Dandruff treatment

The use of dandruff shampoo "Aleran": instructions, advantages and disadvantages, effectiveness


  • By admin
  • Means in a pharmacy

The product line of the Russian company Alerana (Alerana) is a means aimed primarily at preventing hair loss (alopecia), their strengthening and growth stimulation. But also their shampoos are endowed with additional various properties.

One of the most popular in their series is Alerana Dandruff Shampoo, which contains not only substances that help prevent hair loss, but also antifungal components aimed at treating the cause of dandruff.

Alerana dandruff shampoo is a professional hair remedy and can be purchased only at a pharmacy. Although, compared to most other pharmaceutical dandruff shampoos, Alerana has a milder effect and is suitable for daily use.

Its action is aimed at:

  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands of the scalp
  • Stimulation of cell division in the hair follicle
  • General strengthening and healing hair
  • Fight against the fungus that causes dandruff in most cases

To perform all the above functions in the composition are present:

  • Antifungal component
  • Natural, soothing and firming ingredients
  • Hair growth stimulants

Shampoo contains 3 active ingredients.

  • Pirocton Olamin - A substance that prevents the spread of fungal infections, eliminates itching and flaking.
  • Procapil (Procapil) - a fortified plant complex consisting of three substances: citrus flavonoid called apigenin, olive tree acid, and tripeptide-1 biotinyl - a special molecule with biotin and 3 amino acids. This substance strengthens the hair and promotes their growth, improving blood microcirculation in the hair bulb.
  • Dexpanthenol (a vitamin groupB) - deeply moisturizes and nourishes the scalp, improves hair condition and reduces hair loss.

Complete composition of the packaging

Some users criticize this shampoo for non-natural composition. But therefore the remedy is curative, not cosmetic.

Indications and Contraindications

Since the main effect of a series of Aleran products is aimed at combating hair loss, Alerana dandruff shampoo is also indicated for moderate male or female alopecia. However, due to the antifungal substance in the composition, it also helps to deal with such a problem as dandruff.

Nevertheless, it is worth considering the fact that this product is still a drug, therefore it has a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • Hypersensitivity to the drug components
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Age less than 18 and over 65
  • Dermatological and other scalp damage
  • The use of other therapeutic agents on the scalp

Caution should be used with this drug for people with problems with the cardiovascular system, liver, kidney failure and arrhythmia.

Side effects

After applying Aleran shampoo, the following side effects are possible:

  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Itching, redness, peeling, various forms of dermatitis, damage and hair loss
  • Edema, allergic contact dermatitis
  • Tachycardia
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Lowering blood pressure

Anti-dandruff shampoo "Aleran": advantages and disadvantages

After all dandruff is caused, first of all, by excessive oily skin of the scalp, excessive work of sebaceous ducts from the hair follicles. That is why dandruff occurs, so the key to getting rid of it is reducing the intensity of sebum secretion. And funds from the firm "Alerana" quite successfully can deal with it.

The volume of one bottle is 250 ml, which is quite enough for two months of active daily washing of hair and scalp. Yes, yes, I specifically emphasized that To get rid of dandruff, you must first wash your scalp.

It will be necessary to apply shampoo on the skin, on those places that are most frayed. And only then it is necessary to distribute the thick foam formed over the total mass of the hair. Thanks to this simple algorithm of using Aleran dandruff shampoo, you will achieve the desired effect very quickly.

Read tips about how to choose the right shampoo for men or women, as well as dry or oily dandruff.

Active ingredients in the composition

Medical cosmetics has not just an external, superficial cosmetic effect on the scalp. This wonderful composition really treats, serves as a good prevention of dandruff. The principles of action are as follows:

  • stimulates cell division in hair follicles, which leads to a decrease in greasiness and accelerated hair growth,
  • kills fungal sporesthat can cause seborrhea,
  • eliminates unpleasant itching of the scalpthat virtually all dandruff carriers suffer,
  • beneficial effect on the appearance of hair, shine, tips - thanks to the panthenol in the composition,
  • thanks to the natural perfume fragrance, gives hair a light floral scent.

The use of Alerana dandruff shampoo will give you a lot of pleasant moments: when applied to the scalp you will feel a pleasant chill, and this is not surprising - because includes menthol.

How to apply shampoo?

A very important nuance of using Aleran shampoo: after applying to the scalp and spreading along the length of the hair, you need to leave the shampoo on your head for a half to two minutes. This is necessary so that nutrients and medicinal substances have time to act on the scalp.

Judge for yourself: if you apply a therapeutic composition, and then immediately wash it off: what effect can you hope for? After all, along with shampoo you will wash off and all the benefits from it! So keep the composition on the head a little longer, but in any case at least one and a half minutes. And after washing the shampoo, I advise you to apply a nourishing mask, preferably also from Aleran.

When to wait for the result?

The effectiveness of the use of shampoo depends on neglect problems with dandruff.

If you suffer from this scourge not for the first year, and more than 60% of the total area of ​​the scalp flakes, then Expect a result about a month after regular washing. hair shampoo "Alerana".

If the problem is not so pronounced, then full cure is possible already two weeks after the first wash hair healing shampoo.

Can not help, not cope with dandruff shampoo from "Aleran"? This question worries many. Theoretically, this is possible. But in most cases, dandruff really goes awayand does not appear for a very long time. The main thing is to use shampoo correctly, and then the result will not take long.

I wish everyone who read this article beautiful, thick and luxurious hair without a hint of dandruff!

Alerana shampoo (anti-dandruff)

Alerana dandruff shampoo (reviews of this product have won good fame due to its effectiveness, proven in clinical trials) produced by Vertex from Russia.

The consistency of the product is average, not very thick. The shampoo has a pleasant herbal scent. The color of the medium is transparent. Thanks to a convenient format, the bottle does not slip out of hands.

Dandruff is a skin disease of the head that occurs when there is a disruption in the working activity of the sebaceous glands. In the absence of treatment, the process of falling away of the curls begins, their fragility, pale color and unkempt appearance appear. For this reason, hair care cosmetics should have a therapeutic effect.

Alerana dandruff shampoo contains the following ingredients:

  1. Procapil - a plant-based vitamin complex that consists of 3 substances, such as a citrus flavonoid, olive acid, a molecule with biotin, and 3 amino acids. Strengthens curls, has a rapid growth, increases blood microcirculation in the hair bulb. It is a growth stimulator.
  2. Pirocton Olamin - Antifungal component that prevents the penetration of fungal diseases, eliminating itchy condition and desquamation.
  3. Dexpanthenol - This is a vitamin from group B. It is deeply absorbed and nourishes the skin of the head, strengthens the curls, helps to reduce the loss of curls. It is a natural, strengthening and soothing ingredient.

In addition to these substances, the composition also contains other components that have a therapeutic effect:

  1. Provitamin B 5 - saturates and saturates the curls, saves them from splitting.
  2. Horse chestnut hood - provides intensive care, increases blood circulation.
  3. Extract based on bitter wormwood and fragrant sage - acts as a sedative on the scalp.
  4. Poppy extract - has a brilliant and soft effect, moisturizes the curls.
  5. Burdock extract, stinging nettle, tea tree oil - help hair grow quickly, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminate dandruff.
  6. Lecithin - renews and strengthens hair, gives a healthy shine, increases elasticity, silkiness, restores split ends.

Medicinal properties

Shampoo from the Aleran series is a professional therapeutic remedy for curls that can be bought in the pharmacy chain.

Unlike other anti-dandruff products, Alerana gently acts on the skin of the head and is recommended for everyday use.

Effectiveness means:

  • regulates the action of the sebaceous glands of the scalp,
  • strengthens and renews hair
  • fights dandruff fungus in frequent situations,
  • improves blood circulation in the epidermis,
  • moisturizes and nourishes the scalp.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cosmetic hair has not only a superficial effect, but also heals, has the benefit of dandruff prevention:

  • activates cell division in the follicles of the curls, resulting in reduced greasiness, and faster curls grow:
  • neutralizes spores of fungi, which can cause seborrhea,
  • eliminates the itchy condition of the skin, causing discomfort and discomfort,
  • It has a beneficial effect on the appearance of curls,
  • gives a floral scent, thanks to the perfume fragrance,
  • gives a feeling of a pleasant chill due to menthol, which is contained in the composition of the product.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • medical cosmetics are suitable only for those who have oily hair,
  • no result or expectation that never came true
  • hair becomes dull, that is, color is lost.

Indications and Contraindications

The shampoo is indicated for moderate female, male alopecia. Due to the antifungal component copes with dandruff.

The product is contraindicated to apply when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • component allergies,
  • the use of other therapeutic agents
  • under the age of 18 and after 65 years.

Mode of application

To achieve the desired result, you must take into account the rules for applying medicinal cosmetics:

  1. To begin with a little wet curls.
  2. Shampoo is poured onto 1 hand, and the shampoo is adjusted to a foamy state with a second hand.
  3. The finished mass is applied to the scalp, while carefully rubbed with massaging movements. Shampoo should foam more.
  4. The waiting time is 3 minutes. It is necessary that the cosmetic product began to act. Then it is spread over the entire length of the hair.
  5. Curls rinsed with simple running water.
  6. For a better result, it is recommended to use a balsam - rinse from one product line after shampoo. It is also applied to the hair for 3 minutes.

It is necessary to take into account an important rule: the longer the shampoo withstand, the more active the ingredients are absorbed into the dermis and disinfect its top layer.

Side effects

After using the anti-dandruff agent, side effects may occur:

  • allergy, swelling,
  • vomiting, nausea,
  • tachycardia,
  • dyspnea,
  • lowering blood pressure
  • itching, redness, peeling, loss of curls,
  • dizziness, headache.

Complex use

Dandruff shampoo from the Aleran series in the complex can be combined with a balm - rinse and a mask for a fat type of curls.

Dandruff is caused by excess fat content of the head, excess activity of the sebaceous ducts from the hair follicles. Therefore, it is important to reduce the intensity of sebum secretion. Consumer reviews claim that medical cosmetics of a well-known company successfully fights with this problem.

The effect of the application

The rate of manifestation of the effect depends on the degree of damage to dandruff of the scalp. The therapeutic effect is achieved through 1 or more courses. After regular use, the result will be noticeable after 14 - 30 days.

A certain stage of seborrheic dermatitis affects the effect of using an anti-dandruff shampoo. At the initial stage of the disease can be eliminated within a few weeks. If you have seborrhea within a year, and at the same time, if dandruff is 60% of the scalp, the problem can be reduced after 30 days, using the tool according to all the rules.

Traditional medicine is inferior to medical shampoo, because professional cosmetics cope much better.

No mask, oils, sea salt or juice from beets can cure the disease so quickly.

Efficacy also depends on how long the remedy will be applied.

Release form and price

Alerana dandruff shampoo (reviews of people confirm the effectiveness of the tool and its affordable price) can be purchased for about 400 rubles. The cost of the product depends on the supplier and the place of purchase.

Means for hair dandruff produced in containers in the form of a plastic tube. The volume of 250 ml is enough for use within 2 months if to apply shampoo 3 times within 7 days.

Where to buy shampoo Aleran

Shampoo for hair from the Aleran series refers to medical products. In this regard, the price is high. The product is sold only in a pharmacy or in a specialty store. In order to save, if it seems that the cost is too high, a cosmetic product can be purchased at the online store at a discount of up to 20% of the current price.

Reviews trichologists

"Aleran" dandruff shampoo (reviews trichologists confirm the effectiveness of the product) due to the antifungal effect can stop the spread of the fungus, get rid of itching and flaking.

Trichologists note a noticeable decrease in dandruff after using Aleran shampoo

Doctors in trichology, dermatology encourage this product as a therapeutic agent due to its natural and effective composition.

Customer reviews

Alerana dandruff shampoo (customer reviews are divided) affects each person differently.

It directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the scalp in particular:

  • Within 5 years, hair fell heavily, many attempts were made to stop hair loss, various masks of traditional medicine, as well as professional tools were used. Everything was just in vain. Aleran's shampoo could not be immediately bought because of the high cost, but as soon as the product went on sale for the promotion, I decided to try. One week after application, itching caused by abundant fine dandruff. Anti-dandruff shampoo from this series I do not recommend.
  • Alerana's anti-dandruff shampoo was tried for the first time, although I heard about the products from this series for a long time. Applied masks, sprays for hair loss - there was no result. For this reason, did not dare to buy shampoo. But when the hair began to fall off, and dandruff appeared, went to the pharmacy and bought Alerana, although she did not particularly pin hopes on him. And I was wrong. This medical product made me very happy: dandruff disappeared immediately after the first use, and the fat content of the head also decreased. After 2 months, the curls began to fall off less, the skin began to breathe and the pores no longer clogged.
  • In winter, hair began to fall heavily. Only 4 months later, I realized that seborrhea was to blame. Out of habit, I combed my head to wounds and assumed that it was all nervous. Only in vain thought so. Has undergone a course of therapy against dandruff, and it is almost gone, just itching. Aleranu bought at the pharmacy by chance, as there was no commercial shampoo on offer. After the first use, the head began to itch less. After 2.5 months I forgot about my habit of scratching my head to wounds. The curls practically do not disappear anymore, 2 or 3 hairs remain on the comb. I think shampoo is the best of all that I tried to use. I will continue to use it.

The most popular analogues of shampoo Aleran dandruff:

  1. Nizoral Fights dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, fungal diseases of the scalp. The composition contains ketoconazole, which has a detrimental effect on yeast, dermatophytes. Due to the absence of sulfates in the composition, shampoo acts more efficiently.
  2. Sebosol Due to the ketoconazole in the composition copes with dandruff, updates the structure of the curls. It acts against fungus, peeling, inflammation.
  3. 911 tar tar shampoo. Helps to eliminate seborrhea, psoriasis, pruritus, peeling. Beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, reduces excess fat content of the head. The main active ingredient is tar.

Dandruff is most often provoked by nervous diseases, problems with the digestive tract, disruptions in endocrinology, for these reasons it is unrealistic to get rid of it in a short time. Aleran's dandruff treatment shampoo will help to reduce the pathological manifestation of scalp diseases in several procedures.

This fact is evidenced by reviews of trichologists and those who have experienced the product for themselves. In order to fully recover it will take some time. This will help additional high-quality hair care products from the series of medical product, as well as a balanced and fortified diet.

Dandruff shampoos

For the treatment of dandruff today developed a fairly large number of effective shampoos. With their regular use marked following positive impact:

  • strengthening hair follicles,
  • additional nourishment of drowsiness and loose strands,
  • reduction of irritation of the scalp,
  • softening, moisturizing the epidermis, hair shafts,
  • activation of blood microcirculation, normalization of hair growth,
  • launching regeneration processes in the hair follicles,
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • reduced flaking, itching.

Alerana Anti Dandruff Shampoo

In the development of this cosmetic used such Components:

  • Piroctone olamine,
  • dyspantenol,
  • mint
  • oleanolic acid
  • apigenin,
  • fortified matrican.

Product Features and Performance

Alerana effectively eliminates dandruff, restores the normal balance of the scalp, strengthens weakened rows. It is based on PROCAPIL - a complex of vitamins of plant origin, the action of which comes down to the revitalization of hair growth. You can use a cosmetic product in the treatment of dry dandruff and hair loss.

With regular application of the drug manufacturers guarantee obtaining the following effect:

  • slowing down the aging process of follicles and minimizing further hair loss,
  • normalization of blood circulation in the hair follicles, with the result that hair growth is stimulated,
  • moisturizing and nourishing the scalp,
  • stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis, strengthening the hair along the entire length and restoring the damaged structure of the strands,
  • hair gain shine and strength
  • reduced peeling and itching.

The tool has antifungal, sebiostatic and peeling effects, adversely affecting various types of yeast and yeast-like fungi, leading to the development of seborrhea.

Aleran anti-dandruff shampoo, description and properties

If you believe the description provided by the manufacturer, then this shampoo helps to fight not only with dandruff, but also with active hair loss. It is not a secret that these two negative phenomena are closely interconnected. Exfoliating skin particles in large quantities clog pores and hair follicles, as a result of which access to oxygen is blocked. The result - the hair is dull, quickly dirty, actively falls out. What action should be expected from shampoo:

  • Blocking the reproduction process of the main culprit of seborrhea - a specific fungus that causes peeling of the skin on the head
  • Elimination of flaking, normalization of oxygen access to damaged hair follicles
  • Hair growth stimulation
  • Activation of cell metabolism in hair follicles.

The composition includes antifungal active substances, components for calming irritated epidermis on the head, hair growth stimulants that have been clinically tested and have proven their effectiveness more than once. The active active ingredients in the composition of the caring drug are: procapil, piroctone olamine, dexapanthenol.

How to use the tool? First, the hair should be well moistened under running water, then a small amount of the product is applied to the wet head, as it foams well enough. After applying the shampoo massage movements distributed over the entire length of the hair, left for a few minutes, and then thoroughly washed off under a stream of warm running water. The optimal effect can be achieved only after regular use of the drug, about 2-3 times a week on a regular basis.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a rinse balm from the same caregiver series from Aleran. It should also be noted that the drug is completely safe, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, even with prolonged therapy. You can use shampoo for as long as you want. Sold in plastic bottles, with a capacity of 250 ml, has a pleasant smell and cream color.

When should we expect results from the use of

The effectiveness and speed of the result is directly proportional to the neglect of the situation. For example, if the disease lasts for years, and more than 60% is affected by the pathogen and the epidermis flakes furiously, the first results will appear no earlier than one month after the start of regular use of the cosmetic care product. In the case of an easier stage of neglect, the first manifestations are expected in two weeks. This does not mean that if improvements have begun, then therapy should be interrupted, since it is more likely that an unpleasant cosmetic phenomenon will return and you will have to restart the course of therapy.

Also, do not replace professional medical cosmetics with various traditional methods of treatment of questionable efficacy and safety. Aleran shampoo has repeatedly proved its effectiveness and speed, therapeutic components are selected in such a way as to eliminate the most likely causes of seborrhea. In some cases, the drug may not help, then you need to identify the true causes of dandruff or reconsider the tactics of use, because most often the lack of effect is due to incorrect use.

You need to make sure that the use brings the best possible efficiency. It is not enough to simply hold the cosmetic on the head, it must be carefully rubbed into the affected scalp, because the root of the problem lies in the epidermis. It is possible to enhance the effectiveness and give a lively look to damaged hair using a special Aleran mask after washing the head, which actively nourishes and nourishes depleted hair follicles from the inside, as a result of which the hair structure returns to normal, they begin to shine bright, they look healthy.

Is it economical and how much is enough? The rate of consumption of the drug rests on the individual characteristics of the user: thickness, hair length and amount of product applied. On average, if you track approximate statistics, a 250 ml tube lasts for a month of non-stop use 2-3 times a week. The average cost of shampoo per item is about 350 - 400 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive, because the market is full of competitors with 2 times the price higher and the quality is no better.

Recommended to eliminate dandruff, restore balance to the scalp and strengthen weakened hair.

About the problem. Dandruff not only causes us minor troubles - white flakes on clothes, itchy scalp, but also provokes hair loss! Dandruff impedes the access of oxygen to the hair follicles, which complicates their nutrition, reduces the viability of the follicles. Therefore, it is important, eliminating dandruff, at the same time to provide hair follicles with additional nutrition, to stimulate hair growth.

  • blocks reproduction of fungus causing dandruff
  • eliminates peeling of the scalp, increasing the access of oxygen to the hair follicles
  • stimulates cell metabolism in hair follicles
  • promotes strong and healthy hair growth


Piroctone Olamin has active antifungal properties. It blocks the reproduction of the fungus that causes dandruff, reduces itching and eliminates peeling of the scalp, increasing the access of oxygen to the hair follicles.

Procapil® * is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from the leaves of the olive tree to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves nutrition of the roots, stimulates cell metabolism in the hair follicles, activates hair growth. Procapil restores the various structures of the hair follicle to slow down the aging process.

* Procapil® - Sederma property, used with permission from Sederma.

Provitamin B5 (panthenol) has a strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged splitting ends, reduces stratification and hair loss, improves their appearance and facilitates combing. Panthenol stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increases the strength of collagen fibers.

September 22, 2018

They advised me to ALERANA Anti-dandruff Shampoo in the pharmacy. The price is certainly not small, but I decided to try. The effect is certainly not from the first use, but there was no dandruff for a couple of weeks. Loved the shampoo. Now I want to try something new from this line. Recommend.

August 23, 2018

To begin with, my problem was dandruff and brittle dyed hair, the head always remained greasy. What kind of shampoos I have not tried and how much money I spent on buying them a lot. And I turned to a dermatologist. The doctor advised me to buy Aleran shampoo at the pharmacy. He said that the shampoo is not expensive, and see the effect for yourself. And I was surprised to wash my head 1 week 3 times and already at the first use I saw, firstly dandruff diminished, secondly my head was not greasy, thirdly my dyed hair was restored and did not split and did not break. Now I think I can purchase the full range of this Aleran agent. Alerana is my salvation. My sister is struggling with the same problem, and I advised her to try to buy Aleran shampoo to try. Although she only washed her head once, but I already heard a positive verdict from her. Recommend to everyone and who will not regret the purchase of Aleran.

I liked the shampoo very much, I can not say that it is the best of all the ones I have tried, but it is really worthy! I hope that thanks to its magical properties, you can say goodbye to dandruff!

Throughout my adult life, I have been struggling with dandruff, tried many different shampoos, ranging from advertised on TV and ending with medicinal drugstores, but the effect was mild dandruff that came back again and again, besides the aesthetic side of the question, it should be noted that dandruff is expressed by a number of very unpleasant symptoms.
Having tried "ALERANA Anti-dandruff Shampoo", the itching of the scalp disappeared first, along with other symptoms, then, literally within a month, the dandruff disappeared. Of course, the price is high, I think, but it's worth it.
I apply this shampoo regularly and forget dandruff, like a bad dream.

The shampoo has a pleasant aroma, it foams well and is easily washed off the hair. A week later, indeed, dandruff becomes less.

September 16, 2017

After unsuccessful shampoo noticed itchy scalp and dandruff. The first thing I did was go to the pharmacy. There were lots of tools on the window, but I decided to make my choice in favor of the already proven brand - Alerana anti-dandruff shampoo. The shampoo has a pleasant texture and smell, thick and economical. After soaping, kept the shampoo on the hair for another 3-5 minutes. The itch disappeared after the first use, and I forgot about dandruff in a week, but I continued to use shampoo as a prophylactic. I advise this tool to anyone who is faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as dandruff. Special components in the composition are struggling with a fungus that causes dandruff, eliminates itching, removes the peeling of the scalp. Hair after application looks healthy and beautiful. After the course of this shampoo, the hair got stronger, began to fall out less. Good and effective tool!

August 19, 2017

Dandruff - an unpleasant thing - put on a suit, and after half an hour on his shoulders already white grains. They say that this is a disease of the scalp, I didn’t go into particular details, but just in case I tried several shampoos against this phenomenon. To be honest, the effect was so weak that I simply did not notice it. My girlfriend with me on the same wavelength, feels that I worry and get upset, and then one day before going to the shower she gives me Aleran shampoo against dandruff. I doubt it is honest. But after the third application, the effect appeared, and did not disappear with time.
I decided that I would try other products of your production, Vertex company can be trusted! They fulfill what they promise. It's my opinion.

02 August 2017

I want to share with you dear readers my story about the "miraculous" anti-dandruff remedy, ALERANA shampoo.
For several years, had problems with dandruff! How many shampoos and traditional medicine products have been tested during this time! But almost no effect they brought, dandruff continued to form. And then one day, after reading the forum, I came across an interesting review in which they spoke very highly of the Aleran shampoo. Since this all started. Running around the pharmacies and shops, I still found the coveted shampoo. The price at that time was 384 rubles for 250 ml. Already the first applications began to give a positive effect. The itching of the scalp began to disappear, dandruff began to crumble much less. After a month and a half, I discovered that she was completely gone. It was just awesome. The problem I struggled with for several years was finally solved. This shampoo not only relieved me of dandruff, but also greatly improved the condition of my hair.I have been using it for the past two months and am very pleased.

I started searching for anti-dandruff shampoo for my husband. I used to use a fairly well-known shampoo, but recently I became unhappy with it. I do not know, but dandruff appears again and again, and besides, sometimes there is a slight reddening in the hairline. I remembered that there is in my favorite line of Aleran shampoos, I also have shampoo for dandruff, of course I bought it right there. Surprisingly literally, at 2 washing of hair, he didn’t have any redness! And now there is no trace of dandruff. Really healing shampoo turned out to be. Husband delighted with dandruff NO.

Now I am not even surprised at the result, because I know about the quality of Vertex products. I sat down, as they say, on the shampoo my wife uses - Alerana for dandruff. And not that I had a lot of dandruff, mostly just pollution, but the effect is good! I work with construction and finishing materials; even a cap does not save from construction dust; apparently, the scalp apparently irritates and scratches from it. He began to wash this shampoo every evening - and gradually my sorrows evaporated. The head is fresh, the hair is clean, the itch has disappeared, though now I have to buy shampoo more often - I really like it and my wife! I can not express my admiration! I specifically chose the time for this to share my impressions - I am very grateful for this shampoo!

Tsyganova Tatiana

This shampoo ordered for me beloved husband here in the club Vertex. He knew that I had not been able to find the right means for myself for about three years. You buy a brand-name, expensive fragrance, fabulous, manufacturers promise "golden mountains", as a result, itching, dandruff and emotional irritation. Shampoo, too, can not be thrown away with our modest incomes - it was necessary to “dawn”, and this did not add to joy in life either.
And the long-awaited package wrapped! A modest but stylishly designed bottle, a little “medicinal”, pharmacy smell. Well, I have nothing to be afraid of - there will definitely be no worse! My head, dry land. No, the itch from the first time did not pass, of course, and dandruff did not instantly disappear. But it became easier. After the second time it is still easier. The hair shone, became more "light", or something, smooth and silky, did not become "fatty" so quickly. In general, I think I found what I was looking for! And I once again heartily thank the Vertex company that has already become dear and close for this wonderful shampoo.

From the beginning of February, I started ALERANA Vitamin-mineral complex was taken, as it is written in the instructions: one morning one evening. And ALERANA Anti-dandruff Shampoo was used 2 times a week. I noticed the first results in early March. And a nice bonus was that the hair began to fall less. Now I use the second package of vitamin, but the shampoo is enough for the first bottle. Now dandruff is almost gone, but I decided to use this shampoo until I completely solve the problem.

Terebova Svetlana

Received another shampoo for points. I use it for several days, and I can conclude that this is the best among Aleran's shampoos that I have tested. From the purchase or order of this shampoo kept his appointment, against dandruff, because I never had it. Therefore, I cannot say how it affects this, but as a shampoo it performs all the functions: it perfectly cleans, does not wash out the dye from dyed hair, does not dry the hair, foams well and has a wonderful smell. Due to its density, shampoo is consumed very sparingly. In principle, all these properties have the rest of the shampoos, but for some reason I liked this one the most. I'd like to try another shampoo for dry hair and "Intensive nutrition."

February 15, 2016

Kuksin Andrey

I suffered from dandruff for half a year. Dandruff not only causes us minor troubles - white flakes on clothes, itchy scalp, but also provokes hair loss! Dandruff impedes the access of oxygen to the hair follicles, which complicates their nutrition, reduces the viability of the follicles. I applied a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, intensively massaging my scalp and leaving it for at least 3 minutes, washed it off with warm water. Regularly applied shampoo for 2.5 months. It's good that the shampoo is suitable for long-term use, which helped me get rid of dandruff for a long time! Procapil contained in olive tree shampoo strengthened and prevented my hair from falling out, strengthened the blood circulation in the scalp, improved the nutrition of the roots, stimulated cellular metabolism in hair follicles , slowed the aging process and activated my hair growth.
Pirokton Olamin blocked the reproduction of the fungus that causes dandruff, reduced itching and eliminated the peeling of the scalp, increasing the access of oxygen to the hair follicles.
Provitamin B5 (panthenol) moistened, restored the hair structure and damaged split ends, reduced stratification and hair loss, improved their appearance and facilitated combing. Now my hair looks healthy and beautiful. Thank you Aleran!

Hello! Bought shampoo at the pharmacy on the advice of the seller. For a long time I was worried about dandruff on some parts of the head. After several times the use of shampoo dandruff passed and itching does not.

Clinical indicators

In the course of research on Aleran dandruff shampoo, it was found that after regular use, hair loss is reduced by 87% after 1.5 months. The number of hairs that have gone over to the stage of active growth, the number of hairs per unit area (thickness of hair) and the total thickness of hairs also increased.

Price and release form

The shampoo is supplied in plastic bottles of 250 ml, manufacturer Vertex, Russia. Price ranges from $ 6 per bottle. It is recommended to store at a temperature not higher than 25 ° С in places inaccessible for children. Expiration date 24 months from the date of production indicated on the package.

Based on the individual characteristics of a particular organism, factors causing dandruff and hair loss in a particular case, there is a possibility that the effect of Aleran shampoo may be partial, or else it will not exist. However, most of the reviews for this drug are positive or neutral, patients report a significant improvement in the condition of the scalp and hair, reduced itching and flaking. Although there are negative, when people did not get the expected effect.

Alerana dandruff shampoo is worth a try if you are currently looking for something new and not too aggressive from dandruff and suffer from moderate hair loss.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that Aleran Shampoo is a medicinal product, so before using it you should consult with your doctor.

What is this remedy?

Weakened, thinned, brittle, falling in large quantities of hair in need of careful care. A series of popular remedies for their treatment and restoration “Alerana” was developed by the pharmaceutical company “Vertex”, which has twenty years of experience. The products of this brand include prophylactic and restorative shampoos, balms, vitamin complexes, masks, serums and growth stimulants, tonics and sprays. The line consists of more than 15 titles.

All products of the series help prevent hair loss and stimulate their growth. Formulations combine the active components, the effectiveness of which is clinically proven, and folk remedies, plant extracts, oils that help to cure hair. A common problem today is baldness. Balsams-sprays with two-percent and five-percent content of minoxidil are recommended for the treatment of enhanced hair loss and age-related baldness.

Why choose Aleran products?

  • Special tools designed specifically to solve problems associated with hair loss.
  • Formulations are modern and effective.
  • The composition includes natural growth stimulants.
  • In a wide range, everyone can find products according to the type of hair.
  • Both active treatment products and supportive agents are present.
  • The effectiveness of the components is proven by clinical trials.
  • Funds do not apply to hormonal drugs.

Dandruff Shampoo "Alerana"

It has a triple effect: eliminates the fungus that causes dandruff, strengthens the hair, restores skin balance. Antifungal properties are due to the content of the active substance piroctone olamine in the composition of the products of the "Aleran" line. Dandruff shampoo, reviews of which confirm its effectiveness, stops the process of reproduction of fungi, eliminates itching, peeling. Pirocton provides access of oxygen to the hair follicles.

Heals the hair and restores the cells of the dexpanthenol bulbs contained in the Aleran product. Dandruff shampoo, reviews of which indicate the revitalization of hair growth, even in balding people, provides nourishment and softens the scalp. The composition includes herbal ingredients with vitamins, combined into a complex: matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from the leaves of olive trees. How does the combination of these substances strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss?

Components stimulate the production of a matrix that strengthens the hair. At the same time, microcirculation of the blood in the scalp is enhanced, the nutrition and metabolism of the hair follicles are improved. With the help of active substances, hair follicles are restored, their aging slows down. It does not just heal the scalp, but also restores the hair structure “Alerana” anti-dandruff shampoo. Consumer reviews confirm that the peeling, loss gradually pass, and the growth of curls accelerates.

Shampoo for nutrition

It is the thin and dull hair most prone to loss. They need meticulous care. For this, the shampoo “Alerana: intensive nutrition” was developed. The reviews about him are mostly positive. Consumers say that it quickly restores hair, making it strong and shiny. A nutritional basis for weak hair and their roots is a complex of natural substances. Its components: matricin, apigenin, acid from olive leaves - stimulate hair growth. In the scalp, cells are restored, microblood circulation improves, and substances that strengthen hair are synthesized. Not just restores damage, and shampoo prevents the aging of hair from the loss of "Aleran."

Customer reviews indicate the effectiveness of the nutrient. It contains keratin, jojoba oil, lecithin and dexpanthenol. What effect do they have on hair? Keratin is used to nourish hair rods. Strength and shine appear due to the clutch of scales on the hair. To soften and moisturize selected jojoba oil. It strengthens the hair cuticle, gives volume. Components of lecithin restore split ends, make hair elastic, silky. Dexpanthenol acts on the bulb from the inside, normalizing the metabolism of the scalp.

Thus, heals the curls, improving their appearance, effective shampoo against the loss of "Aleran." Product reviews can help navigate the line of tools offered by Vertex.

Balm conditioner

Faster use of hair such as shampoo and Aleran balsam allows normalizing the condition of the hair. Reviews indicate that this product has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before using it is important to read not only the instructions for use, but also any available information.

Balsam "Alerana" can be called an additional hair care product, based on a number of extracts and natural ingredients. Nettle and burdock prevent fragility, make hair strong and healthy. Tansy and horsetail help to restore shine along the entire length and relieve fungi. Eliminate damage and strengthen the scales allows the presence of keratin. Panthenol is used to moisturize and restore. It starts the mechanism of collagen synthesis, elastin. Collagen fibers are strengthened, due to which the hair gains a healthy look, stops falling and splits. Damage and split ends disappear. Wheat proteins also contribute to nutrition and recovery. Balm makes combing easy and returns the natural strength of the curls.

Alerana shampoo for oily and combination hair

Unhealthy strands need constant support. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands at the same time becomes another problem, prompting the consumer to look for a remedy that affects the hair and skin in the complex. Popular shampoos "Alerana", reviews of which are found everywhere, return natural strength to oily and combination hair.

The formula of shampoo contains active substances of natural origin. To prevent loss, gentle care and stimulate growth in its composition is present tea tree, which eliminates dandruff. The strength and strength of the hair gives burdock extract and nettle. Wormwood and chestnut help to normalize the function of the glands, to calm and refresh the skin. Sage relieves inflammation, soothes irritated skin. Panthenol is used to moisturize, soften and treat split ends, and wheat proteins are used as an additional source of nutrients.

Natural and natural growth activators are the main basis of such a product as Aleran hair shampoo. Reviews of many consumers talk about the effectiveness of the product line, but the result, as a rule, does not come immediately, but only after 3-4 months of using the company's products.

Men's shampoo for daily use

Daily men's shampoo "Alerana" is recommended for the care of damaged hair. With high intensity of loss and thinning, complex drugs are required. The natural protection of hair is created by special natural components that stimulate their growth, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and eliminate dandruff.

Shampoos "Alerana", reviews of which are worth studying, making a decision on the purchase of funds, contain mainly natural additives and oils. The action of burdock extract is to enhance the metabolism, prevent loss, stimulate growth. As a result, the hair becomes healthy, shine appears. As a firming and normalizing agent, tea tree oil is used - natural antiseptic. Sage promotes healing skin. The secretion of glands is normal, the hair remains clean and fresh longer. Witch hazel is necessary in the composition to soften, nourish the skin, relieve irritation and peeling, narrow pores. Niacinamide is one of the active ingredients added to Aleran hair shampoo. Feedback from specialists about this substance is extremely positive. Niacinamide is used to moisturize, stimulate blood circulation, saturate hair and skin with oxygen molecules.

Men's shampoo for active growth

The company offers a tool designed not just to strengthen the weak male hair, but to reverse the processes of intensive thinning and hair loss. Shampoo not only enriches hair with natural growth activators, but improves skin tone, normalizes sebaceous gland secretion.

Nutrition, regeneration and activation of growth - this is the aim of the Aleran line of products. Male shampoo reviews wins the best. Consumers suggest that the tool helps well in the initial stages of baldness. It contains extracts of chestnut wood, sage, burdock and ginseng.Burdock prevents thinning, speeding up metabolic processes, returns natural properties to hair. Sage and rosemary help to improve the skin, normalize skin secretions, remove the fungus. Ginseng and chestnut improve skin tone, blood circulation, strengthening hair follicles, prevent hair loss. A similar effect is also found in tea tree oil. In addition, it is a natural antiseptic and destroys fungi. The active substance niacinamide is included in the formula of the shampoo. It nourishes the hair with oxygen, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The activation of curl growth is associated with an improvement in blood circulation in the skin as a result of the regular use of Aleran brand products. Shampoo for men (reviews confirm its effectiveness) - one of the best products in the line.

In order to prevent loss of hair and male-pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia), Aleran spray is used. Applying it externally to problem areas of the head improves blood flow, translates the follicles into the growth phase, reduces the effect of androgens on them and the formation of dehydrosterone, which causes baldness.

The leading active ingredient in the spray is minoxidil. It is not added to Aleran shampoos. Reviews of the drug tell about the specifics of its action: at the initial stage of application, the spray can provoke enhanced hair loss, which is then updated. Results appear after 3-4 months with daily application twice a day. Depending on the intensity of the action, a two percent and five percent spray is isolated. The choice depends on the degree of baldness. Five percent faster stimulates the growth of hair, but it can manifest side effects: facial hair growth and others. Therefore, the selection of the drug is recommended under the recommendation of a doctor.

Minoxidil has a powerful effect on hair follicles, but does not eliminate the causes of baldness. The problem of follicle damage by dihydrotestosterone (a form of the male sex hormone) is laid on the gene level. Minoxidil blocks the destructive effect of the hormone, but if you stop using the drug, hair degeneration may resume. In addition, the spray improves blood flow to the hair sacs, increases blood flow. Strengthening and nutrition creates an environment for the growth of healthy curls.

Apply the spray should be strictly according to the instructions. It is applied only to the damaged areas of the head in an amount of not more than two milliliters at a time. After the procedure, you should always wash your hands, only after that you can touch the face.

"Alerana" (shampoo). Price, consumer reviews

The reason for the majority of negative reviews about the means of "Aleran" is the wrong application, disregard of the instruction. Before applying it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and carefully read the product description. Consumers complain of increased hair loss after using the products. The possibility of this is also indicated in the instructions. The fact is that hair renewal begins after 2-6 weeks of regular use of the drug, which is accompanied in some cases by increased loss of damaged curls.

Many negative reviews about Alerana shampoo against hair loss are associated with problems of allergies, intolerance to certain cosmetic components, such as Minoxidil. Some medicines, especially sprays, are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, people under eighteen years old and the elderly. Contraindicated use for dermatoses and disorders of the skin. Cosmetics (shampoos, serums, masks) do not contain minoxidil, therefore they do not have such strict limitations.

The misuse of the Aleran line of products also leads consumers to frustration. This applies to the use of spray with shampoo and balm by people with relatively healthy hair only to accelerate their growth or due to lack of vitamins. Many people buy shampoos, sprays of this brand on the recommendation of friends, relatives, on the advice of a hairdresser or pharmacist. This is a completely wrong approach. In order to select the appropriate means, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications, to understand the causes of hair loss, to establish the degree of baldness. This can be done only with a trichologist.

Prices for cosmetics "Alerana" are very affordable. The cost of shampoos is two hundred or three hundred rubles. Prices for sprays, masks, serums and other drugs to accelerate hair growth are also quite acceptable. Foreign counterparts from the United States or Europe are much more expensive. In general, cosmetics are very effective, but their application requires patience. Problems with hair are solved only after a couple of months of constant use, during this period, as a rule, the hair falls out very strongly. The result can be seen only after four to five months. Hair treatment is a long process that can take more than a year.

How does

Alerana shampoo for dandruff belongs to the category of medical cosmetics, which means that you will not be able to purchase it on the shelves of the stores, it is sold exclusively in pharmacies.

As you know, dandruff appears due to malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands, namely due to excessive sebum secretion. Due to the special composition of Aleran anti-dandruff medicinal cosmetics:

  • improves skin regeneration,
  • fungal spores are eliminated,
  • the frequent desire to scratch your head disappears,
  • hair falls out less
  • the curls are moistened, so less are split.

Attention! Therapeutic shampoo is suitable for treating oily hair types, as it perfectly removes sebum. It also moisturizes the dry dermis, but, unfortunately, adversely affects the hair color, making them dull.

Composition and benefits

The anti-dandruff shampoo contains procapil, a symbiosis of herbal ingredients that:

  • have an antibacterial effect on the dermis of the head, eliminating the fungus, ticks and other microorganisms,
  • stimulate hair growth,
  • improve blood microcirculation, which, in turn, helps to obtain useful substances for each hair bulb,
  • stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level,
  • spend feeding curls.

The active ingredient of the remedy is menthol.which relieves itching and irritation, and also eliminates inflammatory processes. Another useful property of menthol is that it is able to work the sebaceous glands, which is very important in the fight against dandruff.

Panthenol ensures shine to your curls. Hair color becomes expressive, and the hair gets a well-groomed look, as if after visiting the salon. Pleasant floral fragrance will give your curls a sweet aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to user feedback after applying the shampoo, the skin begins to breathe. Due to the fact that the excess sebum is removed, the pressure on the hair is reduced, so the loss is minimized.


  • easy to use
  • suitable for daily use
  • really relieves dandruff
  • the hair after washing stays clean for a long time
  • is relatively inexpensive.

Among the shortcomings can be identified that the tool is not for everyone. Most user reviews appear in a positive way, but there are those who note the lack of effect or unjustified expectations.

It should be noted that if the causes of dandruff is improper diet, constant stress or hormonal disturbances, then you will not be able to overcome the aesthetic cosmetic method.

Note, observed overdrying of curls, as well as the loss of their color. Therefore, users claim that shampoo is suitable for fatty curls, but not for dry ones.

The price of anti-dandruff shampoo ALERANA absolutely does not bite. On average, at different pharmacies, the cost is about 400 rubles for a capacity of 250 ml. The contents of the bottle with regular use three times a week is enough for you for 1-2 months depending on the length of hair.

Perhaps someone claimed the price seems high, but you must not forget that we are not considering beauty cosmetics, and medical shampoo. To save 10% of the cost of goods, order the tool in the online store.

Alerana Shampoo does not contain lauryl sulfate, which adversely affects your curls.

How to use

To properly use the tool, follow our tips:

  1. Lightly moisten your hair first.
  2. In one palm, pour a little shampoo, and the other bring it to the state of foam.
  3. Now feel free to apply the resulting mass on the skin of the head, thoroughly rubbing into the dermis with massage movements. The tool should foam even more.
  4. Wait 2-3 minutes for shampoo to take effect. Spread the product over the entire hair length.
  5. Rinse well with normal running water.
  6. It is recommended to use a rinse balm from the same series - it will give shine, obedience and silkiness to your curls.

An important point! Do not forget about the most important rule: keep the shampoo on the scalp for a few minutes - the longer the better, because the active ingredients must be absorbed into the dermis and disinfect its surface.

Effect of the procedure

The effect of the use of Aleran shampoo from dandruff directly depends on the stage of seborrheic dermatitis.

If the ill-fated white scales occupy about 60% of the skin of the head, while suffering from this disease for more than a year, the correct use of the therapeutic suspension minimizes the manifestations of dandruff in a month.

In the case when the disease is at the initial stage, you can get rid of the white powder after a couple of weeks have passed.

Traditional medicine significantly loses Alerana medicated shampoo. No mask, oil, sea salt or beet juice will cope with the ill-fated disease as quickly as professional cosmetics.

Thus, the acquisition of medical cosmetics Aleran from the anti-dandruff series is the right solution for those who have oily scalp. The tool must be used regularly for a long period to achieve the expected effect.


Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).