
Braid around the head


Weaving complex braids itself is considered to be very difficult. But experience, you see, plays a huge role in the affairs of beauty. Therefore, read our master class and test it for yourself.

Step 1. Comb your hair with a comb.

Step 2. In the upper part of the head we separate the hair strand and divide it into three equal parts.

Step 3. We leave Strand No. 1 between Strands No. 2 and No. 3.

Step 4. We put Strand No. 3 between Strand No. 1 and Strand No. 2.

Step 5. We place Strand No. 2 between Strands No. 3 and No. 1. Immediately grab a small strand on the right and attach it to the weave.

Step 6. We put the outer strand in the middle and again add a bunch of hair, but on the left. Carefully ensure that the side strands were the same thickness, otherwise the hair will turn ugly.

Step 7. Repeat the two previous points, continuing to weave to the base of the neck.

Step 8. The remaining hair is braided into a regular braid. The tip is tied with a rubber band.

This version of the French braid is considered the easiest. If you can master it, then you can certainly conquer other variations on the spikelet.

French cone opposite

The scheme of weaving of the spike, on the contrary, may itself look complicated, but in practice everything will be very easy.

  1. Carefully comb hair so that during weaving they are not tangled.
  2. We separate a small strand in the upper part of the head and divide it into three identical sections.
  3. Grab the first curl (preferably left) and start it down under the two remaining strands.
  4. We get the third strand under the first and second, that is, weave a pigtail inside.
  5. We repeat these steps again, picking up additional strands (small or large) from the right and from the left.
  6. We adhere to this principle until the end of the length of the hair, and fix the tip with a rubber band.
  7. Want to make a spike more voluminous? Just gently stretch the strands with your hands.

Lush spike on its side

Spikelet does not necessarily have in the middle of the head. With our tips, you can easily braid him on the side and create a romantic image.

  1. Comb your hair with a comb.
  2. We share the hair with an oblique vertical parting.
  3. In the part that will be more, we separate the thin strand and divide it into three equal sections.
  4. We begin to weave the usual three-row braid.
  5. On the third weave we connect the side strands to the spikelet. We seize them from above, then from below.

Step 6. We reach the ear lobe and hold the tip of the pigtail with our hand.

Step 7. The hair in the opposite part of the head is twisted into a bundle with your free hand. Moving towards the spit.

Step 8. We connect both parts and weave locks in the fishtail technique.

At the exit, the side spike should turn out to be disheveled and voluminous, so that you do not have to worry about the accuracy of weaving.

A few more fashionable options for weaving braids:

Braid around the head

To begin with, it is necessary to treat the hair with a fixative (lacquer, gel or foam of strong fixation), both should be combed and divided into two equal parts, having a clear parting in the middle of the head.

How to braid a braid

Further, both parts of the hair weave into spikelets. To do this, you need to separate one strand in front, and then divide it into three equal parts, in order to begin to braid an ordinary pigtail.

How to braid a braid

As we move sideways and backward, when intertwined, we seize small adjacent strands and weave them into a braid, after which, having reached the back of the head, we stop and do the same from the opposite side.

Braid weave

Resulting braid around the head connects at the back of the head, weaves into one braid along the length of the remaining hair and is fixed with varnish.

Braid weave

Hair, if desired, can be decorated with beautiful hairpins, flowers or beads.

Braid weave

Here is an example for you, as quickly and easily as possible, to create for yourself an image of an ancient Greek goddess, to whom all the views of admiring men will be riveted.

Spikelet Spikelet on the head Hairstyles with braids Hairstyles with braids Beautiful hairstyles Beautiful hairstyles Beautiful hairstyles Hairstyles with weaving Hairstyles with weaving Hairstyles with weaving

How to braid spike itself

  • Brush your hair before braiding to smooth out any nodules.
  • Gather the hair at the top of the head.
  • Starting at the hairline around the face, divide the strands into three equal parts. Hold the right section in your right hand, your left hand in your left hand and the middle strand between your thumb and other finger of any hand.
  • To begin weaving, cross the right section over the middle part, then repeat this move on the left side, pulling the hair down when you weave. Pull up the sections so that they intersect rather tightly. Then, if you wish, you can loosen the weaving by making the braid smaller or more careless.
  • Before repeating the cross section with the right section, collect some hair on the right side of the head and add them to this strand, now you need to twist this large part of the hair with the middle part of the braid.

Tip: make sure the hair you are adding is approximately equal or the braid will look lopsided.

In a hurry: hairstyles that you can repeat yourself in 5 minutes

  • Add hair to the left section of the spikelet, gathering a small area (equal to the size of the one you just collected on the other side) of the remaining hair on the left side of the head, and cross it over the middle part.
  • So continue to weave to the head, then you should cross the hair, as in a regular braid.
  • Secure the braid with a small silicone rubber band. To add volume to the weave, hold the tip of the spikelet and gently pull out the sections.

If you want to braid a spikelet over it, cross the strands not above the middle section, but under it. This is the principle of weaving fashionable boxing braids.

Tip: Slightly dirty hair glides better, making it easier to weave. And so that the hairstyle does not seem dirty, use a dry shampoo, which will also give the hairstyle volume.

Pros and cons hairstyles

Its advantages are:

  • comfort - hair does not break up and do not climb into the eyes,
  • universality - this hairstyle will be appropriate both in the office, everyday life, and in solemn occasions,
  • ease of execution - you can braid such a braid yourself.

This hairstyle has disadvantages:

  • owners curly curls will need to straighten them in order to braid,
  • also have to moisturize and smooth scattering hair, as the braid will decay,
  • it is difficult to hold the main braid and at the same time pick up the side strands.

But in order to avoid difficulties in weaving, it is necessary to practice a little.

Step by step weaving instructions for yourself

Any hairstyle to make yourself problematic. But you can simplify the process by sitting between two mirrors so that you can see the back of the head and arm.

Now we should begin the process of weaving:

  1. Separate the hair at the crown.
  2. Divide it into three strands.
  3. Skip the first strand on the left side between the other two.
  4. Then do the same on the right side.
  5. We now place the unused strand between the rest. At the same time, grabbing a small portion of loose hair on the left side and adding to the weave.
  6. The same is done on the right side.
  7. In the same way, the cone is woven to the neck or depending on the length of the hair.
  8. Further the usual braid braids, and tips gather an elastic band.

To hairstyle looked neat and beautiful, you need to capture the same thickness of the strand on both sides.

An interesting method of weaving spikelet on its side, and not in the middle. For this you need:

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. From the most part of the head of hair on the right side, separate a small strand approximately 5 cm wide and divide it into three sections.
  3. At first a regular braid is woven.
  4. In the third step, the side strands are woven, which are captured alternately, now to the right, then to the left.
  5. Reaching the neck level, turn the weave to the left.
  6. Add it to the left ear, collect all the hair and continue to weave the usual braid, depending on their length.
  7. Loose tips to collect a rubber band.

Since this type of spikelet is more susceptible to disintegration, before fixing weaving, you can apply a little fixative to the hair.

Around the head

This type of hairstyle collects all the hair mass completely and is woven as follows:

  1. Circular parting is done from the middle of the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. The center point of the hairstyle is determined; for this, equal intervals from the frontal and cervical part of the head to the top are measured.
  3. Weaving of the spike begins from the center point of the forehead, but the strands are picked up only from the outside of the spiral.
  4. At the end of the last row, reaching the necessary place, weave a regular pigtail.
  5. Collect the ends with an elastic band and hide under the lower circle of the braid, hold it under it for as long as it is enough, and then hide it.

Unraveling such a braid, you get beautiful and persistent curls, almost a new ready hairstyle.

Twisted spikelet

The method of weaving this type of hair has the following sequence:

  1. Choose a strand at the top of the head and divided into three parts.
  2. Grab the first lock on the left side and bring it down under the other two.
  3. The third strand to bring under the first and second, it turns weaving inside.
  4. Again these steps are done, but free strands are selected right and left.
  5. Further weaves along the same pattern to the end of the hair, the ends are fixed.

To get a spit volume, you need to slightly stretch the strands.

Hairstyle 2 spikelets

This is a more complicated option than weaving one braid, as it weaves twice as long. But to be beautiful, you need to work hard and take the following steps:

  1. Divide the hair in an even parting into two equal parts.
  2. On the one hand to collect the hair mass in the tail and remove.
  3. On the other hand, divide the strand mentally into 3 sections.
  4. The first, on the left side, is laid in the middle between the other two.
  5. The third is to shift between the second and the first.
  6. Then repeat the steps, but already adding hair from the sides, forming a spikelet.
  7. Pull the braid to the end and pull off with a rubber band.
  8. Do the same with the other part of the hair.

You can collect braids in a bun, and you get an elegant hairstyle.

Features weaving spikelet baby

When braiding the braids to a girl, you need to take into account some of the nuances, namely:

  • children are restless, so they can sit for about 15 minutes and during this time you need to have time to do your hair,
  • you can not braid your hair tightly, because your child’s head may ache,
  • if curls are disobedient, they can be moistened only with water - no gels, varnishes and mousses.

Therefore it is necessary to choose simple types of weaving that are woven quickly.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a spikelet for a child in a few minutes:

  1. First you need to moisten the hair with warm water and comb it with a soft comb.
  2. Select the strand, starting from the forehead and divide it into three sections.
  3. At first, the usual braid is braided, then the left strand intersects with the central one.
  4. Further strands are woven on the right, then on the left side.
  5. You can finish the weave in the neck and collect the remaining hair with a rubber band.

If you managed to make this hairstyle, you can go to her complicated look. For example, braid two spikelets. For this you need:

  1. Divide the hair into two strands evenly parted.
  2. Do not touch one side, but weave a spikelet on the other, as described above.
  3. Then do the same on the other side.

Having learned to weave this hairstyle, you should try a more complicated option - to braid a cone around your head:

  1. Separate the strand near the ear.
  2. To braid the braid along the line of the forehead to the next ear, braiding the loose strands.
  3. Weave around your head.
  4. Braid the rest of your hair into a regular pigtail and hide inside the spikelet.
  5. Fix stealth.

Using the same weaving technique, but braiding the braid tightly, grabbing thin strands or weakly, weaving curls larger, the hairstyle will look different. The first option is suitable for young ladies, and the second is careless - it will be better to look at adult ladies.

How to braid a spikelet: a step-by-step instruction for beginners: 2 comments

Since my childhood I know how to weave a spikelet, they often turn to me for help in this matter, but I myself could not weave such beauty, but after watching the video I understood the reason why I couldn’t do anything and I gave up this occupation At the beginning - the Mirror, I did it in front of the mirror and it constantly seemed to me that I was doing something wrong. But without a mirror, she could cope with this task without any problems.

For weaving spikelet you will need:

  • foam or mousse for hair
  • hairbrush with a thin tail
  • elastic
  • hair spray

First, carefully comb your hair so that the separation of the strands does not cause labor. Apply foam or mousse to hair, spread over the entire length. This is not an obligatory step, but with a styling tool your spikelet will look neater and last longer!
Next, using the tail of the comb, separate the small strand of hair at the very top of the head.

Divide this strand into three parts and designate for yourself the number of each strand: 1, 2 and 3.

Throw a strand number 3 on the second, and the first goes on top between the strands 2 and 3.

Now strand number 2 is between the second and the third. Then continue all the same, but each time grab a new strand from the side of the head.

Visual scheme of weaving:

Among the huge variety of braids and braids, the spit cone won great popularity. But, and for this braid, there is a special kind of weaving. This hairstyle spikelet on the contrary, which trudges pretty quickly, and the view is very effective.

The return spikelet can be braided independently, which is not a complicated process, as it may seem initially. Weaving braids on the contrary, on hair with different lengths - whether long, or medium length hair. The main basis of weaving is the traditional braid, on the contrary.

In order for the braid to be even and beautifully looked, one should draw in imagination a line that runs from the beginning of the forehead to the back of the head, and weave constantly along the conventional line. This braid is a variety of everyday hairstyles, both for home and work. To better understand how to weave a spikelet, you can watch a video, or use an option like weaving scheme with detailed step by step photos

How to braid spike vice versa

Before weaving a spikelet on the contrary, it is necessary to carefully comb the hair, so that when weaving, they are not confused, separating a strand of hair from the top of the head.

The strand that came out should be divided again, but into three equal parts of the hair. In weaving, you can use both large strands and strands smaller, it depends on what is expected to get in the end.

Weaving a spikelet, on the contrary, is better to start on the left.

It is necessary to capture the first curl and bring it down, under the other two strands, so that it passes under the second and third curl. We perform the same exact manipulations with the third strand, driving it under the second and first strands. This is how weave inside turns out, that is, on the contrary.

The next stage of weaving will be the involvement of additional curls in the process technology, which will be taken from the temples, then from the left, then from the right side in turn, which in turn will also go under the main braid.

Adhering to this principle, weaving should be carried out until the end of the hair and fix the resulting spikelet using the hair elastic.

Give the volume of spit spike

If desired, if anyone wants a pigtail cone to acquire a more voluminous shape, you need to slightly pull out the resulting spikelets in the braid, in the direction from the bottom to the top. When you can figure out how to braid a spike on the contrary, you can confidently braid such a pigtail, while showing your imagination and using experiments, weave in different directions.

Without a doubt, the spit of a spit will look very festive and luxurious, if you use various decorative things as its ornaments. Then she may well be chosen as a cone hairstyle at the prom.

Video how to weave a spike contrary

Spikelet can rightly be called a universal hairstyle, for almost every age. It is relevant both in everyday life and at a festive event. Suitable for short and long hair.

Braid spikelet can be a variety of ways and get the original hairstyle. Just a couple of practices and you can learn how to braid the spike itself in different ways.

Method One: Classic

This is the basic method of weaving hair into a spikelet, which is performed elementarily.

The simplicity of the technique allows one to weave a spike without the help of a friend or a hairdresser.

A simple spike is woven from the top of the head to the end with the gradual interweaving of all the hair into one braid. The tip of the tail can be fixed with a rubber band or decorate it with a barrette.

Spikelet can be both an independent hairstyle and its element. And depending on the reason for which he weaves, the spikelet can be braided with a smooth combed hair and a tight braid, or freely, with a certain mess. The last option is a real trend of modern hairstyle.

Technique of weaving a simple spikelet:

  1. Comb the washed hair, comb it back and at the top divide into two strands of the same size - the central strand and the two side ones.
  2. Cross the side strands alternately with the center strand. At the same time, the central strand should always be central. It does not cross, the side strands cross with it.
  3. For each new intersection, take strands from both sides, as if adding them to the braid.
  4. Weave the spikelet until the very end, until all the strands are woven into the spikelet.
  5. At the end fix the hair with a barrette.

Even this simple spikelet, braided in the classical way, has various variations.

For example, you can begin to weave a spikelet not from the crown itself, but from the middle of the head. You can leave strands that will frame your face. Such a spike is suitable for romantic girls.

  • Tip 1. To make the spikelet neat, and it was easy to weave it, hold the braid with your thumbs, and pick up additional strands with your little fingers. So you quickly braid a beautiful pigtail.
  • Tip 2. If the hair is not obedient, sprinkle it with a moisturizing spray or any other styling agent, comb the hair well and begin to weave. As a result, you can easily braid a neat cone without “roosters”.

Method Two: To Yourself

Weaving a spike to itself is not a difficult task. Just need a little practice and patience. It’s worth the effort, because you don’t have to wait for your girlfriend when she can braid your hair, and you can save money on a trip to the hairdresser’s.

For the first attempts at weaving the spikelet, a side spikelet made of thin strands will suit itself. Weaving technique is similar to the classical method, but there are some nuances.

The technique of weaving the side spike itself:

  1. Hair comb back. In the upper part select three identical strands.
  2. Alternately twist the strands, imposing first the right, then the left strand on the central strand.
  3. To each side strand add thin strands on the appropriate side and interlace them, overlaying them on the central strand.
  4. Repeat the described steps, dopple braid to the end.

The result will be a thin tight pigtail, which is just pin up with hairpins and jewelry. The length of the tail is determined at its discretion. But you can also completely weave the tail from the side and secure with a voluminous barrette.

  • Tip 1. In order to easily braid the spikelet itself, always slightly moisten the hair with water or a styling spray. This will smooth the disobedient strands and will not allow the spit to disintegrate. In addition, this approach will help to separate strands of the same size and gently twist them.
  • Tip 2. The thinner the additional strands, the more elegant the pigtail is. If you need a more "chaotic" option, then you need to take strands thicker and weave the braid is not tight. The result is a fashion trend - vanilla spikelet.
  • Tip 3. Experiment with the length of the free tail and the tension of the spikelet. So you can get completely different hairstyles performed in the same technique. And beautiful hairpins will complete the image and underline it.

Method Three: Basket

This method allows you to braid spike around the head, without leaving a loose tail. This is a great option for active girls. In addition, the "basket" perfectly emphasizes the femininity of the image. And this, by no means, is not only a children's hairstyle.

Weaving the spike "basket" is not at all difficult, but skill and skill are required. A little patience and a crown will reign on your head.

The peculiarity of this type of spike is that it must be weighed tightly enough. Too loose tension will make your hair sloppy and short-lived. Therefore it is necessary to weave with little effort and control unruly hairs. In addition, it will be necessary to weave the opposite, that is, the scythe inside out. We have described the details of this technique earlier.

Technique weaving spike "basket":

  1. Comb the hair, take a curl at the top of the head and divide it into three strands from left to right, calculating 1, 2 and 3.
  2. Take the first strand and lay it under the central (second) and third strand. We perform the same action with the third strand. She has to go down, between the first and second.
  3. To each extreme strands add strands of loose hair. Need to move in a circle head, weaving "basket".
  4. Do the braid to the end. If you want to completely close the "basket", then you need to weave to the point from which you started. If not, you can stop in any part of the head at its discretion.
  5. Hide and secure the tail with a hairpin or invisible. Decorate with a hairpin or flowers.
  • Tip 1. Always use beautiful and diverse hairpins, elastics, hair accessories. This favorably emphasizes the hairstyle and the image as a whole. And spikelets and other types of braids can be perfectly combined with beautiful hairpins and flowers.
  • Tip 2. Vary with thick strands, it will help to diversify the finished hairstyle. If you want volume and small chaos - fly into a spikelet of thick strands without strong tension. Want a smooth thin and durable braid - weave from thin strands with strong tension.

Method Four: With a ribbon

Spikelet with ribbon looks completely different than just a spikelet. This simple decoration can make your hair elegant, trendy, original and so on.

Depending on the color of the ribbon, its width, quality and method of weaving - you can get the most unusual, original and unforgettable hairstyles. And any braid goes well with ribbon.

Perform weaving spikelet with tape will require some effort and skill. A bit of practice - and you can quickly learn how to weave not only simple spikelets with a ribbon, but also more complex ones. However, it is worth noting that a spikelet with a ribbon in itself is already more complicated than just a braid with a ribbon.

Technique of weaving a simple spikelet with a ribbon:

  1. Comb the hair and separate the top of the strands, fix.
  2. Immediately under the retainer, weave the ribbon and attach it with stealth so that it has two equal halves. These halves will be the basis for weaving spikelet.
  3. Now take the upper part of the hair, previously fixed with a hairpin for the third strand. That is, on the sides there are halves of the tape, and in the center there is a strand of hair, which will be central, and it will also cover the place of fixing the tape.
  4. Next, begin to weave a simple spikelet, gradually weaving the side strands with ribbons.
  5. Pull it to the end and secure with a barrette. But if there were free edges of the ribbon - tie a pigtail with a ribbon.

The result will be an elegant braid that will attract the attention of others.

  • Tip 1. The thickness of the tape should not exceed the thickness of the strands, that is, it must match the thickness of the hair. You should not take a wide ribbon in the hope that it will make the braid more voluminous. This is not true. But the fact that it does not fix properly and emphasizes the thinness of the hair - this is true. Therefore, carefully select the tape.
  • Tip 2. In addition to the ribbon, you can pick up a hairpin in the form of a bow or flower, made of the same material as the ribbon. This will make the hairstyle flawless.

Method Five: "Fish Tail"

"Fishtail" - a popular way of weaving spikelet. Due to simple actions, an original braid is obtained, which is suitable for all owners of long hair and hair of medium length.

The name of the weaving method is not accidental, as the finished braid really looks like a fish's tail. The spikelet is wide at the base, and gradually tapers towards the bottom. At the same time, the weaving technique itself makes it possible to weave strands of hair in such a way that they imitate scales.

The spike “Fishtail” can be thick with a smooth combing of hair, and can be braided without tension and look more “relaxed”.

For weaving such a spike you need a brush, a means for smoothing hair and fixatives.

Technique weaving spike "fish tail":

  1. Comb your hair, moisten it with a hair spray or mousse, conditioner that will smooth the hair, remove the statics from them and simplify weaving.
  2. Hair combed back, separated by one strand in each temporal area. The thickness of each strand should be no more than 2.5 cm.
  3. Selected strands “bring” back to the back of the head and cross the right strand over the left strand.
  4. With one hand, hold the strands, and with the second hand, separate the next strand of the same thickness. Cross the new strand from the right, putting it on top and pressed to the head with his hand.
  5. With your right hand grab a new strand on the right side and cross it with the left strand. So alternately pulling and crossing the strands, weave a braid to the hairline on the back of the head.
  6. Thus, a scythe with a ponytail coming out of it is obtained. Next, choosing strands from under the "tail" of the above thickness, continue to intersect with each other. Add the spike to the end and fix it with an elastic band and a tape.

Such a spike is harder to weave itself, but also possible. The main practice!

To simplify the weaving of the fishtail spike a little, you need to collect the hair in the tail and fix it with an elastic band. Next, weave it according to the above scheme. So you will quickly learn how to weave a spikelet and be able to master even more complex types of weaving and make different hairstyles based on this spikelet. For example, side spikelets, two spikelets, and so on.

A woman's hair is one of her strongest allies in the struggle for attractiveness. A woman with luxurious hair may not be a dazzling beauty, but, nevertheless, the man's attention is provided to her! Therefore, we are so concerned about hair care and styling.

How to weave a spikelet

Hair Styling , like makeup, is a very responsible and daily “event” - it takes from ten minutes to an hour, depending on the type of hair and their characteristics. Someone just enough to comb their hair and they will fall down in an obedient wave, and someone spends half an hour or more trying to straighten the “spring” or calm down the raging dandelion!

However, for all types of hair, without exception, relatively fast styling is suitable - weaving braids! Today, the braids are at the peak of fashion and their types are so many that even the owner of far-away hair can find something suitable for themselves, especially as heels, rezinochki, hairpins and invisibility always come to the rescue.

What are the benefits of braiding? Braiding a braid, you can count on the fact that the hairstyle will remain for the whole day and it will not be spoiled even by a headdress. Therefore, the braid is considered the most preferred type of styling in the fall and winter, when we are forced to hide hair under the caps. In addition, it is during this period that the hair becomes dirty very quickly, and in the braid it is almost imperceptible.

How to braid spikelet step by step

The most popular weaving is considered French braid or, as it is popularly called, spikelet. It is suitable even for those ladies whose hair reaches only 12 centimeters.

In addition, you can simplify weaving with the help of thin cords and ribbons that will keep short hair in a braid. If you learn to weave a French spikelet, you can do a variety of hairstyles based on this beautiful weaving. You can weave one braid spikelet, you can two, you can make it ordinary, or you can make it bulky, you can use this weaving to create a braid rim around your head and other interesting styles.

Learning to weave a spike is best on the other person, and when all the weaving techniques are mastered, it will be possible to do the hair and myself.

  1. In order to braid a beautiful spit-cone , you need to comb your hair and moisten it with some kind of fixer, for example, wax. This will allow the strands to not disintegrate in your hands and make the hair more decorated. You will also need a comb with a long tail, which is used to separate the hair into strands.
  2. We can start weaving both from the crown and higher up, closer to the top of the head - first we start weaving like a regular braid, taking three central strands. If there is a bang, we brush it forward and pin it up with a clip so as not to interfere.
  3. After completing one or two basic conventional weaving, in each subsequent round of weaving, we in turn attach a small additional strand to the left, then to the right. The main thing is not to be confused with the sequence and lay straps exactly on each other, and everything will work out! Strands must be the same in thickness, because the beauty of weaving depends on it, we must not allow the hairs to be knocked out, protruding bunches.

This is well helped by the skill that comes with time, well, and the comb separator, which is very convenient to separate the strands from the total mass of hair. In order for additional strands to lay well and not get out, you need to tighten them every time.

So you need to continue braiding as long as the hair length allows. At the very end, the braid is fastened with a barrette, a rubber band, or turned up and fastened with pins, depending on your intention. Strengthening the weaving of the spikelet can be invisible, fastening them with each round of weaving, you can do this with the help of ordinary small studs and even decorative studs.

If you want your spikelet to be voluminous, then after you have fastened it at the very end, first relax the weave in each round. It is done this way: with one hand, hold the braid below, where it is fastened with an elastic band, and the second slowly, not completely, pull each strand so that they are the same size and lie symmetrically. After that you can hold the straps invisible. Now you need to put a little varnish, if you want. Here, in fact, is all wisdom, if you learn to do this, you can easily weave magnificent braids around your head for any celebration or just for a change!

Long hair is a source of pride for many girls or women, a source of envy for their girlfriends. But every day with her hair do not resemble, it is not very convenient in this form to engage in sports or dancing. In addition, in many organizations there is a dress code, which concerns not only clothing and makeup, but also hairstyles.

Also “Spikelet” is sometimes called haircut “”, although their weaving is different.

Pigtail "Spike" is an excellent offer. The hairstyle, depending on the weaving, can look beautiful, elegant, perky, stylish.

Currently, many variations of weaving are invented. . Among the most popular ways:

  • Classic spikelet
  • Spikelet - flagellum.

Braiding her hair in the usual way, inventing her own patterns of weaving or using offers from the Internet, the girl creates her own new, stylish image every day.

Classic spikelet

The classic spikelet can be turned into real magic, one has only to lay it out with fancy patterns on the head and fasten it with pins. But first you need to master the simplest technology of weaving.

Having learned to make a beautiful spike on the head of a friend or younger sister, you can go to your own hairstyle. Weaving is not such a complicated process, but the result is fascinating, it will take a minimum number of devices and care products, namely a comb, elastic, foam and varnish. Step by step photos will help make the description of the process vivid.

Washed hair must be carefully combed, styled, it will help the hair to keep its shape during the day, and the hair will look well-groomed and shiny.

The first stage is the separation of the strands in the upper part of the head (at the crown).

The second is the division of the strand into 3 equal parts, as if to weave an ordinary braid, you can mentally number them.

Weaving braids begins, first of these 3 parts , then to each side strand, you must add more strands of hair from the side of the head. It is important to ensure that the hair to the left and right are captured evenly, then the pigtail will turn out even.

Fasten the free end of the pigtail with a rubber band or a convenient hairpin, spray hair with varnish. Even this simple hairstyle can be varied, using headbands and hoops of various colors and sizes, hair clips with rhinestones, artificial flowers.

Spikelet can be weaved outside, put strands under each other, and not on top.

Hairstyle of two spikelets

You can make a traditional hairstyle in the “spike” style quite unusual by weaving not one but 2 spikelets outside.

You will need a comb and elastic bands, as well as hair care products, foam or mousse. The gel is not recommended because it makes the hair too heavy.

The preparatory stage is identical to the previous one - washing hair using shampoo and balm, drying, combing, and applying the product.

The hair is divided into 2 halves, weaving is conducted alternately on each side in the traditional way. First, a strand is taken from the very top of one half, divided into 3 separate strands, from which weaving begins. In the course of weaving, the locks on the left and right are captured and woven into the braid, its end is fixed with an elastic band.

The same procedure is repeated, but on the other half of the head. It is important to make sure that the spike on the left and right is the same.

Other hairstyles

Hair “Spikelet” can be made diagonally (both classic and outdoor). The end of the braid can be twisted into a flower or into a bun.

You can weave a harness, and add new strands there.

You can also weave a spikelet with lots of strands. . But it is more difficult than the classic version.

With the hairstyle “Spikelet”, you can look stylish and fashionable every day, and, using its various options, you can also find a new look!

How to learn to weave spike itself

For centuries, the real girlish art was considered braiding. The advantages of the braid are many: the hair is matched, does not fall on the face, but their beauty is not hidden. In addition, the braids are superbly emphasized by the graceful turns of the head and the tenderness of the facial features.
One of the new-fashioned ways of weaving is spit cone.

Many people call the spike a French braid, this is not entirely correct. The spikelet looks more like a fishtail, like a dragon, and the French braid is something else

What is successful spike:

  • goes to all face types and any hair structure,
  • ideal for those who are not allowed to wear a short length braids,
  • weaving can be conducted not only in the center, but also from the sides,
  • if it is not possible or time to wash your hair, the spikelet is perfectly able to hide their fat content.

When the hands did get to spin the spike to itself, the first problem arises with them. The difficulty will be that hands that are constantly on the weight, can quickly tire. In addition, without seeing your head from behind, getting a neat spikelet is quite difficult.
A mirror can be installed so that the back of the head can be seen. Or you can resort to using a webcam. The whole process of weaving is recorded on it, and then, watching the video, you can study in detail all the mistakes made. From the first time the perfect spike, of course, will not work, but after some persistent efforts, it will not be difficult to see a wonderful result.

Classic spike lagging in these stages:

  1. The hair is divided equally, to get two working strands.
  2. A thin strand is captured on the right side and transferred to the left. Main left strand adheres to the hand.
  3. By the same principle, a thin strand on the left side is transferred to the right.
  4. The first two steps are done over and over. At the same time, one must not forget to hold tightly the strands, which will still tend to slip out.
  5. The end of the braid is fixed with a rubber band.

It is important to remember that the weaving of the spike requires the separation of very thin strands, which must be the same in thickness, otherwise the pigtail will begin to roll over on its side. So that the strands are not strongly knocked out during work, you can use styling tools.

If you place a spikelet around your head, securing it with fancy small hairpins or pins - this will be a good alternative to expensive festive styling in the cabin. And completing weaving spike careless bundle, you can get a comfortable beach styling.
Having mastered the principle of how to learn to braid a spikelet itself, you can go to other varieties of this spectacular hairstyle.

Spike on the side

Side flagella-braids look especially original and feminine. They are also woven according to the principle of uniform addition of side strands, each of which is twisted in the form of a flagellum.
These spikelets are woven, combined with the direct parting, thanks to which a dazzling hairstyle with braids on the sides comes out. At will, the ends of the braids can be put in the original “basket”, decorated with ribbons, bows or hairpins.

  1. Exactly in the center an equal parting is made so that on each side of it there is the same amount of hair.
  2. It is more convenient to start work from the left side. A thin strand is separated from the temple and twisted in the direction of the parting. The harness is held with the right hand.
  3. Another thin strand is grasped by the left hand, which should be located exactly below the first one. A harness is also made from it.
  4. The first and second flagellum intertwine. The first should be located under the second.
  5. Further process repeats. As soon as the next two flagella are connected, they are intertwined with the already ready.
  6. The ends of the hair are strengthened by studs.
  7. A similar procedure is performed on the right side of the hair.
  8. Under the bent ends of the hair, fastened with pins, a ribbon is put in and tied.

In a question, how to braid a spikelet to itself, video with the step-by-step instruction can cool to help. In addition, you can practice on braid weaving for friends or relatives so that your hands become more obedient. It is worth the hands to learn a new type of weaving, then you can braid the spike itself without looking.

How to braid a braid-video

Harness - one of the simple varieties of braids. It weaves easily and quickly, but it looks very stylish and unusual.
To braid the harness you need:

  • Well comb your hair and collect them in a tight, high horse tail,
  • divide the tail in two and twist them into bundles. You can twist both clockwise and against it. The main thing is that the direction of twisting the harnesses is the same,
  • harnesses intertwined in a spiral,
  • The end of the braid is fastened with a thin elastic band.

French braid

A French braid may have several variations, but they are always feminine, romantic and very beautiful.

  1. To weave a French braid, your hair is combed back.
  2. In the area of ​​the crown, one thick strand stands out and is divided into three equal parts.
  3. The usual three-spit braid begins to trudge, into which thin locks are gradually added, alternately from both sides.
  4. The braid is brought to the neck, and then the weaving of the usual three-spit braid continues again.
  5. If the hairstyle is not planned as a working option, then the braid can be fixed with a rubber band at the base of the neck, and leave the rest of the hair to fly.

Spit - bezel

A great option for those who like to dissolve hair, but does not like it when they climb into the face. Weaving a braid - the bezel on your own is much easier than all the other braids.

  1. Hair must be washed and dried.
  2. Hair styling agent is applied to the hair.
  3. It is parted from one ear to the other, respecting the hairline. The hair left behind is fixed with a rubber band or stabbed so as not to interfere during weaving.
  4. Weaving can be absolutely any, head, so that it starts from the ear. Strands should not be very large.
  5. Pigtail lashes to the other ear.
  6. After the strands for interlocking will not remain, the pigtail can be stabbed. If desired, you can bring the braid to the end of one side of the hair, and then fix it.

With such a rim, you can go to study and for a walk.

Options for fast and beautiful hairstyles with braids are countless. Having mastered the basic techniques of self-weaving, you can amaze those around you every day with new, feminine and unique images.

What is necessary

For self-weaving spike we need only a few items:

  • comb with a thin handle and long teeth to separate the strands,
  • scrunchy,
  • several studs
  • two mirrors to control the process.

You also need to be patient, because the rush and bustle will not give an opportunity to master the weaving technique.

How to braid 2 spikelets

Hairstyle reborn from past years. True, then it was relevant for schoolgirls. Now, modern girls and young women seized the initiative. Appearing in a society with such braids is considered very stylish and fashionable.

Weaving order:

  1. Brush your hair well and set it apart.running along the center of the head,
  2. Spit braids separately on each side.starting at the hairline
  3. Divide the base into two identical thin strands.cross them together
  4. Alternately twist the main bundles, supplementing with loose strands (thin),
  5. To stretch and create a tight weave is not necessary, the free braid will look more voluminous, it will be easier to correct it,
  6. The result is to fix a rubber band,
  7. Perform similar actions, but from the other side.

A side parting that separates the head from one ear to the other will create a braid around the head. Reception and the principle of weaving do not change. The offset parting is needed when weaving the pigtails on the side. Separate spikelets are connected below the head and intertwined with a solid braid, or overlap each other and fixed with an elastic band, and the place of combining is cleaved with beautiful hairpins (pins, invisible).

There is a method of weaving two spikelets using three beams, which is performed on the basis of classical weaving. This hairstyle will keep the shape in the most inclement weather. But for the formation of beautiful links will require thick hair.

Separate spikelets are connected below the head and intertwined with a continuous oblique, or overlap each other and fixed with an elastic band.

Spikelet around the head

This hairstyle will be appropriate for the holiday and in everyday life. It keeps its shape very well throughout the day, it is not afraid of wind and wet weather. Originality can give weaving around the head, but not made in a straight line, but with bends. If you straighten the links on one side, you get a real masterpiece.

The technique of weaving around the head is performed in the sequence:

  1. Comb your hair, highlighting a strict parting in the middle of the head,
  2. The base of the three strand starts from the right side in the usual way
  3. To braid it is necessary, adhering to the semicircular form (go along the neck, adding new strands),
  4. Finish weaving around the left side of the ear., fix the tail with a rubber band and hide it in the strands using stealth,
  5. Then the process repeats.but on the left side
  6. When docked with the first braid, you need to fix the second and hide the tail in the spikelet with hairpins or stealth.
Originality can give weaving around the head, but not made in a straight line, but with bends

Wrong side

Ideal for fine hair. Weaving adds volume, creates a beautiful shape. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Gently comb your hair and select the beam at the crown,
  2. Divide it into three equal parts,
  3. Left pryadka put under the middle and right beams,
  4. Get right under the left and middle strands,
  5. Pigtail lashes inside, forming the seamy effect of the classic spikelet,
  6. Further manipulations are repeated., but with the addition of free strands of equal thickness on each side,
  7. Respecting principle, weave to the ends of the hair and fix the braid with a rubber band,
  8. Correct links,
  9. To create volume need to stretch every link.

Tips for beginners

  • Correct braids are obtained by splitting hair into identical bunches.

Before braiding you need to comb your hair well. Naughty and dried hair after washing, pre-rinse balm. So strands will be easier to distribute and lay.

  • To prevent sticking hairs from forming on the finished braid, the so-called "roosters", should be combed before laying each strand.
  • The volume of the braid depends on the thickness of the formation of curls. The braid around the head and on the side is weaved from large strands.
  • The correct forms of the braids are obtained as a result of the division of hair into identical bunches.
  • To create an evening hairstyle, you can fix various decorations in the braid: rhinestones, studs with beads, headbands, etc.
  • If the spike was skinny, it can be made lush by pulling off some links.
  • On smooth hair, a normal spikelet with small links works well. Owners of wavy hair can easily create a romantic hairstyle of the original form.
  • If the ends of the hair are of different lengths (like a cascade), tails will stick out of the braid, which is especially important in the modern fashion. Easy negligence should still be easy. If the protruding hair absorbs the braid, then you need to redo it or weave it from smaller bundles.
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    Watch the video: Easy Crown Dutch Braid Tutorial on Medium Hair (June 2024).