Tools and facilities

Studio 3d lighting


Hair dye Studio is on the shelves of almost all shops of household chemicals. The attention of buyers, first of all, attracts its price, which is significantly lower than the cost of products of most manufacturers of cosmetics.

But the same quality becomes the main obstacle to buying, consumers are wary of a cheap product. We suggest you to get acquainted with the characteristics, positive and negative sides of this paint.

Series of paints: Studio 3D lighting and other options

Hair dye Studio is produced by the Russian manufacturer CLEVER in collaboration with the cosmetics company Essem Hair. Thus, when creating paints, European modern technologies and domestic production facilities are combined, which makes products of high quality, but inexpensive.

CLOVER produces several series of dyeing compositions for home use, the most popular of which are “Studio 3D lighting”, “Studio 3D Holography” and “Studio Mixing colors”.

It is recommended to use “Studio 3D Brightening” hair dye, to lighten hair up to 8 tones simultaneously with dyeing. Cream-hair dye “Studio 3D Holography” contains particles that reflect light, therefore it gives the hair a dazzling shine. And avocado, flax and olive oils look after hair during dyeing.

Hairdryer Studio 3D Holography: the whole palette

Cream-hair dye "Studio 3D Holography" is completed with everything you need to paint the house. In the original diamond-shaped package there is a tube with a coloring composition, an applicator bottle with an oxidizer, a bag with a balm, gloves and instructions.

Reviews on the use of this paint indicate that it is easy to apply and is distributed on the strands using an applicator, and its viscosity is optimal to cover the strands, but does not form leaks.

The palette of hair dye “Studio 3D Holography” includes 21 rich and bright colors. Despite the small number of colors in the palette, it includes the most popular, so every woman will be able to choose the tone to your taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative reviews about this product. We combined the most common ones to determine the main advantages and disadvantages of this product.

Benefits of Studio 3D Holography:

  1. complete set that allows staining at home,
  2. convenient application
  3. low content of ammonia, which causes not such a strong smell, like other coloring compounds,
  4. the color is bright and saturated, most often the shade after painting corresponds to the one declared by the manufacturer,
  5. balm after staining makes the curls obedient, soft and enhances their shine.

The main disadvantages of the product include its properties:

  • Like most paints for home use, the dyeing composition is not immediately washed off the surface of the hair, and within a few washes it stains a towel, clothes and bedding.

Tip! When using non-professional paints, smears of clothes and bed linen are not uncommon for several days (2-3 washes) after dyeing. To prevent this from happening, as well as to fix the paint after dyeing, it is recommended to rinse the hair with vinegar acidified with water.

  • Despite the manufacturer's statement about good painting of gray hair, in most cases this is not true.
  • Some colors, such as dark blonde or dark chestnut, dye their hair a darker shade than stated by the manufacturer.

Paint over henna, poor lightening, regrown roots, or a story about how I tried to align the five-color color on my head with Kapous Studio Professional 6.0 and 7.1 +++ paint, a little bit of color palette +++ photo of the result.

Good day to all! I'll start with a description of what happened on my little head. The story is long, long and m. B. for someone will be instructive, so I consider it necessary to tell her. I do not pretend to originality, I just hope to be something useful to you, and I hope that no one else will make my mistakes.

If you simplyinterested in the very quality of paint Kapous, please turn the page down.

So, let's start) Your hair is a dark brown color, I turn 14 years old, mostly in very dark colors. After a long break in dyeing, Palette color mousse dyed, again dark (oh, horror, Palette), then another break, and I decided to take pity on my hair and go to henna (again, a bad head). She painted for about a year, she did not fit me .. and even then suddenly I wanted to become brighter, again a break (naive, I thought during that time all henna was washed). I bought Loreal Excellence 8.1 household paint, and of course my hair was stained! To somehow even out the color, took Loreal Sunkiss gel and them. tried to. attempt, not torture. Naturally nothing happened! (Now I am analyzing everything that has been done, and I don’t even know where such a flow of brilliant ideas came from). All you had to do was just learn a little bit of basic. rules of colorand know that:

1) paint does not lighten paint, if I had known then, I would not have applied a light brown color to my dark dyed hair. But I did not know and received this (I apologize for the quality of the photo)

Such a colorful little head turned out after rash experiments ..

In general, having such a nightmare on my head, I had 2 options: either continue to “lighten”, thereby further kill your hair, and make a wash or discoloration, or paint over everything in dark. I chose for a long time, but I was afraid that my hair would not survive the first version and eventually chose option number 2. Then there was a long choice of color nuance, because there are several colors on my head — both blond and yellow, and orange and copper, and their something needs to be neutralized to get a uniform color.

2) Look at the spectral circle of Oswald. (we search on the Internet, it was not allowed to add)

All colors opposite to the spectral circle tend to neutralize each other.

Palette Capus Studio includes 95 shades. Decipher the numbering system (what do the numbers in the names of shades mean) - The very first one means the level of the depth of tone, the first digit after the point is the dominant reflex shade, the second one is an additional reflex shade.

For your convenience, I made a sign: reflex shades (numbers after a dot) than neutralize them and at the same time indicated the exposure time on the hair (for different shades it is different):

--Hue ---------------- Neutralizing ------------ Exposure time--

Following such uncomplicated principles of color painting, I opted for shades of paint Kapous Studio 6.0 and 7.1 (I wanted to take the opposite 7.0 and 6.1, but they were not available) and the violet color amplifier.

How was it necessary to paint: at the beginning of pre-pigmentation on bleached hair and porous ends, and then to paint length and roots with different paints.

How I painted: but since, with great difficulty, I managed to allocate time for coloring, I simply mixed the shades in proportion 1 (30 g): 1 (30 g) +1.5 cm of amplifier + 90 gr. 3% oxide, and applied to the hair from the roots from the back of the head. The ends were dry and I parted another 20 grams. Paint the hood 7.1 and painted the tips, and then distributed along the length. She waited 40 minutes. Washed away. Dried in a natural way without the use of a hair dryer and styling products. Here it is, an exciting result:

Top to bottom from staining. 3.06.15

It turned out what happened. The color more or less evened out, but it was necessary to add more ash to neutralize copper (which looks especially strong in the sun, thanks to henna), and apply the purple amplifier only to the yellow areas of the hair, or simply add a greater percentage of a dark shade to the coloring mixture (but I really did not want to go into a strong blackout). But in general, I am satisfied with the result (the contentment of the discharge is better than it was), I hope in the second painting I still manage to align the color.

About the paint itself:

Oxidizer, paint packaging, and composition

Packaging: usual for professional paint - box and tube of 100 ml. Instructions inside the package (printed on the back) to read it you need to break the box.

Manufacturer Description:

Cream-hair dye with ginseng extract and rice proteins of the Studio Professional line with a balanced system of components provides a lasting result of dyeing natural, gray and previously dyed hair for a long time. The updated dye formula includes ginseng extract and rice proteins, moisturizing and caring ingredients that provide maximum color and shine resistance, protection from UV rays and exceptional hair quality. Dye gently dyes hair, reliably protecting its structure along the entire length, gives a well-groomed appearance, multifaceted shine and a healthy glow for a long time.

What I liked:

Smell: It seemed to me tolerant, even pleasant (as far as possible for ammonia paint), not harsh.

Consistency: not liquid, convenient in drawing, paint does not flow.

Consumption: Hair dye capus is very economical to use, firstly its price is 100 - 150 rubles. for a volume of 100 ml, secondly, it is diluted with oxide 1: 1.5, and one such tube is quietly enough for long hair.

Hair quality after staining was not affected. When washing off, the hair was dry, but after Kapous Professional shampoo for dyed hair and Kapous Professional balm for all types of dryness, there was not a trace left. The hair is smooth and shiny, and it even seemed to me that they had become thicker, thicker.

TNow about the cons:

Allergic reaction, individual intolerance? The most significant drawback for me was that after dyeing (there was no unpleasant sensation at the time), after about an hour, the back of my head started to itch and hurt badly, and so it went until sleep. In the morning everything went away, I don’t blame it on the paint too much, I will consider it to be such an individual intolerance, or. what could it possibly be? For the first time this is with me in the entire history of staining.

Persistence is still testing, I will update the review.

10.06.15 Review updated. We test the resistance of the dye.

Exactly one week has passed since the painting Kapous Studio Professional. Ash washed a little, more redhead appeared. Hair quality has not changed. Add a photo.

Last week after staining. 06/10/15

06.25.15 Review updated. Secondary staining.

The stability of the dye on my porous hair turned out to be satisfactory — 2 weeks after dyeing, the spotting became very noticeable.

As expected, the hair color after the second coloring became equal. The paint was diluted in proportion 1 (50 g of shade 7.1): 1 (50 g of shade 6.0), this time neither in the process nor after dyeing, there were no discomfort. But I lower Kapusu's assessment - all the same, the paint significantly dries hair.

Photo immediately after painting, unfortunately, I can not attach.

I do not recommend the paint for frequent use, as well as for people with damaged hair structure. In general, if you choose between household paints and Kapous Studio, then I definitely recommend the second option. Excellent value for money - quality, matching the color obtained with a palette, the possibility of color experiments - all this gives a great advantage over the usual colors of the mass market.

PS I hope you have been useful! Thank you for reading!)

Reviews of other Kapus products are good:

Hair balm Kapous "Profound Re"

Mask for hair Kapous Macadamia oil with macadamia nut oil

Moisturizing serum KAPOUS DUAL RENASCENCE 2 phase

Other hair products:

Good tint hair balm Belita-Viteks Color Lux

Hair dye Henna Iranian natural

Online store where I buy Kapous (and not only) at competitive prices:

I stop the choice on it! Blonde without yellowness, and more inside the review,) + ​​Photo

If you looked at my review, then most likely you are just like me and are blonde and are looking for a dye of “blond without yellowness”.

I myself have a blonde with experience, and the colors I have tried cannot be counted. Something fit, something not, constantly experimenting, which led to disastrous results. And all because I was guided by the color on the packaging. I liked the hair color of the model, which means that I will get the same, I take it.

In the future, after reading a lot of useful information and reviews on the Internet, I caught the chip.

  • lightening hair / roots,
  • toning in the desired color (of course we are talking about shades of blond),

I have a 7th level native hair color, lighten with powder (only roots and 3% oxide), since the usual lightening paint does not take me, then I tint with 1.5% oxide with this paint. Before that, for a long time it was tinted with this paint, it turned out to be a very beautiful ash tint, but there is 12% oxide and it spoiled my hair very much, sometimes there were burns on my scalp.

As for Kapous, the paint is very soft (in combination with 1.5%), the color is the same as indicated on the sample in the layout, on heavily lightened hair, but darkens it significantly (I have a shade of 9.21 purple-ashy by the way) before the first wash hair, especially the roots are really purple, then ash remains. Of course I would like to be lighter, but in principle I am quite satisfied with this shade.


Review: Studio 3D Holography Resistant Cream Hair Color - Studio 3D Holography Cream Dye 6.45 Chestnut (Photo & After)

divorce well, have an applicator, does not smell, does not flow

color does not match, there is no caring effect

Now it is time for me to paint herself. In the store, I chose Studio 3D Holography paint. I never painted her. I decided to try. After all, the manufacturer promises mountains of gold for 75 rubles.

What does the manufacturer promise us?
-professional result at home
-maximal gray hair coloring

I can’t say anything about gray hair, since I don’t have it. But let's see professional coloring.

My color is 6.45 chestnut. On the box it is beautiful. I generally dye in dark colors. Closer to chocolate.
Here is the box as it looks.

In the package, we see the standard stuffing.

cream paint tube 50 ml
oxidant-50 ml

Pay attention to the amount in ml. If you have hair below your shoulders, take two packs. I took one as usual. As a result, I did not have enough for the ends. I thought it was okay. After all, my ends are almost black. But the main hair color is dancing as it wants.

And now I will show you the condition of hair BEFORE coloring:

You see, my hair color is not at all uniform. At the top of centimeters in five grew natural hair color. I have it blond.
I want to paint even beautiful hair color on the box.

But the coloring palette which is presented on the box.

But my hair and what should work.

I have no illusions. I understood that the color should turn out with red.

I also want to note that the composition includes three oils:
- buttered avocado
- olive oil
- oil flax

What are some vitamins for hair.

In the process of staining:
I can not say that the paint smelled badly, applied well, does not flow.

Here are just a little tingling at first. But everything passed quickly. I sat with the mask for about forty minutes. Even when I was sitting, I began to notice that the paint was somehow not taken much.

But what happened? Photo AFTER coloring:

And now I will take a photo of you BEFORE and AFTER a closer look, for comparison.

As you can tell from the pictures, I'm not thrilled.

And here is a comparison of the color of the box with the resulting


+ well that the paint is not expensive
+ well divorced
+ go well on hair
+ does not smell

- color practically does not match with the stated
- with so many oils, there is no shine in hair
-I didn’t notice the caring properties of the paint at all (despite the three oils contained in it)
-prokrasivaet not evenly
- not enough one package (usually enough

I was not satisfied with staining at all. As you can see, my hair was not in perfect condition, but after dyeing it did not change at all. Not even color uniformity appeared.

You see everything yourself. Hair remained as tow. Of course, I do not recommend anyone to buy this paint. Otherwise, you will be left with a bad color, and maybe no hair at all.

I hope my review will be useful to you and you will not buy this paint.
Usage time:1 timeCost:75 rub.Year of issue / purchase:2014
Overall impression: Cream-paint Studio 3D Holography 6.45 Chestnut (FotoDiPosle)

Review: Studio 3D Holography Resistant Cream-Hair Dye - Saturated Favorite Color)

Price, no smell, convenient application, result of dyeing, condition of hair after dyeing, durability

For me there are none

Good day to all)
When it was time to restore beauty to the holidays, the first thing I started with was painting my hair. Color podzmyslis, and you want to always look good, especially for the holidays.
I have been painting lately only with light brown shades, even dark or medium brown ones.
So I caught another eye for my hair with my favorite shade. This is hair dye Studio.

The box is made in a very interesting form. Paint with avocado, flax and olive oils.

The manufacturer claims a professional result at home, the very thing that is needed when painting outside the cabin.

Everywhere on the box is the number of this light brown shade - 6.0, and also promised the maximum coloring of gray.

Above the paint box looks like a diamond.

At the bottom of the box is the composition, in which I basically do not understand. Moreover, the composition of each product is enclosed in the box.

And also there is a table of colors where you can see the approximate color of hair coloring. For myself, I highlighted the second case from the left - to the right.

But this is not all the information listed on the box. Also on the side of the box is written about the effect of paint and about its miracle - properties.

The manufacturer’s address, barcode, expiration date, equal to two years, are also indicated, but the month and the year before which the paint is suitable is also printed on the white rectangle.

My hair is just below the shoulder blades, not too thick, of medium thickness, so I need two packs of paint.

When opening the box, the manufacturer warns us about the importance of proper use.

And that it is necessary to carry out a test prior to staining for safety, so that no terrible reaction will arise in the future. Well, especially, I think this is important for those who previously had any reaction to the hair dye of another manufacturer.

And here is the contents of the box:

1. Convenient vial - applicator with oxidant - 50 ml

and shelf life, manufacturer and precautionary measures - all this is indicated on the tube.

The spout, so convenient for coloring, the tube is sealed and after mixing with the cream - this tip needs to be cut off, which we will do next.

2. Resistant cream - hair dye in a bright pink tube. tube volume is also 50 ml.

On the reverse side there are also precautions and expiration dates.

Cover with a special plastic pin.

With which the tube will be pierced.

3. Balm - conditioner for colored hair with citrus extract. Contains a UV filter with a volume of 15 ml.

And some info about it on the bag. All very bright pink hue.

4. And of course, instructions for use. Shades tables.

It has tips for use, the composition of the box with paint.

Paint information:

Everything is written about the test for allergic reactions and precautions:

Now let's proceed to the application. I take the bottle-applicator and unscrew the cap completely.

Then I pierce a tube of cream paint and squeeze it to the end:

Then I twist the lid and thoroughly shake the bottle to obtain a homogeneous consistency:

Everything is ready for coloring. So my hair looked before dyeing:

I put on dirty hair.
Gloves are comfortable. Even lengthened to the wrist.

Apply the paint first on the ends, and then on the hair roots. The smell is caustic and smelly absolutely not, which is very nice. You do not often see this, although my previous version was also without a particular obsessive smell: Fara hair dye.

I keep the paint on the hair for 30 minutes and wash it off, applying the balm that came in the kit. This is how wet hair looks immediately after dyeing:

But this is how the hair looks dried, or rather, the hair roots, the paint lay evenly and the color turned out exactly as it was on the box. And the hair became smoother.

For clarity, we compare the results before and after.

The color holds on for a long time and is washed off quite slowly. In general, I am very pleased.
Cost:80 rub.Year of issue / purchase:2015
Overall impression: Rich favorite color)

Testimonial: Studio 3D Holography Resistant Cream-Hair Dye - Normal dye, but still decided to switch to professional

inexpensive hair soft

few flowers

Recently I saw unusual diamond paint boxes in the shape of a rhombus in the store - such beautiful, bright, attracts great attention. The cost is generally ridiculous 89 rubles. I, as a true maniac, bought two hair products at once - chestnut - 6.45 and 4.4 - mocha.

I dyed Kashtanov immediately, but I didn’t like the obvious redness, and the roots were different from the tips, because my ends are at the level of five, maybe even four closer. I do not like - the head looks cheap and sloppy. But I did not find the fifth row in this paint - and the seller said that she had never seen it. And my level is a clear five and nowhere can I leave her about it.
The paint for the massmarket is very good - I liked it. The consistency of sour cream, not thick and not liquid. The smell of ammonia is, but not critical; some paints are more expensive; the smell was much stronger. The head didn’t itch, didn’t itch, the only paint was washed off the skin for a long time, somewhere from the second time, it was just necessary to apply a greasy cream and be careful.
As soon as I use my paints, which I have a lot on the fifth level, I will paint 4.4 mocha. And then I'm afraid after the four the five will not take. Nevertheless, due to the lack of colors on the fifth level, I decided to switch to professional paints again - I bought Kaaral.
I will try to experiment. After a few washings, the red pigment subsided, and now the color suits me a lot more. But the difference between roots and ends is moveton. (I will eliminate). Moreover, what I liked was that the hair even without a balm after washing the paint was very soft and silky, even professional paints did not give such an effect.
Usage time:1 timeCost:89 rub.
Overall impression: Normal paint, but still decided to switch to professional

Review: Studio 3D Holography Resistant Cream Hair Color - Terrible Dye

not found,

Lack of color fastness

It was painted by her last year. I saw a new paint manufacturer in a small supermarket. I decided to buy. Came home, all in anticipation. It was painted. The result just terrified me! First, the hair was unevenly colored (I expected a better result), and second, the dye began to peel off the hair after the first wash of the hair. As a result, having washed my head, I found in my body tufts of blond hair (my previous color). In the end, she spat, because after some time the dye almost all peeled off and the previous shade with black strands remained (I wanted to dye my hair black). So I would not advise using this paint. Yes, the packaging is, of course, beautiful. The colors on the box are just awesome. Yes, and a wide variety of colors. But in terms of quality, the paint did not justify itself. You can find a better hair dye at the same price. Girls, do not buy this paint! It has no 3D effect. And all the more of all that is written on the packaging!
Usage time:2011Cost:60 rub.
Overall impression: Horrible paint

studio essem hair 90.102 Platinum blond.

Hello. I have long been interested in this brand, but somehow I did not dare to buy something like that. And having bought, I realized that in vain.

I'll start on the points to disassemble this product and start with pros

  • Box decoration
  • Convenience of drawing (Paint does not flow, pleasant consistency)
  • price (Of course the price is good, but the stingy pays twice. Girls, better pay extra money and get quality)

  • head odor and itching (This is unbearable)
  • small volume of balm (I have an average length and thickness and I did not have enough)
  • Dry and brittle hair after dyeing
  • Color quickly washed out (Ostalts terrible yellow stains)
  • Hair began to split (Only a new haircut helped fix untidy look)
  • Terrible quality Hence all the problems and low price)

Please do not buy this paint, do not lead on the price. She's not worth it.

So my scalp has never burned. You guys are manufacturers of what.

My perfect paint)) My adorable color)) Hair dye "ESSEM HAIR" "STUDIO 3D" -6.1

I am very glad that I found my paint. My searches have been long since the salon. I just see such hair that not every paint takes. It’s more accurate to go perfectly, but here’s zero resistance. It is washed very quickly.

Looking for reviews on the Internet, I stopped at Garnier, because everyone wrote that she was resistant. She came to the store and accidentally glanced at a hair dye studio 3 d, 6.1 ashy-blond. The seller said that they all praise the paint, and including it. After a little thought, I took it. And to this day, I don’t regret it, I was looking for what I wanted. At first, she was frightened that, when applied, it suddenly becomes dark, but it just seemed to be. Since then, when drying, the color plays great. I will not say that it is washed off directly, the color is very good. The hair after it is completely not hard. I dyed the paint perfectly. After 2 weeks I will surely dye my hair again. I will fill in the light pigment. Photos are attached. A lot of photos and all photographed, every step.

ps: I bought it for 100 rubles. (the price is ridiculous, but I like everything)

Hair with different lighting look different. They are ashy-blond.

577 records to all records


I would like to wish everyone that in the coming year the very miracle of which we all so dream happened to us. Although everyone has their own, but it is necessarily the most necessary and most important. Expand completely ... We wish that all of us be alive and well, to be engaged in those things that bring us pleasure. We wish to reach new heights and self-actualize. And we also want to wish more joyful moments, which will turn into pleasant memories, and meetings with devoted friends and beloved households.

Best wishes,


The dream of a radical change in the image associated with bleaching curls, typical of many dark-haired beauties.

To create a dazzling blond without a yellow tint, use the German Expand all ... system STDIO 3D lighting:

Does not destroy the hair structure,
Carefully neutralizes the coloring pigment,
A special mask neutralizes the yellow tint on the hair,
The Macadamia oil in the composition softens, smoothes, saturates the hair along the entire length with vitamins and useful trace elements,
Reflective particles in the composition give the hair an extra shine.


The brightest Hollywood star, the dream of men and the role model of women, Scarlett Johanson, no doubt, has a unique appearance. She is able to very beneficially emphasize all her virtues with the help of her hairstyles. Expand completely ... The star is not afraid to experiment with any hair color or long hair. Always different, always irresistible, in search of the image Scarlett managed to visit the blonde, brunette, redhead. She was seen with straight and curly, long and short hair.

Which image of Scarlett Johanson do you like more?

1 - long hair, laid a cold wave,
2 - short haircut.


Juicy and seductive red hue, gorgeous glitter on your hair! Be confident and irresistible in the New Year!

Intensive dyeing with revolutionary. Show all ... technology for maximum shade stability. Unlimited color possibilities!
Perfect restoration of brightness and toning of regrown roots between dyeing procedures. The intelligent color system “COLOR-UP” allows you to give an exceptionally smooth color from root to tip, like after a visit to the salon.
Caring ingredients effectively strengthen the hair structure, giving a unique shine.
The technology of deep reconstruction restores the natural balance of moisture, nourishes and protects the hair along the entire length, activating the hair follicles.
The soft form of the mousse does not contain ammonia, peroxide and alcohol, it is easily and evenly distributed.
Modern color pigments do not affect the result of subsequent dyeing.


In order for your hair to be shiny and well-groomed, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons every day or constantly call a hairdresser. Learn these tips, and you will learn, Show completely ... how to make your hair shiny and healthy.

Haircut every 6-8 weeks will save you from split ends and keep your hair in good condition. If your hair is badly damaged, ask the hairdresser to cut it in layers so as not to lose too much length.

Cotton is great for your skin, but a cotton cloth pillowcase can dry your hair. Sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase or wear a silk scarf before going to bed.

Properly eating, you will not only fit and healthy, but also help your hair become beautiful and strong. Eat fatty fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel to keep your scalp moisturized. Fill your diet with protein foods. Eat more chicken, eggs, lentils, and turkey. Mostly hair consists of protein, so a protein diet will make them strong from the inside. Do not forget about fruits and leafy vegetables. Thanks to them, the hair will be shiny and strong.

In contrast to popular belief, daily washing of hair does them more harm than good. Frequent washing of the head can aggravate hair or wash out natural fats. Hair can become dry and brittle. If you have hair that is prone to fat, and you have to wash your hair every day, use shampoos for daily use.

Try to reduce the effects of a hot hair dryer, straighteners and ploek on the hair.

At least once a month, apply a mask on your hair that will nourish and protect them. For best results, choose a mask with active ingredients suitable for your hair type.

Do not rub the hair with a towel, so as not to overdry them. Instead, gently remove excess moisture from the hair and wrap it with a towel. Carefully comb dry hair, starting from the tips, not from the roots.

The color corresponds to the stated, keeps well, does not dry the hair, but does not completely paint gray hair over one hundred percent.

Good day to all) I want to tell you about the paint Essem Hair Studio 3D Holography. I painted her mother. She usually used a different paint (also inexpensive from the mass market series). Her paint was not on sale and she bought this one, the seller advised. packaging

Name - Essem Hair Studio 3D Holography

Tint - 8.4 milk chocolate

Manufacturer - Clover Company Ltd. Russia

Volume - 100 ml (50 ml cream color, 50 ml oxidizer)

tintWhat the paint manufacturer promises

manufacturer promises

staining result

I always paint my mom myself, but for the first time with this paint. Her hair is dark at level 5 somewhere and 50% gray hair. Dyed overgrown gray hair, the length of her hair painted in ash-light brown color. before dyeing (regrown roots with 50% gray) before dyeing (regrown roots with 50% gray)

Standard equipment: paint, oxidizer, gloves and balsam after dyeing. equipment Mixes paint well and uniformly. The consistency is good, the paint does not flow and does not fall from the brush. The color of the mixture turned out to be milky pearly. The smell is really ammonia-like, it hits the nose hard. It is applied well and conveniently, easily distributed through the hair. So that I painted my mother quickly and easily. I dyed only the roots, and at the end of the aging time I simply foamed with the help of water and distributed paint over all the hair. Stood for 55 minutes. The paint was washed off normally. Then she applied the applied balm and washed off. Balsam is not very good. The paint on the forehead left brown marks, barely washed with a special agent from another paint. If he hadn’t been at home, he wouldn’t have washed his forehead (there is no such tool in this paint).

The color corresponds to the declared, it looks beautiful. She was afraid that there would be a redhead, but the color was not red. Incidentally coincided with the previously painted length well. the roots after dyeing. The gray truth is not painted over 100%, it shines a little, but in general it is not bad (it is written on this shade that it paints over gray hair by 50%, which I read after dyeing). roots after Hair soft, not much dry. To the touch soft and not spoiled. Glitter truth is not special, but not dull. after dyeing (roots and length matched well)

In general, a good paint, especially for 70 rubles. Not great, but it can be used.

Usoltsev Igor Valerievich

Psychologist. Specialist from the website

Everything turned out great. Honestly, she did not expect what would happen as cool. Of course, everyone chooses a tool for their hair. The studio was inexpensive, but very decent.

I have been using this paint for a year already, lighting up for 6-8 tones and is very pleased. lightens for 15 minutes, does not burn hair .. Hair is like living, although before that she used Loreale paint ..

By the way, I tried this paint for the first time; I was satisfied with the result, better than any expensive clarifiers.

Cool brightener. It turns out well and to the hair carefully. Here you have an inexpensive tool! By the way, I tried the biowave of the same brand - just super!

Cool brightener. It turns out well and to the hair carefully. Here you have an inexpensive tool! By the way, I tried the biowave of the same brand - just super!

I have been using this paint for a year already, lighting up for 6-8 tones and is very pleased. lightens for 15 minutes, does not burn hair .. Hair is like living, although before that she used Loreale paint ..

Girls !! SOS !! Lost instruction from studio3D-lightening! Who remembers? Or who has it? I have 6-8 colors paint. I urgently need to lighten the roots. Help. Just keep it up? And I think I remember, I read what I need for wet hair, or does my memory change me? Thank you.

By the way, I tried this paint for the first time; I was satisfied with the result, better than any expensive clarifiers.

Also agree with the positive comments. I have been painting in white for 4 years and all this time I have been looking for paint and brightener without yellowness. Purely by chance I saw and decided to try. Almost all tried, why not buy this one. She painted the roots and was delighted with the fact that even with dyed hair the color came together)) Now I only tint the roots and that's all))) I don’t spoil my hair and grow normally

Girls tell me where to buy, and then where I bought ended (((urgently needed.

SOS. I have been dying my hair for 12 years, but I bought this paint for the first time. I burned my hair ((((((and the most annoying thing is that the color is yellow (((((((((((((((((- nothing worked) Guard (((((((((((

Girls tell me where to buy, and then where I bought ended (((urgently needed.

do not buy girls, this is a nightmare, uneven, hair is burning, and on another forum I read that the girl’s hair started to fall off the next day. I remembered in time, washed away, began to crawl out strongly, looking forward with horror tomorrow.

And I was lightened with black, very pleased, I have thin but healthy hair and strong, the clarifier did not burn and did not hurt it at all ”(probably because every week I make masks several times with my grandmother’s recipes)))) now I’m blonde)))))

And I was lightened with black, very pleased, I have thin but healthy hair and strong, the clarifier did not burn and did not hurt it at all ”(probably because every week I make masks several times with my grandmother’s recipes)))) now I’m blonde)))))

Disgusting paint. Apparently it is not suitable for everyone, I didn’t go. I have been restoring my hair for half a year, I’m growing it) those painted by it just fell off! There were bald patches, hair shed like a dog! Do not buy it anyway, suddenly someone will have such a reaction! I filled the shop assistant who advised me as the best , the manufacturer wanted to sue. because my hair was up to my waist.

It is a normal clarifier, effective and inexpensive. Hair sponge does not.

Girls where you can buy this paint

Is it enough for a medium length hair of one color?

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Paint Studio 3D reviews:

And what women who have tried it say about this paint? All reviews we read can be summarized in several points.


  • for such a low price, the paint is perfectly equipped, except for cream-paint and developing emulsion, the kit includes gloves and balsam,
  • not the sharpest smell for ammonia paints,
  • the shade is very bright and saturated,
  • Balm really improves the condition of the hair, making it smoother and softer.
  • paint STUDIO 3D Holography practically does not dye gray hair,
  • after 3-4 shampooing procedures after dyeing, the paint still continues to be washed off the hair and the towel is dirty,
  • if you do the dyeing on bleached hair with dark brown or light chestnut color, the result may be much darker than in the picture with paint.
And at the end we offer you to familiarize yourself with the palette STUDIO 3D Holography.

Paint Studio 3D - palette:

Studio 3D - 1.0 Black
Studio 3D - 2.0 Dark Blonde
Studio 3D - 3.45 Dark Auburn

Studio 3D - 4.25 Burgundy
Studio 3D - 4.4 Mocha
Studio 3D - 4.6 Bordeaux
Studio 3D - 5.54 Mahogany

Studio 3D - 6.0 Blonde
Studio 3D - 6.1 Ash Brown
Studio 3D - 6.4 Chocolate
Studio 3D - 6.5 Ruby Red
Studio 3D - 6.54 Mahogany

Studio 3D - 7.0 Light Blonde
Studio 3D - 7.34 Hazelnut
Studio 3D - 8.4 Milk Chocolate

Studio 3D - 9.0 Very light blond
Studio 3D - 90.0 Savannah
Studio 3D - 90.03 Champagne
Studio 3D - 90.102 Platinum Blonde
Studio 3D - 90.105 Ash Blonde
Studio 3D - 90.35 Coffee with milk

3D lighting system for 6-8 tones

The innovative system will make your hair really voluminous thanks to peptides synthesized from alkaloid inclusions of ginger root. Hair lets the light inward, from where, reflecting from the scales, it creates a light halo around the hair, thus emphasizing the contour of the hair and highlighting it from the general background of your image.


  • stunning blond without yellowness,
  • minimal damage to hair structure
  • therapeutic elements neatly neutralize harmful coloring matter,
  • a special mask neutralizes yellow blotch on the hair,
  • macadamia oil in the composition will soften, smooth, saturate with vitamins and nutrients,
  • Light reflex particles in the composition will give your hair extra shine.

Resistant cream hair color 3D HOLOGRAPHY

The shade is suitable for blond hair, light blond and blond hair. He will give the image sophistication and will appeal to girls who prefer natural shades. An interesting glitter and a unique shade on the hair will remain for a long time.

  • high-quality paint,
  • minimal harm to hair
  • stunning brilliance
  • volume from the roots,
  • large selection of colors.

Studio Exility Tint Hair Mousse (Red)

Juicy and sexy red hue, passionate and gleaming shine on the curls! Be confident!

Active coloring with new technology for maximum color fastness. Ideal restoration and toning of the grown roots between coloring processes.

The intelligent color system “COLOR-UP” will allow you to give the most even color from root to tip, as after visiting a professional salon.

The caring constituents will effectively strengthen the hair structure, give it an inimitable shine. Technology stimulates hair follicles. Soft mousse form does not contain ammonia, peroxide and alcohol, it is easily and evenly absorbed.

Long-lasting ammonia-free hair color cream STUDIO EXPERIENCE

Light brown hair color can decorate your look with delicate and exciting notes! Dazzling brilliance and color, will give you a unique charm!


  • high quality coloring gray hair,
  • the delicate action of the ammonia-free formula guarantees impeccable quality,
  • gentle cream texture with arginine and super-deep penetration complex will restore the structure from the inside,
  • reflective particles will give a non-repeatable shine to the hair,
  • a biologically active complex with rare oils of avocado, flax, olive, and walnut will restore, nourish and saturate the hair with a complex of vitamins,
  • the consistency is easily distributed easily and does not flow down,
  • system "AQUA therapy" with powerful components of the latest generation "Cutina Shine" maintain electrolyte-water balance of hair and scalp.

Color palette

Chocolate, chocolate blond, dark blond, light brunette, blond and ashy blond, copper, copper-golden, copper-red, red-violet, intensely red, brown, purple-ashen, dark garnet.


  • Before use, you need to test for an allergic reaction,
  • prepare the composition according to the instructions
  • washing the hair is optional, just wet it with water a little,
  • apply 75% of the composition on the hair, retreating 2-3 cm from the roots, start strictly from the occipital lobe,
  • leave on 25 minutes depending on the required degree of clarification,
  • then apply the rest of the compound to the roots,
  • soak in accordance with the instructions,
  • 3 minutes before the end, moisten the hair with warm water and comb along the entire length,
  • Rinse thoroughly with water.


  • individual intolerance to the drug,
  • acute allergic manifestations,
  • diseases of the immune system.

These instructions must be followed carefully, without deviating from them. Then the effect obtained in the process of coloring, you will be pleasantly surprised. It is possible that you will get the idea and will try to carry out salon procedures yourself.


Watch the video: VIRTUAL Studio Photography Learning, Planning: 3D, Virtual Lighting Studio (July 2024).