,
  • detergent is applied to the strands before wetting with water,
  • you need to beat a thick foam (maybe it will take a few minutes),
  • you need to rinse for a long time, the water temperature should be about 40 degrees,
  • use balms is prohibited, it is better to prepare for this vinegar solution or decoctions of herbs.

Cocoa butter is a natural product, however, there are some limitations when using it:

  • Do not apply the product to the hair and skin of persons allergic to it,
  • It is not recommended to use it in its pure form for girls with oily hair.

Firming masks

For the preparation of this tool will need only 3 components:

  • 1 tablespoon melted cocoa butter,
  • 1 yolk from large chicken eggs,
  • 1 tablespoon fat kefir.

Heat the kefir to about 40 degrees, mix with the yolk and quickly add butter. Rub into the scalp in a circular motion, distribute the remnants of the hands on all the strands. After an hour wash your hair.

With chamomile

This version of the firming mask is suitable for fair-haired girls. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml chamomile decoction (50 grams of dry plant and about 100 ml of water will be needed)
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter,
  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil.

Pour both oils into a warm liquid, shake quickly and moisten the strands with the mixture. Roots can be processed twice. Wrap curls with plastic and a towel, leave to affect for 60-90 minutes.

For dull curls

This mask can be used for prophylaxis once a week, it will not only make hair stronger, but also return beautiful shine to it.

  • 50 ml of brandy,
  • 50 ml of cocoa butter (melted),
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Mix all ingredients, moisten strands with warm liquid and rub into skin.

For severely damaged, broken hair

This mask can be used by girls who often paint curls with ammonia paints.

The tool will saturate them with vitamins, make the rod resistant to mechanical damage, activates hair follicles and accelerates growth.

For cooking you will need:

  • 50-70 ml cocoa butter in liquid form,
  • natural essential oils of ylang-ylang, tea tree, jojoba (3-4 drops).

All components are mixed, put on unwashed strands. The exposure time should be at least an hour, you can leave for a few hours or overnight.


This mask is suitable for any girl, she will restore the weakened hair. The following ingredients are used for it:

  • 50-60 grams of cocoa bean butter,
  • 50-60 grams of burdock oil,
  • 1-2 capsules of vitamin A and E,
  • Citrus essential oils (orange or grapefruit) for 4-5 drops.

Mix all products, heat in a water bath and apply the composition to the hair, the tips should be processed very carefully.

To prepare this mixture the following products are needed:

  • 50 grams of cocoa butter,
  • 30 grams of liquid honey
  • yolk from one large egg

Mix all the components and distribute the strands.

With rosemary

This mask will not only saturate weakened curls with vitamins, but also smooth the surface and make them shiny. Its composition is:

  • 50 grams of decoction of rosemary leaves (approximately from one tablespoon with a plant hill and 100 ml of boiling water),
  • 50 grams of cocoa butter.

In a warm infusion pour melted butter and apply the mixture on the strands, rubbing well into the roots. For greater effect, you can make the procedure at night.

Reviews of those who have already tried cocoa butter

Homemade hair masks are becoming no less popular than store supplies. For persuasiveness, we give feedback from ordinary women.

I take care of my hair irregularly, sometimes I don’t use even a balm for several months. My girlfriend beautician scolds me for it and occasionally talks about home care products. After another conversation, I went to the pharmacy and accidentally saw cocoa butter there and decided to try.

I use 2 versions of masks with this oil. In the first case I supplement the product with honey and olive oil. Another option - I just smear the curls with liquid oil, weave braids and go to bed. The result is almost the same - the curls are easy to comb, shine and become very soft. By the way, the mixture is washed off quite easily, while I have no luster and stuck together strands.

Marina Inozemtseva, 26 years old

My hair is curled by nature, in order to shape my hair, I began to use haircuts in high school. As a result, by the age of 23 my strands looked like straw. To fix the situation, I did procedures such as lamination and keratin straightening. The result lasted about two weeks.

A few months ago I saw a program about cocoa butter masks, I decided to try. I ordered on the Internet and started the procedure. Since my hair was in terrible condition, I added a few other oils to my mask (shea, grape seed and burdock). The composition I stood on the head all night. In the morning I had to wash it off for a long time, 3 times, but the result was worth it.

Already after the first mask, the curls smoothed out, became heavier and stopped hanging in different directions. I really like the effect, I have been doing the procedure 2 times a week for 3 months already.

Natalia Klimenko, 24 years old

With regular use, cocoa butter will restore damaged hair and moisturize it. Especially effective tool in combination with other natural ingredients.

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Types of solid oils

Vegetable solid cosmetic oils are divided into: natural and artificially created by mixing unrefined and unpurified natural vegetable marc with hydrolyzed vegetable oils.

Natural butter-oils, as a rule, include products obtained by pressing exotic plants: shea, cocoa, mango, cupuas. There are refined and unrefined.

Solid compositions made by humans: avocado, olive, coconut, almond, pistachio, aloe vera, etc., are successfully used in cosmetology and dermatology.

Each of the oils has a number of unique cosmetic properties, manifesting sunscreen, nourishing, anti-cellulite, moisturizing and restoring skin appendages (nail plates, hair rods) qualities.

All butters are kept tightly packed (in order to prevent the absorption of any foreign odors and decomposition of useful substances), in a place without access to sunlight, at room temperature. The term savings - up to 2 years.

The use of solid cosmetic oils

A variety of butters have found wide application in soap manufacture, since they act as a unique component that preserves the flavors added to the composition, and keeps the structure of the finished product. Some of them have amazing wound-healing properties, so they are effectively used in the manufacture of therapeutic compositions for hair and skin.

Before use, a small amount of solid batter is held between the palms to melt, and then rubbed and applied to the desired area of ​​the body. The product is quickly absorbed, easily absorbed by the hair and skin, quickly washed off with warm water.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, the percentage of input batters in preparing their own compositions is from 2% to 100%. Solid oils are perfectly combined with each other and with liquid vegetable bases.

Solid hair oil

The best butters for the care of hair are: karite (shi), coconut, cocoa, cupuass, palm, mango. These products contain a high concentration of monobasic carboxylic acids - the most harmonious compounds for restoring hair structure.

Solid vegetable oils are completely absorbed by the scalp and hair, they are easy to use, suitable even for the hypersensitive epidermis, and are actively resisting diseases and microdamages of the scalp.

Solid body oil

In their effect, butter (cocoa, shea, coconut, wheat germ, olive, etc.) is not inferior to our usual lotions, creams, oil-based massage compositions. All nutritional compounds of the original product in the solid state are saved much better.

For example, cocoa butter is used to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body, because it eliminates excessive dryness and actively regenerates the skin. The product has unique characteristics in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks (stretch marks). Works well in massage formulations.

Many women are frightened by the solid consistency of the product. The fears are completely in vain. The temperature of the skin allows a natural way to melt the composition, turning it into a nourishing easily sliding cream.

The only condition is to apply only to dry skin, because with the slightest presence of moisture, the solid oil begins to roll (“pellets” are formed) and cannot fully work.

Solid olive oil

A yellow solid mass (butter) from olives is obtained by cold-pressing the seed, followed by hydrogenation. In this form, the maximum part of the biologically active components of the plant is preserved.

The product is great for aging, loose, wrinkled and sensitive skin. It has a high UV filter, protects the skin and hair from harmful factors.

Included in the nutritional mixtures, caring for hands, face, feet, lips, hair, easily included in the oil phase of the funds. Differs in the high antioxidant and restoring characteristics.

The benefits and harms of olive oil - what you need to know about oil before using

Hard coconut oil

The batter is produced by squeezing from the dried pulp of coconut, followed by refining. The percent of input in structures from 20% to 100%. It is useful to apply in the care of nails, skin of the face and body, hair.

It protects the skin by creating an invisible film with a UV filter, softens, smoothes, nourishes, moisturizes, restores the structure of curls, makes hair silky and laminates rods.

Experienced dermatologists advise applying coconut butter before sunbathing (to protect the skin from photo-aging) and after them (to restore the lipid layer of the skin). The introduction of solid coconut oil in the soap allows you to get strong sticks of amazing whiteness.

Coconut Hair Oil - Home Use Recipes

The benefits and harm of coconut oil - you need to know this before using, there are contraindications

Shea butter, solid (karite)

One of the most popular products for the manufacture of soap and cosmetic compositions in the home, has excellent softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing characteristics. In the refined form has no smell.

The use of products based on shea butter actively inhibits the aging process, prevents wrinkles from deepening, contributes to the production of collagen and elastin fibers (protein compounds that support skin turgor), protects the integument from external adverse effects. According to many ladies, pure shea butter is an excellent lip balm.

See the use of shea butter for hair and face - the properties, benefits and recipes of masks

Solid carite oil is a natural sunscreen against photo-aging, it has a natural UF filter. In the formulation of household soap, the percentage of carite content reaches 30%, and in creams - from 2% to 100%. Recommended for application as an independent nutrient.

If you have never tried to use butters, you can discover for yourself the wonderful world of natural beauty and freshness from nature itself!


Watch the video: Saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats. Biology. Khan Academy (July 2024).