
Olive oil for hair: benefits, rules of application, recipes of masks


  • Olive oil for hair: benefits and rules of application
  • Olive Oil Hair Masks
  • Oils for hair growth

Olive oil is a source of valuable elements. It is rich in polyphenols, fatty acids, phosphatides, sterols, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins, and other biologically active substances. So, polyphenols have antioxidant properties: they protect cells from destruction, and therefore, prevent hair loss. Vitamin A contained in “liquid gold” is responsible for the silkiness of the curls and their luxurious shine. But sterols present in olive oil strengthen the hair from the inside and prevent their separation. Phospholipids perfectly combat inflammation of the skin and soothe irritated scalp.

Due to this diverse composition, olive oil provides optimal moisturizing and nourishing hair, fights dry skin and dandruff, prevents hair loss, restores them, and also gives them a healthy shine.

Rules for the use of olive oil for hair

When caring for hair, it is recommended to use natural extra virgin olive oil. To enhance its healing properties, "liquid gold" before use should be slightly heated in a water bath. If olive oil is used to stimulate hair growth, it is applied to the scalp with gentle massaging movements (with fingertips). But in the treatment of split ends “liquid gold” covers only the ends of the hair. To shine shining luxurious shine, hair evenly covered with this healing elixir.

Apply olive oil to dry hair before washing. To enhance the effect of a one-component mask, a plastic bag or rubber cap is put on the head and the olive oil is held for at least an hour, and then washed off with warm water and shampoo. Rinse the hair better chamomile (fair-haired girls) or nettle (if dark hair) decoction. The recommended frequency of application of olive oil for hair is twice or thrice a week. The course lasts 10-12 procedures.

Cosmetic blends based on olive oil for hair

To stimulate hair growth using a mask made from the following components:
- 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice,
- 200 ml of olive oil.

A slightly heated mixture is applied to the strands for 1-1.5 hours twice a week.

Warn hair loss cosmetic, the recipe of which is as follows:
- 100 ml of olive oil,
- 100 ml pepper tincture.

Heated to a comfortable temperature, the oil is mixed with tincture and applied to the root system. After 25-27 minutes, the nutrient mass is washed off with shampoo water. This mask is contraindicated in skin diseases.

Strengthen lifeless hair cosmetic, as part of which the following ingredients are present:
- 2 chicken yolks,
- 4 tbsp. honey
- 200 ml of honey,
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Mix the components and coat the hair with the composition, and after 30-37 minutes, rinse with water and shampoo.

How does olive oil on hair?

Many people believe that olive oil is a storehouse of vitamins, because they can so beneficially affect the scalp and hair structure. But the chemical composition is unique, and it is not the vitamins in it that play the first violin: polyphenols and fatty acids make olive oil such an excellent means. However, each substance in its composition performs its function:

  • Vitamin E and polyphenols are known for their antioxidant properties: they destroy free radicals, thereby protecting cells from dangerous destruction,
  • Vitamin D is also called calciferol, as it promotes better absorption of calcium by cells, and it is this trace element that is important for healthy hair,
  • carotenoids produce vitamin A in the body, which activates the synthesis of elastin and collagen in cells, because of this, olive oil for hair and is considered an excellent rejuvenating agent: curls become silky and shiny,
  • phosphorus provides rich and natural color,
  • fatty acids (in particular - oleic acid) have a pronounced therapeutic effect: it is they who give strength and energy to dull strands, prevent their fragility and loss, eliminate the excision of curls,
  • Sterols - herbal substances that help get rid of many problems with curls: strengthen them from the inside, preventing stratification, so olive oil for the ends of the hair becomes an excellent caring agent,
  • phospholipids soothe irritated skin, as they are the building blocks for the membranes of nerve cells,
  • Chlorophyll promotes the formation of new cells: this is why olive oil is so actively used for hair growth and their strengthening,
  • without the flavonoids and iron contained in the oil in sufficient quantity, the curls do not receive the oxygen necessary for their vital activity.

Due to such an incredible complex effect on the cells, olive oil for hair collects only the most positive reviews, and it is unlikely that you will ever find anything negative about this hair care product. Failure can comprehend only if you do not know the elementary rules of use for this purpose.

Rules for the use of hair oil

Before you start preparing a miraculous hair mask of olive oil, it is worth exploring the elementary rules for its use so that the expected effect meets all your aspirations and hopes. Remember that the basis of the used tool will be an oil rich in fatty acids, which you need to be able to handle, so that they can heal your curls and not harm them.

  1. Choose natural olive oil, not surrogate fakes.
  2. Before adding to the mask it is better to warm up a little to activate the substances in its composition.
  3. So that the oil does not lose its valuable properties, and the nutrients do not evaporate, it needs only to be slightly warmed to a warm state.
  4. The doses of ingredients in the recipes are approximate. Naturally, you will need to regulate them yourself: for short ones, you will need several times fewer components than for long ones.
  5. When choosing ingredients, consider that eggs and dairy products for such recipes are better to take homemade, water - filtered or mineral (without gas).
  6. Masks based on olive oil must first be rubbed into the scalp, and only then distributed along the length.
  7. Under the action of heat, the activity of nutrients in the composition of the olive mask increases several times, so after the mask has been applied, it is recommended to cover the curls with a polyethylene shower cap or with a regular plastic bag, and to complete the greenhouse effect, you can still cover with a warm a) towel.
  8. The duration of the mask is not limited if its structure, in addition to olive oil, does not include irritating or aggressive components. The optimal time is 1 hour.
  9. To make the mask easy to wash off (do not forget that you are dealing with oil that is saturated with fats that are difficult to flush out), do not drench your hair with water: immediately apply shampoo on your head and foam it thoroughly, despite the difficulty of this good deed. And only after the formation of abundant foam on the strands can wash off the mask.
  10. Make such masks with regularity once a week - and your curls are guaranteed brilliance, strength and health.

Treat disparagingly any of these points - and already the quality of the mask used is not guaranteed. But after all, it is in your power to do all this and experience the magic effect of olive oil on hair as part of a cosmetic mask, which we are going to prepare now.

Best Mask Recipes

Choose recipes according to the problems you would like to fix. Of particular popularity are the masks of olive oil for hair growth, which are easy to prepare and very effective.

  • Classic mask for power. Olive oil (2 cups) is heated in a saucepan and, without any additives, applied first - on the scalp, then - along the length. If the most problematic area is the tips, just dip them in a pan with heated olive oil and hold it for 5-7 minutes: the curls will drink the remedy themselves.
  • Lemon mask for hair growth. Olive oil (glass) is first mixed with lemon juice, just squeezed (2 tablespoons), and only then heated and applied to the strands.
  • Egg-honey mask to strengthen hair. Heat the olive oil (glass), add 2 egg yolks, honey, preheated to steam (4 tablespoons) and lemon juice, manually squeezed (tablespoon).
  • Egg and lemon. You can exclude honey from the previous recipe, but increase the dose of yolks to 3 pieces and lemon juice to 2 tablespoons. Curls after such a mask will acquire not only extraordinary softness, but also the sheen of real silk.
  • Acetic mask for the treatment of split ends. In this mask, the ingredients are recommended to be mixed before heating. Mix olive oil (a glass) with vinegar (a tablespoon) and egg yolk, pre-whipped. The mask will be even more effective if it is not heated on a fire, but in a water bath.
  • Cognac mask from falling out. Heat olive oil (half cup), mix with brandy (glass). Cognac in this mask can be replaced by alcohol or vodka.
  • Pepper mask preventing hair loss. Heat olive oil (half a cup), add a tincture of hot red pepper (the same amount). This mask contains an aggressive ingredient in its effect, so no need to perederzhivat it on the locks and use if there are skin diseases.

The recipe is selected, and you are ready to turn your own bath into a real beauty salon. To convince yourself even more about the correctness of your decision, study the reviews on olive oil for the hair of those who have already tried this miracle cure.

In the reviews on olive oil for hair, the results obtained from the use of olive masks are noted:

  • the tips became smaller split
  • the dull curls finally got the desired shine,
  • damaged, brittle strands gradually heal and look strong and strong,
  • stopped staying on the comb and cushion
  • dandruff disappeared
  • in appearance they became noticeably more voluminous, and to the touch - soft and silky.

Some complain that the oily mask does not wash off very well, but we have already discussed this: people simply did not know the rules for the use of masks for hair from olive oil and therefore faced such a problem. If the reviews indicate that the curls after such masks become dry and lifeless (and such cases are sporadic), most likely, the person simply picked up the auxiliary ingredients (for example, used egg white in a mask).

Miraculous olive oil for hair is not only cosmetic, but also a remedy that will help you cope with many problems of the scalp and curls. Regularly applying masks based on it, you give your hair a new - healthy - life, and you will finally begin to smile at your own reflection in the mirror.

Why olive oil is good for hair

It is enough to refer to the chemical composition of olive oil in order to understand that it is really useful.

With it, you can achieve the following effects:

To nourish hair with microelements, vitamins and amino acids. The composition of olive oil contains linoleic, oleic, palmitic and omega-3 acids. It also has vitamins A, D, K, E, tocopherol, phenolic acids and other components necessary for normal hair growth.

Restore the damaged structure of the hair shaft. Getting into the hair, amino acids make it more flexible, strong and healthy. The tips of the hair cease to split, and the hair itself does not break.

Activate the hair follicles. If a hair bulb is fully nourished, then it ceases to be at rest, starting to work actively. To achieve this effect, you can apply a mask with olive oil. Already after 1-2 courses of treatment, a woman will be able to notice how the volume of her hair has increased and how much hair has become thicker. This is possible due to the fact that new hairs began to appear on the head, and the old ones ceased to fall out.

Cure the scalp of dandruff. Olive oil has an antibacterial effect, destroying pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that protects hair from the negative effects of environmental factors.

Useful properties of olive oil proved by numerous studies that have been conducted in many countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is often included in the composition of various hair and skin care products. However, is it worth overpaying when a useful product can be used independently without leaving home.

What olive hair oil to choose to get the maximum effect?

For the preparation of masks that would really benefit the hair, you can use almost any olive oil. The main thing is that the expiration date of the product has not expired. Otherwise, to obtain the desired effect will not succeed.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is best to purchase cold-pressed unrefined olive oil. On the packaging with such a product will be the inscription "Virgin". After opening the bottle, you can feel the pronounced aroma of olives, which sometimes is slightly harsh. The color of this oil is greenish. Due to the cold-pressed, all the nutrients from the olives are transferred to the oil, which means that such a product will bring maximum benefit to the hair.

Another point: the oil the younger, the healthier. Therefore, if more than six months have passed since the day of its release, it is better to refrain from buying, despite the fact that the shelf life of the product is 18 months.

What is the use?

Why do hair masks based on olive oil simply transform curls? It's all about the substances that are in the composition of the main component. Each of them solves a certain problem, and their complex effect returns health and beauty to damaged strands.

In the composition of the oil:

  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. These substances have the ability to provide protection from harmful effects, forming a protective sheath around the hair that is invisible to the eye. At the same time, due to the unique combination of saturated and unsaturated acids, the use of oil does not cause weighting strands.
  • Vitamins. The composition of olive oil contains rare vitamins, these are B4 (choline) and K (phylloquinone). These substances actively contribute to strengthening the roots and preserving the natural pigment, thus avoiding the appearance of early gray hair. In addition, the oil is rich in vitamin E, without which it is impossible to preserve beauty and youth.
  • Trace elements The oil contains a complex of trace elements that have a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Thus, sodium helps to remove toxins from cells, iron helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to roots, calcium improves hair structure, fights brittleness, and moisture is stored in cells due to potassium.
  • Phytosterols. These natural substances promote healing of the scalp, eliminating dandruff, and give elasticity to the strands, making them more docile.
  • Betaine. This substance prevents cross-section, improves the structure, giving the curls a beautiful shine.

Thus, the oil from the fruit of the olive is a great tool for moisturizing, restoring and protecting the strands and improving the scalp.

Rules for applying hair mask with olive oil

To mask with olive oil gave the maximum effect, you need to carry out the procedure for hair care properly.

The process of making and using masks is not complicated at all, however, there are a number of subtleties:

You must comply with the dosages of ingredients that are listed in a particular recipe. It is worth remembering that the oil aggravates the hair, if applied in large quantities. In addition, high-quality rinse too oily hair will be problematic.

Strands should be dry before applying a mask on them. It is best to carry out the procedure when they are slightly contaminated. It will be easier to wash off the mask from the hair in this case.

As for the time of exposure of the mask, it is always indicated in the recipe. It largely depends on whether there are aggressive ingredients in the product, such as red pepper tincture or mustard. In this case, even a mask based on olive oil should not be left on the hair for more than 15-20 minutes. When the composition of the mask is soft, then it can be maintained for an hour or more.

Do not apply cold olive oil on your hair. Before use, it should be slightly warmed up. It is best to use a water bath for this purpose.

In order for the active components of the head care product to penetrate as deeply as possible into the hair structure and nourish the hair follicles, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect. For this, the head is warmed with a plastic cap and a terry towel.

If the hair is dry, then a mask with olive oil can be used 2-3 times a week. When the work of the sebaceous glands is increased, one procedure in 7 days is enough.

As for the method of applying the mask, to eliminate dandruff and nourish the hair follicles, the mask is applied to the scalp and the root part of the hair. If you need to arrange split ends, the oil can be applied along the entire length of the hair, with emphasis on the ends.

To improve the hair and give it an attractive appearance, 2-3 courses of treatment masks of 10-12 procedures each are enough.

To evenly distribute the mask on the hair roots, you can use a brush. It will allow to spend means more economically.

After applying the therapeutic composition on the scalp, it is necessary to gently massage it with the fingertips. This will improve blood circulation in the treatment area and enhance the therapeutic effect.

Recipes hair masks with olive oil

It is worth starting to use hair masks with olive oil from a classic monocomponent product that contains no other ingredients besides olive oil. Before applying the mask you need to slightly heat it. For medium-length hair, 2 tablespoons of oil will suffice. This amount is enough to process the roots and scalp, as well as the ends of the hair.

The mask is applied with a brush and then rubbed into the scalp with massage movements. The tips of the hair are oiled with the help of the same brush. Spinning needs to be separated in rows, so it will be possible to cover the entire head area with oil. The dwell time of the mask is about an hour. However, if the scalp is very dry and prone to dandruff, then it is left for several hours and even for the whole night. Be sure to warm the head, which will open the pores and make the effect of the mask more noticeable.

If the hair is dry and lifeless

Masks with olive oil are incredibly effective and effective for the treatment of dry and damaged hair.

Be sure to use one of the following recipes for a course of treatment:

Cocoa + butter. To prepare the composition, you will need cocoa powder (2 tons of spoons), two yolks and olive oil (3 tablespoons). All components are mixed and applied to the hair for 40 minutes.

Banana + butter. To prepare the mask, you will need to bring the pulp of banana to a puree state, add a tablespoon of honey and 2 tbsp to it. spoons of olive oil. The resulting composition is applied to the hair roots and scalp for an hour.

"Assorted butter". In this case, olive oil (1 tablespoon) is taken as the main component of the mask, and 0.5 tablespoon of flaxseed and burdock oil is added to it. The resulting composition is heated in a water bath, 2 drops of essential oil of bergamot are added to add aroma and applied to the hair. Withstanding such a mask on the hair need 60 minutes. You can leave it on your head for the whole night rest.

If hair is greasy

If the hair is oily and prone to the appearance of greasy shine, use a mask based on olive oil in its pure form should not be. This can lead to heavier strands and aggravate the problem. However, you should not abandon the use of oil for hair care.

It is only necessary to choose the right composition:

Oil + kefir. For the preparation of a therapeutic agent, you need to take a half cup of nonfatted fermented milk drink and 1 tbsp. spoon of butter. The mixture is applied to the scalp and hair roots, without additional insulation. After 40 minutes, the product should be washed off.

Oil + nettle tincture on alcohol. You will need a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of tincture. The tool is kept on the head for 20 minutes.

Butter + henna + mustard powder. It will take 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, a tablespoon of colorless henna and mustard. After thorough mixing, the mask is applied to the hair roots. After 15-20 minutes, the composition should be washed off.

Butter + lemon juice + egg white. To prepare the olive oil mask you will need to take 3 tbsp. spoon, add to it the juice of half a lemon and the protein of one chicken egg. Oil before applying to the hair does not heat up, all components must be at room temperature. Exposure time means on the hair is 40 minutes.

When hair falls out

When an excessive loss of hair is observed, this process is not difficult to stop using olive oil masks:

Oil + vodka + flower honey + yolk. For the preparation of therapeutic composition will require Art. spoon of vodka, yolk, Art. spoon olive oil and honey. On the head, the mask is kept for at least 40 minutes. Hair can be wrapped with plastic.

Oil + red pepper (spirit tincture). For the preparation of therapeutic agents need to take under Art. a spoonful of each component, mix and apply on hair for 20 minutes. After this time, the composition is washed off.

Oil + Yeast + Vitamins. For the preparation of a therapeutic composition will require 1 ampoule of vitamin A and vitamin E, a tablespoon of olive oil and 10 g of dry yeast. The yeast is diluted with warm water or milk (20 ml) and left for 30 minutes. Then they are mixed with other components and applied to the hair. The holding time of such a mask under a plastic cap is 40-60 minutes.

How to wash off the mask with olive oil

Some women are afraid to use oil masks for hair, as they think that it is quite problematic to wash them off. In fact, removing the mask from the hair is very simple, the main thing is to know a few secrets.

Rinse the oil off the head with only warm or even slightly hot water. If you use cold water, then the hair will simply repel it, as they are completely covered with an oil film.

It is possible to use a regular shampoo to remove the mask from the hair. To do this, the hair is slightly moistened, and the shampoo is whipped up to the formation of foam in the palms. After that, it is applied to the root part of the hair and continue to actively foam. Of course, to achieve abundant foam will not succeed. Tu foam, which was formed at the roots, you need to lower down the hair. Then the head is washed under running water. If complete purification could not be achieved, then the procedure should be repeated.

Also for the qualitative removal of oil from the hair, you can use auxiliary means. For example, mix shampoo and soda. For one part sodium hydrochloride take three parts of the shampoo, mix and apply on the hair. Soda makes it easy to remove excess fat from the strands.

You can rinse your hair with mustard water before washing your hair. Per liter of liquid take 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. Hair rinsed with the solution obtained, and then washed in the usual way.

Thanks to these simple recommendations, it is possible to qualitatively cleanse the scalp and hair roots from the remnants of the mask with olive oil. Of course, ideally, most of it should stick into the hair and scalp, so too much oil should not be applied. After all, the effect directly depends on how well the selected composition is suitable for the specific scalp and hair, and not on the amount of the means used.

The benefits of olive oil for hair

The chemical composition of this raw material determines its healing and regenerating properties. Unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, which is contained in this substance in abundance, stimulate hair growth by activating the hair follicles and ensure their healthy appearance.

Which oil is better to choose for cosmetic purposes?

There are different types of this useful product. They differ in the raw materials from which they were made, and the method of manufacture. Olio sansa, or olio pomace, is a product of the lowest quality, made from cake, pieces of peeled pulp, cleaned and mixed with a small amount of extra virgin to give flavor.

Olio rafine is a refined product of extra class, part of the dry residue is removed from it, so it is convenient to cook on it, but in cosmetology it is of little use. Extra virgin or olio di vergine labeling speaks of high quality raw materials and cold pressing of stones under presses.

For cosmetic purposes, take only such a product, it is the most valuable and useful. As for the region of manufacture, the Greek product is considered the best. Look for labels labeled "biological" and "geographically verified."

Such products come to the shelves only from certified environmentally friendly regions. Italian and Spanish products share the second position in terms of prestige and quality. Ensure that the acidity of the purchased product does not exceed 0.8%, and in the region of origin Umbria or Tuscany is indicated.

Nourishing and restoring mask

Contrary to common misconceptions, olive oil does not make hair and scalp fatter. Faster polluted, they also will not. But split ends will disappear, and the structure of the hair as a whole will be strengthened. Dry and irritated scalp will also return to normal if you regularly apply the following mask.

Take 20 ml of slightly heated buckwheat honey, pour 20 ml of olive oil into it in a thin stream. Apply the mixture onto the head and distribute from root to tip along the strands.

Roll your hair into a tight bundle, cover with cling film and a towel, soak for 30-40 minutes and rinse with balm. If you want to enhance the nutritional effect, add a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream.

To lighten hair

Beauties who want to lighten their strands, and those who want to consolidate the natural blond, such composition will suit. Take three quail egg yolks. Well rub them with 20 ml of oil. Pour in wine vinegar - enough tablespoon will be enough.

Moisten the scalp and lubricate it with the resulting composition. Spread the mask over all strands. Keep this composition on the head can be no more than twenty minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, shorten the exposure time.

To strengthen with hair loss

Mask of avocado will help to return the shade of lively shine and pomp. Peel avocados, separate the flesh from the stone and mash it with a fork to a slurry. Slowly stirring, pour 20 ml of olive oil, rub until smooth.

Spread the mask over the strands and scalp, starting from the tips, put on a plastic wrap or towel turban and hold it for half an hour to an hour. Wash off the mask with warm water. You can add a drop of shampoo if the hair is not washed well enough.

For hair growth

The intensive growth of your mane will ensure the property of this mask not only to strengthen, but also to protect the curls from the harmful external effects. Take three drops of the following oils: chamomile, lavender, sandalwood.

Slightly heat over a low heat 30 ml of olive oil, pour in the essential components and, after mixing thoroughly, distribute along the hair, starting from the roots. Rub the oils in until partially absorbed and thoroughly comb the strands with a large-toothed comb. Wait half an hour and rinse your head with a balm.

For greasy hair

It would seem that oil is not the best solution for hair that is prone to fat, but the following mask will solve this problem in five to six applications. In addition to reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, it will cure the scalp of dandruff and accelerate hair growth. Take one large clove of garlic and crush it in a garlic press or finely chop it. Simmer 100 ml of cow's or goat's milk over low heat, add garlic to it and slowly pour in 10 ml of oil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave the mask to cool. Apply the finished composition to the curls, starting from the tips. Wrap your head in a terry towel, wait half an hour. If there is burning and itching, wash off the mask a little earlier.

For dry hair

Aloe vera is a great addition to the oil. It serves as a reducing and nourishing component. To speed up the growth of curls damaged by cosmetic procedures and improve their structure, prepare a mask according to the following recipe. Spread three quail egg yolks with 10 ml of buckwheat honey, add 10 ml of oil and slowly pour in 20 ml of aloe vera juice. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply a mask on the hair, starting from the roots. Cover the head with cling film or put on a bathing cap and warm it with a towel on top. Walk like this for half an hour and wash off the composition with a weak decoction of chamomile.

How to wash off olive oil from hair

You come to the aid of basic knowledge of chemistry. To preserve all the benefits of the mask, and not to wash it with a chemical shampoo, try natural remedies. Chicken egg yolks (three or four pieces), whip until foam appears and apply on scalp and hair. Wait a few minutes and then rinse your head with cool water.

Mustard powder dissolved in warm water at the rate of three teaspoons per liter, well remove excess fat. Rinse the head and hair with this solution, and then wash it as usual. It also eliminates the feeling of oily vinegar or lemon juice dissolved in water. Their acidic environment will cope with excess fat. Rye flour with seals will work well on the scalp and on the hair with the remnants of the mask. Just sprinkle it with your head, wait five to ten minutes and comb your scallop with frequent teeth, and then wash your head as you used to.

Useful tips

  1. To keep the hair always strong and healthy, wash off the mask with homemade shampoo. Mix 100 ml of brandy with two egg yolks and add 40 ml of water. Such a composition will strengthen, heal and clean your hair.
  2. Keep the mask with olive oil for no longer than half an hour. The longer you hold them on your hair, the harder it will be to wash them off.
  3. Allergies to oil you can not be, but on the accompanying components of the mask - completely. Before applying the mask immediately on the whole head, check its effect on a small area of ​​skin.
  4. Oil masks use no more than twice a week. This mode is sufficient for therapeutic effect.
  5. Apply the mask to a slightly soiled or dirty head. Own grease will help mask components to be better distributed on the head and hair.
  6. Low-fat sour cream or natural mayonnaise will improve the consistency of a too thin or too thick mask and will facilitate its application.

Olive oil is an amazing gift of nature. It has healing properties that are widely used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. If you use this oil in cooking, try for yourself its beneficial effect in the composition of cosmetic masks.

Choose a mask suitable for your hair type and scalp, use it regularly and you will see how much better your hair looks. Purchase only high-quality oil from reliable manufacturers to get the maximum benefit from it.

Rules of the procedure

In order for homemade hair masks with olive oil to bring maximum benefit, you need to know the rules for preparing the compositions and procedures.

  • The greatest benefit to the strands will be the natural unrefined product. In the shops, olive oil is presented in a fairly large assortment, so you need to learn how to read labels. So, the most useful and natural product is, in the labeling of which the word “Virgin” is present. In addition, there is a product on sale that has been pre-cleaned. It is labeled with the word "Refined". Refined oil is quite suitable for cosmetic procedures, but it contains less nutrients. But a cheaper version of the product, on the label of which you can read the word "Pomace" is prepared from the cake. Of course, you can use it, but you should not expect too good results from masks made on its basis.
  • Oil for procedures must be pay attention to storage periods. After opening the seal on the bottle with oil, the product must be consumed in a month. Therefore, if the oil is bought only for cosmetic procedures, it is better to choose a product packaged in a small volume container. Keep an open bottle in a cool and dark place, you can not freeze the product.
  • Before the preparation of the therapeutic composition must be cast the required portion of oil and slightly heat it on the water bath. It is important not to overheat the product, it should become pleasantly warm, overheating is not acceptable. In addition to oil, other ingredients, such as honey, may need to be warmed. It is not recommended to do it in one cup. It is necessary to heat each component separately, and then mix and beat, better with a mixer or blender.

  • Before first using the new mask do not forget to test skin sensitivityThis will help to avoid the mass of unpleasant consequences.
  • Apply the prepared formulations need throughout the volume of hairwithout forgetting the roots and tips. But there are recipes for hair masks with directional olive oil. For example, the composition to eliminate dandruff should be applied only to the roots.
  • After applying the composition it is necessary to warm the headso that the effect of the procedure is more pronounced. To do this, cover the collected hair with polyethylene, and then wrap something warm (with a handkerchief, towel, scarf).
  • How much to keep the composition? It depends on the recipe used. So, if the strands are dry, then the pure oil applied on them can be washed off in 8-10 hours. This procedure at home is convenient to do at night, that is, apply the composition in the evening, and wash off in the morning.
  • To make the oil easier to wash off, It is recommended to lather dry hair for the first time.. You need to pour the shampoo into wet hands and beat the foam out of it. Without wetting the hair, apply foam to them, distribute. Then rinse and rinse the hair again in the usual way. It is not recommended to use the conditioner after the mask, but you can rinse the hair with a decoction of chamomile or burdock root with a spoonful of lemon juice per liter of broth.
  • The frequency of the procedures depends on the condition of the strands.. For treatment, they can be done in two days, for prophylaxis - once a week. The full course should be from ten to fifteen procedures. Then you will need to take a break, so as not to "overload" the hair.

In order for the procedures to benefit, you need to find "your" mask recipe. When choosing an option, you need to consider the type of strands and the problem that needs to be fixed.

Basic care for dry strands

Single-component mask for dry hair with olive oil preparing as simple as possible. The warm oil is rubbed over the partings, and then it is distributed over the whole volume with a comb, not forgetting to rub it into the tips. Wear a warming cap, hold for at least an hour, you can leave on all night.

Stimulate growth

Composition for hair growth is prepared with lemon. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from citrus, strain, so that it does not come across pieces of flesh. For every two spoons of preheated oil you need to take 5 ml of juice. Beat up. Apply at partitions and distribute the strands, as this composition not only stimulates growth, but also restores damage.

Vitamin nutritional mask is prepared with the addition of yeast. This product is very useful for hair, as it contains almost a complete set of vitamins of group B. You can use dry or pressed yeast.

Heat up to 40 degrees a half cup of milk, mix 10 grams of yeast and half a teaspoon of sugar in it. Wait until a foam cap appears on the surface. Introduce two spoons of preheated oil and one yolk into the composition, whip.

Fight with the cross section

Composition for split ends of hair prepared with gelatin, egg yolk and apple cider vinegar. Vinegar can be taken only natural, but not flavored. A tablespoon of gelatin poured half a glass of water, give the powder to swell. Then heated with stirring until gelatin crystals completely dissolve, preventing the solution from boiling.

Separately heat two tablespoons of oil. Mix slightly warm solution of gelatin with oil, yolk and a spoon of vinegar. This composition is applied only in length, not rubbing into the roots.

We treat fragility

Brittle hair is usually dry and hard, the mask is prepared for them with mashed avocado. You need to take a half of ripe avocado fruit, grind it in a blender and mix with two spoons of preheated oil. If the hair is long, then you need to prepare the composition of the whole fruit, increasing accordingly the amount of oil.

Preparing a moisturizing hair mask with olive oil with the addition of glycerin. Olive oil is in itself a good moisturizer, and the addition of glycerin will further enhance its positive effect.

It is necessary to heat two tablespoons of oil and add a teaspoon of glycerin and as much apple cider vinegar. Then pour the beaten egg. Eggs should be added to the mask, making sure that the mass is not hot, otherwise the egg will fold.

Oily hair care

Olive oil is perfect for oily hair, because they also need to be moisturized. And so that the oil does not burden the already fatty strands, you need to add brandy and lemon juice to it. Heated butter is mixed with cognac in a one-to-one ratio, then a teaspoon of filtered juice is added to each spoonful of the mixture.

Scrub for the scalp

To cleanse the skin of dead cells, we regularly use scrubs. But to apply this tool is necessary not only for the face and body, but also for the scalp. The use of scrub results in an improved supply of roots with oxygen, restoration of normal blood circulation, which ultimately helps to get rid of hair loss.

Heat the oil and mix with salt (salt is better to take the sea, but you can use the usual) in a two to one ratio. Apply the composition on the partings, gently massaging. It is not necessary to distribute along the strands.

This procedure is contraindicated if the hair falls out due to hormonal problems or internal diseases. In this case, the use of scrub can aggravate the problem.

Care for loose strands

Frequent use of fixatives and hot styling methods thin and weaken hair. Restore them will help nourishing mask with sour cream. Homemade sour cream mixed with olive oil in a ratio of three to four. For example, you need to take four spoons of butter into three tablespoons of sour cream, beat everything, spread it over the roots and strands.

Prevent falling out and reduce its intensity will help firming hair mask with olive oil. It is prepared with mustard powder and honey. Pour two tablespoons of mustard with hot water so that the mass acquires the consistency of the cream. Heat oil, mix with mustard mass. Honey, heated in a separate cup, supplement the composition. Oil take two spoons, honey - one.

Olive oil tends to slightly brighten the natural tone of the hair. On the dark strands of nature, this effect is not noticeable, but brown-haired girls can become a couple tones lighter with the help of a mask with oil and cinnamon. Of course, the result will not be noticeable immediately, but after a course of masks.

Heat two tablespoons of butter and honey in separate cups, mix by adding three tablespoons of cinnamon powder and a spoonful of juice squeezed from lemon to the mass. Apply on strands, hold for two hours.


Watch the video: DIY Hair Mask for Dry Natural Hair and Hair Growth! BiancaReneeToday (July 2024).