
How to apply soda to lighten hair at home


Beautiful and luxurious hair is wealth for every woman. But what if you want to experiment with color, lighten them and not harm the curls from the chemical ingredients of paints? Try baking soda. This simple, kitchen product will carefully treat the strands, lighten and even strengthen the structure of the skin of the head. As usual soda for lightening hair, it can replace hair dye or coloring shampoo, read on.

Soda benefits

Sodium laureate sulfate shampoos, scorching sun, wind and temperature changes every day have a negative effect on the state of hair. If chemicals, aggressive ingredients from paints and tinted shampoos are added to this list, you will get a complete “fresh” and you can forget about the health of curls for a while.

To preserve the natural structure of the strands, to achieve their clarification is possible and simple folk remedies. When used properly, they are completely harmless.

Baking soda occupies one of the leading places in questions of lightening curls. Using brightening hair with soda, you will make your hair lighter and healthier, which is hard to say about store-based preparations. Bulk ingredient perfectly cleanses the scalp of dead cells, normalizes the sebaceous glands, provides respiration of the integument and filling the follicles with oxygen. Its regular use allows you to make strands 3–4 tones lighter, get rid of dandruff, return them to a natural shine. The main thing, without harm and chemical burns.

In matters of bleaching soda means plays the role of an activator. It rather enhances the action, so you can not do without additional assistants. Natural honey and lemon juice are used as clarifiers. These products contain a large supply of nutrients and at the same time compensate for their deficiency.

Tip! Soda is an absolutely natural brightener, but do not forget about its drying properties. In order not to overdry the scalp before lightening, read the main rules and the optimal frequency of its use.

What result to expect

Using soda product in the care of hair, you will be pleasantly surprised by the external transformation:

  • Longest hair, at least 1 tone,
  • Strands are clean and obedient,
  • You will forget about daily shampooing - soda masks remove dirt particles so deeply and thoroughly that hair stays clean for up to 7 days
  • Dandruff, possible itching and discomfort will disappear,
  • Work of sebaceous glands is normalized, excessive fat content disappears,
  • Reduced irritation, seborrhea,
  • Hair becomes soft, pleasant to the touch,
  • Additional volume appears, and there is no longer any problem combing.

Please note, to achieve high success from one wash will not work. Rather, on the contrary, the first 3-4 applications can cause dryness, disarray with curls. This is a normal phenomenon - hair get used to soda exposure. With each subsequent application of the white ingredient, the result will noticeably improve and will leave you satisfied.

Lightening recipes

Soda is a kind of guide and amplifier in questions of clarification. One white ingredient is not enough to achieve the desired effect. Consider the main question of how to lighten hair with soda at home. We offer you the best recipes for bleaching mixtures:

  • With salt - you will need 10 tsp. sodium bicarbonate and 1 tsp. salt. The ingredients are mixed, add 200 g of warm water. Stir and spread over the entire length. A little means rub into the scalp. Salt is full of minerals, so it will be useful for follicles. After 15–20 minutes, rinse the hair abundantly with water or decoction of chamomile,
  • With kefir - you will need 200 g of kefir and 5 tbsp. l sodium bicarbonate. The mixture is similarly distributed to the curls, massage for 3-4 minutes the hair at the roots. Massage will increase blood flow and follicle filling with life-giving components. After 20 minutes, rinse your head with clean water, it will also be useful to read - how kefir lightens hair,
  • With shampoo - This is a long-term option, it will take 1-2 tonnes to clear hair for at least a month. Soda powder (7 tablespoons) mix with 50 ml of your shampoo, cover with warm water (100 g) and mix. Spread the product from the tips to the roots and massage for a few minutes. After 5-7 minutes, rinse the mixture. Each further wash the hair with the addition of 1 tsp. soda ingredient in shampoo. In a month you will notice that the hair brightened by 1-2 tones.
  • With honey - do this procedure for the night. Clean the strands with soda solution, rinse with water. The next step is evenly apply liquid honey to the curls. Massage and wrap in a plastic bag and towel. After 8 hours, wash off the remnants of honey with warm water or chamomile broth. Find out how many tones you can lighten your hair with honey.
  • With lemon juice - wash the curls with soda solution, rinse with warm water and lemon juice. Rinse after each shampooing.

Tip! Soda dries a lot, so a week before the lightening course, moisten the hair as much as possible. To help you come natural oils. But note, chamomile oil gives the locks of a golden hue.

Brightening features

To protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, we recommend to listen to the proven advice:

  1. Lighten the powder can only healthy strands. A week before the procedure, nourish and moisturize them with vitamin masks.
  2. Set aside hot styling until complete hair restoration after bleaching.
  3. If you are the owner of long, thick curls, use the help of the household. Otherwise, there is a high risk of uneven distribution of soda composition and, accordingly, selective straightening of the strands.
  4. For the preparation of bleaching mixtures use fresh product. The effectiveness of the prepared composition depends on it.
  5. For beginners it is recommended to use the minimum amount of powder, it is better to further increase the dose. This will reduce the risk of overdrying.

Tip! Soda treatments are ideal for owners suffering from excessive oily hair. And for girls with thin, brittle strands, such masks should be used with extreme caution, such methods as bleaching with chamomile or oil for bleaching will work.


Some girls, heard about the use of sodium bicarbonate for curls, argue about the dangers and benefits of this product. Some consider it a dangerous element, causing dryness, others continue to insist that the effect of using food powder exceeds all expectations.

You can not use the tool in cosmetic procedures in the following cases:

  • With sensitive skin,
  • With desquamation and itching,
  • If you are allergic to baking soda,
  • With diseases of the scalp, and if there are cracks and wounds,
  • If the curls are dry, split off,
  • With impaired blood circulation,
  • If after perm less than 7 days,
  • It is undesirable to wash colored strands of soda, as sodium dioxide is able to wash off the paint.

Tip! To test for an allergic reaction, mix a teaspoon of the powder with warm water to a mushy state. Take a pipette, rub a drop of the mixture into the elbow bend, remove excess with a napkin. If, after 12 hours, discomfort, redness, rash and itching appear on the test site - do not use the product for cosmetic purposes.

Care, attention and high-quality cosmetics are the main secrets of beautiful, healthy curls. Do not rush to use chemicals, start with soda - simple and natural. The result will not be clearly visible, as from the use of professional tools, but you save the health of curls.

If this method of clarification does not suit you, try other methods with natural ingredients: honey and cinnamon, honey and lemon, simply with cinnamon or with fragrant lemon essential oil.

For a more radical clarification, they are suitable: clarification with a hydraulic or Supra. To avoid unsuccessful dyeing for owners of different shades of hair and get acquainted with how to lighten red hair at home correctly or how to turn from a brunette into a blonde without loss, you can also on our website.

Impact mechanism

Sodium bicarbonate due to its chemical composition has a high penetrating, disinfecting and whitening ability.

When exposed to hair and scalp provides:

  • purity, obedience, softness and extra volume, giving beauty,
  • removing dandruff causing itching and discomfort,
  • drying effect, contributing to the normalization of the sebaceous glands,
  • preservation of purity for at least a week due to deep penetrating power,
  • removal of irritation due to a disinfectant effect,
  • additional portion of oxygen and respiration of the skin, giving comfort,
  • clarification due to the stimulation of reactions with various substances.

Clarification Procedure

Considering the drying ability of sodium bicarbonate, before the lightening process, it is necessary to conduct training in order to prevent dryness and brittle hair.

To do this, during the week it is required to nourish the hair with moisturizing agents and stop using hot styling.

Efficiency and safety method

To achieve the maximum effect of the procedure, the absence of damage to the scalp and scalp is important:

  • perform preliminary training
  • do not perform the procedure more than once a week,
  • do not force solutions into the scalp, ensuring the safety of the bulbs,
  • with the weakening of the strands to produce strengthening with the help of oils and balsams,
  • during the month before and after the procedure, abandon chemical perms.

For the first time after use, itching and dryness may occur, indicating not the wrong dosage or time to perform the procedure, but a simple habituation of the hair and skin, which occurs without additional cosmetic procedures.

Cautions and Contraindications

Despite the mild non-toxic nature of baking soda, there are a number of limitations and contraindications to use, including:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reaction,
  • hypersensitive skin
  • increased fragility and dryness of hair,
  • frequency of the procedure no more than once a week,
  • open wounds and mechanical head injuries.

Folk recipes

Sodium bicarbonate with water in its pure form does not produce clarification, but only is a means for washing and preparing for the brightening effects of the ingredients.

The following recipes have gained wide popularity:

  1. Soda and shampoo. 7 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate is filled with 100 g of water and 50 ml of shampoo, then the mixture is thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass. The composition is applied evenly to the previously washed and wet head and massage is performed for 10 minutes, then rinsed under warm running water. With each subsequent use of baking soda is added in the amount of a teaspoon. The effect of lightening on a couple of tones will become noticeable after a month.
  2. Soda and salt. 10 teaspoons of NaHCO3 and 1 teaspoon of salt are placed in a container and 200 g of warm water is poured. After complete dissolution of the crystals, the mixture is evenly applied to clean wet strands. To enhance the penetrating effect, underlined salt, rich in minerals, it is recommended to wrap the head with cellophane, then wrap a towel. After 15 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. Soda and hydrogen peroxide. Water, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are mixed in a ratio of 25ml: 25ml: 10ml, then half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate is added. In order to prevent undesirable chemical reactions, since the solution is highly concentrated, it is recommended to use porcelain dishes. The percentage of hydrogen peroxide concentration should be selected depending on the thickness of hair: the thicker the higher the percentage. It will not be superfluous to check the individual reaction, for which a small amount is applied on the back of the hand. If there is no irritation, itching or the appearance of redness, you can use. Further, the application procedure is similar to the above.
  4. Soda and kefir. 200 g of dairy product mixed with 5 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate until a homogeneous mass. The resulting mixture using a special brush or cotton swab is evenly distributed over the strands. To enhance the blood flow and fill the follicles with oxygen, a head massage at the roots for five minutes is recommended. After 20 minutes, rinse the solution thoroughly. In addition to lightening, hair will acquire a natural shine, itching and irritation of the head due to vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium contained in kefir will disappear.
  5. Soda and honey. NaHCO3 and bee products in a ratio of 2: 1 are mixed to prepare a mask that is applied to clean wet strands overnight. In this case, the head is wrapped with cellophane, and on top with a towel. After eight hours, the head is washed with chamomile extract. Honey strengthens hair, accelerates growth, gives obedience and softness, its combination with soda powder helps to clarify.
  6. Soda and lemon. The procedure is required to carry out in two stages. At the first stage, add about 4 g of sodium bicarbonate to a small portion of the shampoo and, after reaching a homogeneous mass, carefully distribute the hair, massage the scalp and then rinse. At the second stage in 1 liter of warm water add the juice of the 1st squeezed lemon and rinse the head with the resulting solution. Freshly squeezed lemon juice, in addition to lightening, gives hair strength, prevents loss, eliminates dandruff, regulates fat and stabilizes blood circulation.

Salt, honey, kefir and lemon are natural ingredients, and hydrogen peroxide is chemical.

Lightening by 1-2 tones when using natural products occurs after a month, peroxide is able to lighten up to several tones when first used.

Supporters of natural products can donate time, and those who want to get the effect immediately resort to chemicals.

Women reviews

Women are divided into using soda powder as a means to care for their hair for a long time and for beginners who were skeptical before. Views agreed on the fact that baking soda is indispensable by virtue of value for money.

Marina, 47 years old

White powder as a hair care product used by my mother. I have been using it for more than 20 years, getting a number of desirable effects right away: dandruff removal, lack of fat, natural shine and lightening. Being a conservative, I can not understand: why do people throw money at expensive beauty salons and cosmetics when a proven tool is nearby?

Lyudmila, 23 years old

Recently, I decided to radically change my image, turning from a brown-haired woman into a blonde. Painting at the hairdresser did not satisfy me, because my hair began to split at the tips and lost its natural shine. My familiar chemist at a professional level explained to me the principle of action and the advantages of NaHCO3, which prompted me to try without believing in success. Now absolutely no regrets and recommend to everyone!

Elena, 35 years old

I had problems with combing hair after washing, so I had to buy balms. The result of using soda exceeded my expectations: the hair became soft, docile and lighter, a natural shine appeared.

Sodium bicarbonate provides beauty and health to the hair and scalp.

Recipes based on it have been used for a long time and now receive numerous positive reviews, constantly discovering new positive qualities of influence.

The process of turning into a blonde does not happen instantly, but the result is worth the time lost.

Sodium bicarbonate action

It should be immediately noted that soda is a kind of activator of other lightening components. It contributes to the soft removal of pigment. Lighten the product can be both natural and colored hair. It will help not only to change the color, but also significantly improve the hair, because it has the following properties:

  • carefully exfoliates dead skin cells from the scalp,
  • removes impurities of any type
  • regulates the sebaceous glands,
  • prevents fast pasting of the roots,
  • reduces irritation
  • disinfects the dermis,
  • fights dandruff pathogens,
  • makes strands obedient and soft.

However, note that sodium bicarbonate has drying properties. Its application will be useful for fat type of hair. With the help of soda masks, you can make strands one tone lighter, and forget about the quick salt fillings. But brittle and cutting curls means will not work.

Preparation for clarification

Soda bleaching is possible only on healthy strands. Even if you have no problems with your hair, you should prepare it a week before the procedure. Use a nourishing and moisturizing mask every other day, preferably on an oil basis. If you have light curls, carefully study the effect of home remedies, in some cases they may give your hair a golden hue.

Do not use an iron, curling irons, hair curlers or a hair dryer during the preparatory period. Hot styling dehydrates curls, because it should be abandoned.

Before using any new product, test for allergies. Apply a small amount of mask on the elbow bend, wait an hour. If there are no negative reactions, you can proceed to the treatment of hair.

Application options: soda +

Using soda at home is very simple. Reviews confirm that with regular lightening procedures, you can change the color of the hair at least one tone. Please note that it is allowed to use masks no more than two times a week so that the strands can recover.

The easiest way to achieve the desired result in light curls. They are more porous, because they are more easily bleached. Dark strands will have to process compounds longer.

We should not expect dramatic changes, brunettes will not be able to reincarnate in blondes with the help of sodium bicarbonate.

Mix 5 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate and a teaspoon of salt. Add 200 ml of warm filtered water. Apply the composition to the entire length of the strands, rubbing with soft massage movements into the skin. Leave for 20 minutes, wash off with a decoction of chamomile.

Salt is best to take the sea, it is rich in minerals that strengthen the roots and nourish the follicles. The mask acts not only as a clarifier, but also as a peeling. It exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, removes dirt and grease.

The recipe is ideal for girls with quickly salted hair.

Vinegar and essential oil

In a glass of warm purified water we dilute six tablespoons of soda. Apply the composition to clean wet strands, withstand 10 minutes. Wash off without shampoo. Last rinsing is carried out using acidified means. To do this, in 200 ml of water add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and two drops of your favorite essential oil.

Soda has a lightening and disinfecting effect on the strands, and vinegar neutralizes the alkaline environment. This means that the process of displacing pigment ends at the moment when you do the last rinse. The acid causes the scales to close, which makes the strands even and shiny.

Lemon juice

For shampooing prepare soda solution. On 2 l of warm water we take 100 g sodium bicarbonate, we put structure on a head of hear. Gentle massage movements rub it into the skin, as during normal washing. Contact with grease may cause foam, do not be alarmed, this is a normal process.

Hold for 4 minutes, wash the hair without the use of additional cosmetics. Last rinsing is carried out with water mixed with lemon juice (fresh fruit squeezed from one citrus will be needed per liter of water).

Judging by the reviews, a noticeable effect can be obtained after 1-1.5 months of application of this tool. Users note that at once the hair can become tight, but after 1-2 weeks everything comes back to normal. Initially, the curls get used to the new washing pattern, and after that they become more docile, soft and silky.

In a glass of fatty homemade kefir stir five tablespoons of soda. Distribute the composition to clean wet strands, gently massage the roots for 3-4 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse without shampoo. To enhance the effect, the last rinse can be done with chamomile decoction, it will give the strands a delicate golden shade.

Kefir, like sodium bicarbonate, has brightening properties. In addition, it is excellent in combating the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The product also contains acids that help restore the strands along the entire length, trigger their growth and strengthen the roots.

In the evening, wash your hair well, rinse clean strands with soda solution (take six tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate for a glass of water). We are waiting for 4 minutes, rinse off with water. Then with a uniform layer we apply warm liquid honey along the entire length of the head of hair, gently rub it into the roots. We put a polyethylene shower cap on our head, we wrap a towel over it. It is necessary to wash off the remnants of funds after 8 hours, because it is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

The mask is suitable even for girls with damaged strands. The drying effect of soda completely neutralizes honey. It also has brightening properties, and also contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. With this tool you can combine whitening and recovery.

In conclusion

Judging by the photos that the girls post on the Web after soda clarification, the effect of the procedures is quite good. Strands become more obedient, the problem of fast salinization of roots disappears, roots strengthen.

In the piggy bank of traditional medicine there are various recipes with sodium bicarbonate, so it will be easy for you to choose for yourself the ideal variant of a harmless color change.

How soda lightens hair

Due to its chemical properties, soda for hair under the influence of temperature reacts with natural pigment and gradually brightens it. For proper clarification, you need to know a few nuances.

  • With frequent lightening with concentrated soda, hair follicles can suffer, therefore it is necessary to apply a soda mask directly on the hair, avoiding contact with the skin.
  • The tool will act faster if you pre-wet the head.
  • The bleaching process is completely dependent on the source color. The darker the pigment, the better the result will be visible. Red hair is the most resistant to brighten soda.
  • After using the substance, it is necessary to be careful with different chemical agents on the hair, since undesirable results can occur in the form of blue and green. For example, such a result may occur after visiting the pool. This does not apply to shampoos.
  • If the hair is thin and weak, then during the lightening it is necessary to strengthen it additionally with the help of special masks and balms.
  • After clarification, you can not immediately do a perm, this procedure is recommended not earlier than, after 3-4 weeks.
Soda does not contain any harmful chemicals, greatly facilitates the care of hair, and helps maintain the health of the scalp

Brightening the hair with soda is done with the help of a special mixture, it is easy to prepare, for this you need to make a concentrated soda paste. To do this, mix 3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate with 6 tbsp. spoons of water, preferably boiling water. Apply the paste and leave for 20-25 minutes. After, rinse with water using shampoo. The procedure can be performed 1 time per 2−3 days, no more than 3-4 repetitions. For clarification, you must use only baking soda, no other form of substance is suitable.

The effect of sodium bicarbonate on the hair is not aggressive, so for clarification of 1-2 tones, the procedure must be carried out several times.

There are 5 natural clarifiers, thanks to which, the effect of the alkaline composition will be more active:

If the sodium compound is mixed with any of these components, clarification will occur faster. In addition, such a component will additionally care and nourish the hair.

Sometimes the result of staining with special paints can be frustrating. This is due to improper selection of funds, inconsistency of the result with the expectation or unsuccessful experiment.

Since re-staining can significantly worsen the condition of the hair, you can get rid of the unsuccessful staining with soda. To do this, you need 3-4 days to wash your hair with soap and rinse with soda solution. To make it, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of the substance with 2 liters of boiling water, then cool it to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. After this period, the paint will significantly wash off, and the possibility of new staining will appear.

Useful properties of soda

Modern cosmetics, hair dyes, curling irons and hair dryers mercilessly ruin the health of hair. You can take care of your curls and lighten them with the help of folk methods. Soda is one of the most common home care products for hair. With the right proportions, and with all the rules of use, it is completely harmless.

Lightening with soda is not just a method of coloring, it is also a whole healing procedure. This kitchen ingredient perfectly cleanses the scalp, fights against greasy roots and fills hair follicles with oxygen. Regular use of this product leads to lightening of hair on several tones, getting rid of dandruff and gives them a natural healthy shine. The most important advantage of using soda is absolute safety without the likelihood of getting burned. Therefore, this method is so popular among brunettes, on whose hair all the unsuccessful results of experiments will be noticeable.

Does hair lighten soda? When working with this ingredient alone, the effect is unlikely to be achieved, since during coloring it acts as an active ingredient. Honey or lemon juice is used to brighten the strands.

If the decision to lighten the hair with soda is made, then you should not forget about some negative effect of this substance. It has a drying effect, and in order to prevent drying of curls and scalp, you need to adhere to all the rules and norms of its application. But this is only one small “minus” for a number of advantages:

  • the curls will be lighter by at least one shade,
  • strands will become more docile and soft to the touch,
  • the purity of the strands is maintained for 3-7 days,
  • dandruff, itching and other discomfort will be a thing of the past
  • strands will no longer be fat,
  • cure many diseases of the scalp,
  • increase hair volume
  • strands will be easy to comb.

The first few uses of white matter in the home, the result may not be noticeable or completely absent. But after 3-4 applications, the hair will acquire long-awaited properties and be lightened. Brunettes can feel the changes after a shorter amount of time.

Recipes mixes with soda

After getting acquainted with all the beneficial properties of the white ingredient, many women will think about how to lighten their hair at home with soda. There are several of the most well-known recipes for the mixture.

  1. Soda (10 teaspoons) with salt (1 teaspoon). The ingredients are mixed and add a glass of warm water to them. The mixture should be distributed from the roots to the tips of the strands and rub into the roots with massage movements. After 20 minutes, this mask should be washed off with water or decoction of chamomile.
  2. Sodium carbonate (6 tbsp.) With hydrogen peroxide 3% (3 tbsp.) And hair conditioner (1 tbsp.). Mix the ingredients and leave on the strands for an hour, wearing a shower cap or plastic bag. After the time has elapsed, wash off the brightening compound.
  3. Soda (5 tablespoons) with kefir (200 g). Apply the mixture should be on the same methodology with the previous tool. After 20 minutes, the soda and kefir are washed off with water.
  4. Sodium carbonate (1 tablespoon) with dandruff shampoo (2 tablespoons) and vitamin C tablets (5-10 pieces). The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting mixture is applied along the entire length of the hair. Wait 30-60 minutes, rinse off.
  5. Soda (7 tablespoons) with shampoo (50 ml). Mix the ingredients you need to fill with half a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly. The tool is applied with massage movements to the roots and the entire length of the strands. After 5-7 minutes you need to wash it off. This is the most long-term way to brighten hair at home with soda.
  6. Sodium carbonate with honey. The clarification procedure is carried out at night. The hair is washed with a soda solution, and then rinsed with water. Then liquid honey is applied to clean strands, and the hair is wrapped in a bag or towel. After 8 hours, this tool should be washed off with warm water or chamomile decoction.
  7. Soda with lemon juice. After washing the hair with soda solution, you need to rinse them with water with the addition of lemon. This procedure is recommended after each shampooing.
  8. Sodium carbonate (2 tablespoons) with apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoons) and any essential oil (5 drops). The first ingredient needs to be dissolved in half a glass of water. Apply this solution to wet strands and leave it for 10 minutes. After washing it out, add vinegar and essential oil to the container with the remaining liquid, and wash the strands with a mixture. Re-flush is not necessary.

To avoid overdrying of curls, you need to moisten the hair with oils, with the exception of chamomile, a week before the course at home.

Lighting Tips

In order not to face the unpleasant consequences of improper hair lightening, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • you can lighten the hair at home with soda only after their recovery (oils and masks with vitamins),
  • after clarification, for some time it will be necessary to abandon the hot styling,
  • in order to achieve a uniform result, it is better to resort to the help of household members (in particular, this concerns brilliant brunettes),
  • the effectiveness of the mixture depends on the freshness and quality of the product,
  • First, the dose of the substance should be minimal and increase gradually.

If you wash your hair with products containing a small amount of soda at least once a decade, you will be able to reduce their fat content. But when there is no possibility for taking a shower, the white substance can be used as a dry shampoo, which is enough to rub into the roots. Leaving the soda for a few minutes, you need to comb it with a comb.

Lightening hair with soda at home

Every woman wants change from time to time - if not in life, then at least in appearance. There is no such unbending brunette who would not dream for a moment to become a fragile blonde Cinderella.To lighten the rebellious hair, women use a variety of means - safe and not very much. Usually, bold experiments end in the most pitiable way, sometimes with an excellent result.

Soda in such experiments plays an important role. It is added to the shampoo, used in pure form or mixed with a variety of ingredients - and all in order to give the hair the desired shade of light.

But if the desire to lighten your own curls of luxurious chestnut color could still be considered a simple whim, then the god himself told you to wash off the traces of an unsuccessful painting, restoring attractiveness to your appearance. How to wash off the dye that did not fit you? Very simple!

Flush recipe:

In 125 grams of hot water, add 5 dessert spoons of soda and one tea spoon of “Extra” salts, thoroughly stir and apply, evenly distributing, onto hair washed with household soap. 45-60 minutes later, hair is washed abundantly using shampoo and warm water.

Another recipe:

150 grams of kefir mixed with 2 tablespoons (with a hill) of baking soda, mixed and applied to the hair. After an hour, rinse - first with cool water, then lather with shampoo and wash with warm water. Under the influence of alkali and acid at the same time, the paint will disappear from your hair much faster, and thanks to kefir, the hair will not only not suffer, but will even get slightly stronger.

Before and after pictures

If you decide to start brightening your hair with soda, take a picture before starting the experiment. Many girls think that the use of soda does not give any noticeable results. Check whether this is so or not, it will be possible by comparing both photos.

As a rule, using soda you can lighten hair by 2-4 tones, depending on what was the original hair color. The use of honey, lemon or kefir in most cases enhances the effect of soda and the result will be even more noticeable.

If you want to change the hair color, do not rush to buy chemicals. Try experimenting with soda. Perhaps you will enjoy a new shade with its help!

You can leave your reviews and recipes for lightening hair with baking soda in the comments below, they will be useful to other users!

Margarita, Moscow

“My grandmother used to wash her head all her life with soap only, and a tablespoon of baking soda was always added to the rinse water - as she said, for softness. Shampoo never used. At the same time, her hair was gorgeous - thick, all in large curls, to the envy of my three hairs, and noticeably lighter than mine and my mother's. Combing me as a child, my grandmother always said that she had braids of exactly the same color. Then I didn’t understand what it meant, and only over the years I began to guess that, probably, the soda that my grandmother used brightened her hair a little. Up to thirty years, I used expensive shampoos, until one day, after washing my hair with the means of one well-known company, I almost lost my hair: I began to comb and suddenly I saw that my hair was full of strands on my comb. What I experienced, I can not convey! I had to cut my hair very short and throw away all the “chemistry”. It was then that my grandmother recalled the remedy ... Not immediately, but still I managed to restore the lost thickness of the hair. And - yes, they have become the same color as my grandmother! "

Evdokia, St. Petersburg

“Once, for the sake of experiment, I decided to dye my hair purple. No sooner said than done. The color was very interesting, but I didn’t go at all: my shade was pink. Before you repaint again, I decided to wash off my lilac. Shoveled the entire Internet and scored on such a method as soda with lemon. After the first time there was a terrible horror: some dirty patly with separate purple strands. I fell into despair, was going to shave my head bald, thanks to my brother - I selected a typewriter and made me repeat the experience. The second time was a little better: the color began to approach my natural one. And on the fourth, I was able to look at my reflection in the mirror without a shudder. Surprisingly, but soda with lemon and really cool remove the paint.

Soda and salt

This mask allows you to safely lighten the curls, as well as wash off the paint from them. It is easy to perform such a procedure: first you need to make a special gruel: you need to pour 10 teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate, 1 small spoonful of salt in deep container, and then pour about 200-250 g of warm water into the same container. After mixing the substances until the grains are completely dissolved, you can start applying the agent onto the strands. At the end of the distribution, you should put a cellophane cap on your head and additionally wrap it with a warm towel. The time required for exposure to the powder is 15-20 minutes, after this period the hair should be washed and rinsed with chamomile decoction.

In order to obtain a lightening effect and at the same time strengthen curls, you can use another recipe, which involves the use of not only soda and salt, but also honey with brandy. Mixing the ingredients in equal proportions, you can begin the distribution of the substance obtained over the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, the strands must be rinsed and the result fixed by means of herbal rinsing.

Soda and lemon

Natural clarifier can rightly be called freshly squeezed lemon juice, which not only softens the shade, but also has a beneficial effect on the curls and scalp: gives the hair strength and shine, prevents their loss, strengthens the roots, regulates the secretion of sebum, eliminates dandruff, and improves blood circulation.

According to this recipe, the first thing that needs to be done is to make a mush for washing curls using your shampoo and sodium bicarbonate. To do this, in a small portion of the cosmetic need to enter approximately 4 g of soda, and then mix the components, distributing the resulting liquid in the hair. Next, after cleansing the hair with running water, you need to proceed to the next step - rinsing curls with a special solution. Preparing it is very simple: you need to connect a liter of warm water with juice squeezed from one lemon.

Another recipe involves applying lemon juice obtained from half of one fruit, as well as 30 g of sodium bicarbonate directly to the length of the hair. This mixture should not just be distributed over the strands, but rubbed into the scalp with massaging movements. Wrapping hair with cellophane and a towel, it is recommended to stand for at least 15 minutes, then rinse the curls thoroughly and repeat the procedure.

Soda and honey

Such a natural component as honey is extremely beneficial for hair health. It is known that this substance helps to strengthen the curls, giving them shine, obedience and softness. In addition, due to the combination of this product with a small amount of baking soda, you can achieve the effect of lightening hair without causing them harm. All that is needed for this is from time to time to apply a mask using a slurry obtained by mixing two ingredients. The procedure consists of two stages: washing the hair with a shampoo and applying a substance prepared from a small amount of water, 30-40 g of baking soda and 15 g of natural liquid honey.

Lighten hair with these components can be another way. To do this, wash the curls with soda solution, then evenly distribute the honey over the entire hair length and wrap the head in a plastic bag and towel. It is recommended to carry out a similar procedure at night so that the mask is deeply absorbed into the hair. In the morning, after about 8 hours, the mush should be washed off, and the hair should be rinsed with chamomile decoction.


Watch the video: using BAKING SODA to BLEACH my hair. because SCIENCE (July 2024).